Being real though, that's the point of going to a pro when you're an incel.
You get your dick wet, you realize that no matter how fun it is, that it doesn't change a damn thing about you, or your life. Then you can STFU about it and actually live your life.
They don't just want sex. They want to be accepted by someone who desires them back. A prostitute isn't going to provide that. Whether they are willing or able to make the changes necessary for that to happen is another issue.
To paraphrase CS Lewis, "FriendshipCasual sex is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art. It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things which give value to survival.”
CS Lewis has never had to choose which travel companion to cannibalize during a mountaintop snow storm. Unless your acquaintances look particularly diseased, they’re usually the easiest choice. Friendship can save your life. Take that, you timeless fuck
Depends on what you count as casual sex. People grow emotionally more attached to friends with benefits than to strangers too and might help them in a tough situation over a stranger or mere acquaintance.