It's not just snow, it's the darkness as well. It's quite lonely out there in the pitch black forest with just your headlights. I'm also pretty much just limited to the trails people have walked on where as during summertime I can drive where ever I please.
You say that like duct tape isn't in all of our houses, just waiting to be useful in one of ten thousand ways.
Here it's adding color contrast, presumably in a way the rider likes, and it makes cleaning up easier while also giving some minor protection against light scratching.
I can't wait to take my ebike out. My wife and I managed to get a couple suburb rides in while my truck was busted, but then it got too cold for her and too snowy for me, but once it's warm and dry enough we are heading to the nearest trail.
My hardtail is much more nimble than this, but then again; with those tires it don't need to be. I can just drive over what I'd otherwise be trying to avoid. Technical trail (not downhill) riding is what I almost exclusively do. It's not fast but it's consistent.