Google is the latest California-based tech giant to make a major donation to President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration, which will take place on Jan. 20, or Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
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Google is the latest California-based tech giant to make a major donation to President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration, which will take place on Jan. 20, or Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
I am wondering why they are getting this brazen and in our face about corruption as if they are seeing how far they can push and how much the pedons can take
Narrator's voice:
The peasants took a lot and then said this is fine, and got even more
I am wondering why they are getting this brazen and in our face about corruption as if they are seeing how far they can push and how much the pedons can take
Because they know they can get away with it. Trump got elected and even won the popular vote despite being the most obviously incompetent and corrupt president we've ever had so now they know there are no consequences
I think they’re seeing trump as a tool they can use if they play his game, so they’re all falling in line. They’re too big that it’s not going to hit their bottom line much and no one in government is going to stop them, so maybe they’re just going to grab as much as they can while they have the opportunity and that requires them to be brazen.
Because they are scared, and hiding behind the skirts of a paper-thin layer of incompetent fascists prior to facing the music from everybody they've hurt.
The Supreme Court, who are corrupt and take bribes, ruled that bribes are legal. Also that even if they weren't, the law doesn't apply to the President.
This still doesn't fall within their rules. The bribe has to be paid after service for it to be legal.
So for example, if you're a purchasing agent for the army and you have to buy new canvas tents. A manufacturer could tell you if you make the award, they will personally pay you $20 per tent purchased. But they supposedly can't come with 20k in hand and say here you go! Now I get the award for 10,000 tents.
Seems this is a common thing. Found this and also Claude (the LLM) tells me it goes very far back and kinda got very big around Reagan's time. Allegedly Obama had some restrictions on his first term, but these were lifted on second term, but I haven't bothered to verify that.
However, the answer is yes. Just that it seems to be nothing new.
In Ye Olden Days, minor Lords used to pay tribute to anyone who took up the crown/took over the lands, to get on their good side. That's actually where the Romanian word for "tip" (bacșiș) comes from, it's what they called tribute payments to the Ottoman Empire.
Why should this be any different? I mean, it's Trump...