Keep in mind that i am using romanian prices, the numbers may be much lower for other countries (for example, in the USA, you could probably only afford 3 eggs with that money)
Ah yes, that pursuit and sharing of knowledge known as "paying a shitload of money for the privilege of making a company that ultimately provides nothing of value some extra cash"
I didn't know ml is cool with ultracapitalism as long as it's under the veneer of knawlege.
The point of the OP is not that we should abandon science in the name of consumerism.
It is that for-profit entities that happen to drive scientific communication put profits above all else, including, ironically, scientific communication.
Scientists should not be expected to pay the price of a car to have their articles published, that discourages sharing important discoveries where they can be noted. And the worst part - there's nothing causing it but greed.