Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo issued a "read-out" of her call with U.S. President Donald Trump on Monday — but her list of what the two leaders agreed to is different from his in one major respect: guns. Washington Post staff writer Meryl Kornfield pointed out on X that in Sheinbaum's li...
Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo revealed that the U.S. agreed to curb gun smuggling into Mexico—something omitted from Trump’s statement about their call.
While Trump announced that Mexico would send 10,000 troops to the U.S. border, he did not mention this key concession.
Studies show 68–90% of traced firearms in Mexico originate from or pass through the U.S.
The tariff pause follows Mexico's commitment to increased border security, but Sheinbaum’s disclosure highlights a significant aspect Trump did not publicly acknowledge.
According to White House press secretary Jen Psaki, Mexico will maintain a deployment of about 10,000 troops...
Mexico announced in March that it was deploying National Guard members and immigration agents to its southern border, and it has maintained more personnel at its southern border since Trump threatened tariffs on Mexican imports in 2019.
Unless someone can find a source that states that Mexico ever withdrew their 10k troops during the last 3 years... yeah, they already had 10k troops on their southern border, they've... just been redeployed to their northern border.
The posted article here from RawStory kind of alludes to how this is a nothing victory by linking to another of their own articles at the end of this one.
"Mexico has made similar agreements without the threat of tariffs," posted Sam Stein, of The Bulwark and MSNBC. "Here in 2021 they agreed to surge the same number of troops to help with migration. Here in 2022 they agreed to invest an additional $1.5b. Here in 2023 were 15 administrative actions."
"It seems like the trick to negotiating with Trump is to realize he doesn’t have any idea what the current facts are," said Washington Post columnist Catherine Rampell. "'Oh you want 10,000 troops?' says world leader who already deployed 15K. 'Great 10k it is.'"
This is why Sheinbaum has an ear to ear smile in the image.
The majority of illegal immigrants comes over legally through ports of entry and just out stay their visas. Mexico is laughing as they pretend to send 10,000 troops to the boarder to watch dirt.
Honestly, that’s not a bad deal. The US gets fentanyl enforcement. Mexico gets the flow of guns slowed, which weakens the cartels.
The tariff thing was a silly dance to get there, though. Makes me wonder if that wasn’t market manipulation. Knowing the tariffs would hit in the morning, then get lifted before enforcement would have made it very easy to play the market for a ton of money.
but... the Mexican government already had the troops on the border. Biden did that in 2021.. so nothing new there. Most Fentanyl is smuggled in my US citizens as they are not scrutinized as much as a Mexican citizen coming in legally or illegally. So again not much of a win..
seems like a tantrum that is planned to set him and his wealthy friends to swoop in
Regarding fentanyl, trump did everything except actually address it. Why not impose sanctions on Chinese pharmaceutical companies? Improve regulations to allow tracking of fentanyl ingredients (which are legal), create a task force that would trace suppliers and help impose more sanctions.
How do you figure? From my understanding China and other places make precursor ingredients which are then manufactured in the field in Latin America. Are you saying the vast majority is fentanyl manufactured in China and shipped directly to the US?
Trump never mentions anything that can make him look like he gave anything up. His fragile ego just doesn't allow that. He always has to come out as the winner and everyone else has to come out as the loser. And that's what he will call them.
Yeah I mean that's what has been happening for decades and it's worked out very well for the US. Profits from arms sales and a steady supply of cheap labor from immigrants. Don't know why the Republicans suddenly want to kill their cash cow.
Don't know why the Republicans suddenly want to kill their cash cow.
The average conservative isn't informed or intelligent enough to understand how drastically they benefit from the horrible working conditions that migrant workers deal with, and they hate brown people.
The entire movement has been backing themselves into this corner for decades.
Don’t know why the Republicans suddenly want to kill their cash cow.
I suspect it's because that immigration (which benefitted the economy in the 20th century, and therefore the people, as you say) is suddenly becoming very unpopular.
As long as your economy is rapidly expanding (which it did in the 20th century) you import people to do all that work that that growth creates. But when growth slows down, so does demand for labor, and suddenly people realize they're competing with immigrants for already few jobs. That is why it's becoming very unpopular, and fast.
Those texan gun dealers love selling to the cartels through proxy buyers. They are so easy to find if you have access to the right information - just look at whoever buys more than two guns in a 6 month period... the top 80% of that list will probably be unable to procure all the guns they bought because they distribute them over the border.
If we can smuggle people in to the US easily, it should be trivial to smuggle weapons out of the US easily. Hell, if you take out the receivers you can do it in plain sight, just move the receivers illegally.
Accepting deal wins that aren't wins - So a child had two cookies, you took them both, he starts crying, you give him one of the cookies to soothe him and you eat the other in front of him while he laughs and thinks he's winning. In this examples, trump is the baby.
Or, unseen solutions to imaginary problems or problems he created himself - Covers your house in gasoline, sits in a chair and throws lit matches towards it. Then says loudly, NOBODY IS GONNA BURN THIS HOUSE DOWN, YOU GOT IT! And then waits for you to thank him.
A whole bunch of these people don't get it. They're still stuck in the my side/their side dichotomy. I'd be willing to bet money 90% of lemmy bends the knee and kisses the ring when it's their turn.
Good for use as a talking point in the next round of nonsense that will start in a few weeks but impossible in practice. The US has been worshipping guns as a religion for 200 years and the Canada-US border has been perforated consistently by smugglers that whole time.