Is this the thing where people act like their little suburb in ~Oklahoma (population, 10k) is "the real world" but a major city like NYC (population, 8 million) is some sort of fake world?
No this is me living in one of the most populated cities within the most populated state of the US. I just don't lock myself into only interacting with people from one political party. Even within deeply blue cities there are Trump supporters everywhere. Most of you just can't spot them if your lives depended on it because they have spent their entire lives pretending to be one of you.
but he's losing people. it's maybe not happening where you are, but i'm seeing it where i am. his base isn't acting against him yet, but a lot of them have stopped doing free propagation of propaganda for him
I live in California. Most people here loath him. But the few public supporters he had around here still love him.
From the friend groups I have around the country it seems the Trump ladies and lads are having a wonderful time right now.
I feel like these presidential rating polls are always taken from select spots that don't ever accurately reflect aver public sentiment in any way. Basically just more useless news spam.
The polls I've been seeing to react to his speech at Congress were 51% Republican. So they polled mostly republicans to find out how much they love the guy they helped get elected...
If you normalize the numbers, only 30% of respondents "LOVE" what he's saying. And this is why we have a crisis in this country. Because people dunno what the fuck is going on. Which is surprising because for as much as the right bitches about the media, you sure eat that shit up when it says something you like without even looking at the smaller and/or bigger picture.
They shit on a plate and you just eat it. No questions asked.
I know dehumanizing people you disagree with makes it easier for you to then morally justify doing or saying whatever you want to them, but it doesn't make it right.
Just because you despise those people doesn't magically mean they are incapable of experiencing the emotion of love.
I wasnt arguing that many people aren't extremely unhappy with him right now. I was simply making a point that these polls always seem to be way off.
Like I remember several times when Biden was "doing well" even my super Democrat parents were like "I don't know who is saying they like this guy".
Feels like the type of thing where you would need to ask multiple people from multiple places to get even sorta accurate information. If we took a poll on Lemmy he would have like 1% approval rating. If we took it in bumfuck Alabama he would probably have like 90% approval rating.