Two recent school shootings are highlighting what extremism researchers see as a growing — and poorly understood — trend among young people who embrace mass violence.
Even be able to talk about certain trends in school shootings because you have so many that you can track trends shows how horribly broken the US is. Other countries just remember the school shooting they had several years ago on the shootings anniversary...
The US as a whole has gotten more extreme (we just elected a guy that praised Hitler), but we also have kids born into a world where school shootings are a common occurrence. Kids are surrounded by adults that hate people that don't fit the "norm", that fear everything, and then they see violence everywhere.
I mean we just re-elected a guy that used violence in an effort to overthrow the government, and not only did we not punish him, we gave him that highest position in our government. He then freed the people that carried out his orders.
The Right has also embraced the Proud Boys and other domestic terrorist organizations. The President met with a former Grand Wizard of the KKK, and told people that Nazi's marching with tiki torches chanting "Jews will not replace us" were "some very fine people".
Fun fact, the Pikachu face is an official Lemmy emoji. If you're on desktop UI type colon (:) and you'll see it down the list that appears. I forget its keyword, though, it's something b like :surprised_pikachu:
Columbine was almost 26 years ago. So the only people who haven't had the experience of being in school during the risk of shootings are in their late 40s and older.
Enoch Brown school massacre: Four Lenape Native Americans entered the school and shot teacher Enoch Brown. Brown was then scalped, while ten students were beaten to death with clubs and also scalped. This marks the first instance of a school shooting in the Colonial States and in North America.
At some point we have to consider if our culture and society isn't just sick, and these children are not products of online trends, but more the inflamed pustules of the feverish patient.