I’m okay with funding from constituents, with strict caps on amounts. That way people who have lots of public support get more funding, but a wealthy person can’t outspend someone else.
No funding from corporations, and no anonymous funding.
If ranked choice was a thing, I'd probably rank Yang #1, Bernie #2. (Since Yang would probabky never get elected, so I might as well give him the #1 ranking, his ideas are cool)
I agree in principle, but in practice it’s tricky. You must have courts that are strong enough to throw out election results if foreign interference can be proven. This has recently happened in Romania, but there are also many examples in which these laws were meaningless. The US is the obvious case where the 2016 election result should have been thrown out, but nothing happened. For the Brexit vote I think some pretty meaningless fines were handed out.
Another question is what should happen with foreign interference that is not financial in nature. For instance, Musk speaking at AFD, or the Meta algorithms pushing political content.
Only individuals who are Canadian citizens or permanent residents can make contributions to registered parties, electoral district associations, candidates, leadership contestants and nomination contestants.
At least Germany already does it. On the federal level the maximum donation for non-EU citizens/corporations is 1000 Euro, which is why the Bundestag is investigating Musk giving Weidel a platform as if you were to buy that kind of reach you'd pay way more than 1k. It's generally the parties which get fined for accepting. Donations over 10k must be publicised, over I think 35k immediately. State law is generally similar.
This is the best preventative measure they can do for now. Musk and other actors can dump massive amounts of money into elections to sway them and many of these democracies haven’t been challenged from outside like this before.
I don’t think tanks, missiles and boots on the ground cares too much about elections! Trump is a facist and he’ll use the American empire military and economic force to bend other nations to his will!