I think the older people are too addicted to give a shit and younger people would just find it amusing.
I don't know how effective it has been, but the UK goes out of their way to make the packaging look really shit.
Standardised packaging with distasteful colouring, bland fonts, health warnings. I hope they do the same with vapes (although disposable vapes are being banned so that's cool).
49 1 ReplyCanada's warnings are even more extreme.
13 0 ReplyEmbed photo!
12 0 ReplyUK ones are like that too. They're not all the same picture as above, they show some pretty gnarly stuff. I'm pretty sure I've even seen a stillborn foetus.
3 0 ReplyHoly shit
2 0 Reply
Looks badass, honestly. Maybe I'll pick up smoking in the UK...
8 3 ReplyThe problem is, every pack looks the same, so if you're out with mates you gotta really keep an eye on your smokes or put some identifying mark on them
5 0 ReplyIt's also pretty expensive in the UK. I think it was like twice as expensive compared to Estonia when I visited several years ago.
2 0 Reply
Australia has very similar plain packaging.
When I used to smoke it became a game among my friends to collect certain packs with certain warnings on them.
Other people I knew used to transfer their cigarettes into metal cases or something else.
1 0 Reply
I think we've learned that when it comes to drugs nothing is a deterrent.
22 0 ReplyAlso, the Onion's classic "New ad tells teens it's gay to smoke."
14 0 Reply14 years! All of those old news segments from that era are absolute classics.
6 0 ReplySo that is the reason I bought myself vape recently. Siwwy me :3
3 0 Reply
would work for 4channers
5 0 ReplyOk but when you say "work" do you mean they'd stop smoking or smoke more, because one of those things is a social good.
5 0 Reply
Rick has the right idea. Anything short of death is not a deterrent.
Everyone wants to be knocked out. Nobody wants to be dead.
4 0 ReplyMake all drugs legal and create government monopolies to maximize tax revenue.
3 0 ReplyI don't smoke, but I would strongly consider buying one of these just because of the depiction lol
3 0 ReplyThis makes me want to take up smoking again.
Except... Marlboros. Yuck.
4 0 ReplyOh, I wasn't going to smoke them. I would buy one for the novelty lol
1 0 Reply
That’s a pretty good drawing. I could see this framed like an Andy Warhol Campbell soup thing.
3 0 ReplyThis would encourage smoking amongst younger meme savvy people I think.
3 0 ReplyLooks like an ad
3 0 ReplyReminds me of Whitest kid you know. NickODick
2 0 ReplyHonest question: in Europe do pouches of rolling tobacco receive a similar treatment?
I don't smoke anymore, but I kind of want a pouch of Bali-Shag with some body horror images on it.
2 0 Reply