It isn't a Roman salute. It was a French painters idea of what the Romans did (based on absolutely nothing), which was appropriated by the fascist movement of Mussolini (who only dreamt of being Romans).
It's blatantly wrong, and this is a purely fascist thing. They are the only ones in history every using the salute.
I honestly would like to know what that French painter would think about all this.
When we wonder how people did not resist the Nazis in 1930s Germany, this is how. Everyone afraid and trying not to anger them, and all the businesses silencing dissent to protect themselves.
repeated words lead to ideas which lead to changed thought processes. we have witnessed this with the rapidity of an intravenous injection since 2016.
we cannot hope to take control of the zeitgeist (yeah, I went there) without pushing back hard on words and ideas. "america hates nazis - do you love nazis?!". now go out and repeat it ad nauseam. I am doing it.
"In this country a minority of us hate Nazis, unless the voting machines were rigged, but that might be a post-truth distraction to allow more and more fascist things to sneak through unchecked or distracted from or worn down by".
Media continues to show its true face with this measly mouthed concern trolling. If you never stand for anything then you stand for everything wrong in the world to remain the same.