What European kola and soda brands do you know, as alternatives to Coke and Pepsi?
I know Afri Kola (not much, only have had it a couple of times in Germany) and Fritz Kola (moree common in other countries, delicious, also other flavours, orange and apple are very very good).
Kofola is god tier, originally Czechoslovak but sold in Central/Eastern Europe. It’s more herbal so it’s a matter of taste like with everything but many people seem to enjoy that.
We had a thing called Polo Cockta in Poland back in the day, supposedly based of Slovenian Cockta. It’s being sold again now but I assume that the brand owner coasts on nostalgia and I have no idea if it tastes anything like the old one. Do you know if yours is similar to the original formula?
Cuba Cola is the oldest cola style beverage in Sweden. Its popularity has varied, but a few years ago i got a re-launch together with a sugar free variant.
Jolly is the OG cola of Denmark, it is a product of cooperation between a lot of danish breweries to compete against Coca Cola and is imho the greatest cola ever to exist.
A.G. Barr of Scotland produce a variety of fizzy drinks, including Barr cola. Can be seen in most medium or above sized shops in the UK, unsure of their availability abroad.
In Spain, I have started buying mercadona's store-brand cola. It tasted basically the same as coca-cola at less than half the price and a fraction of the fascism.
In Greece we have "Green Cola" made using Stevia (not sugar, not Aspartame). It's the only one I buy, tastes fine. As far as I've seen (?), it's a smaller bootstrapped company in competition with the encumbant bottling mega-companies, so there is that benefit too.