the gap between Starfield, Satisfactory and Eve Online is already filled and its name is X4 Foundations (Space Sim like better than Starfield, Automatrd Factory building like Satisfactory and fleet HUGE battle lile Eve Online)
Ahhh, X4, the greatest space game that nobody ever seems to talk about. I really like it because the economy and supply lines and factories actually work. But it can be a bit janky.
That's what I'm thinking, I've never even heard of this game so now gotta go check it out
Okay I'm back, and just looking at it I'm real concerned about these sandbox aspect of it, most of what I liked about satisfactory was the free roam but guided adventure, and sandboxes don't generally have that
I was actually thinking about playing x4 recently...I bounced off of it forever ago but the comment seems neat. I have so many other games to play though and Satisfactory is my current fixation D:
I love all those games (except Starfield), Infact Eve and satisfactory are among my all time top 5 games, but x4 has its flaws...
I really don't like the AI for example, and I also felt that it isn't deep enough for me, once your building stations and building ships, there's not much else to do aside from sending a fleet to destroy these guys next, which is where the kinda bad AI comes in, they suck at efficient combat and need micromanaging. The story line was ok but I wasn't that involved and it was a little boring being a lot of just fly here fly there...
That said all the other games have their flaws too obviously
I was absolutely obsessed with eve but it's a totally different game now and I don't get enough enjoyment out of it anymore (for the cost)
Satisfactory's flaw for me is just that I did everything so all that's left is build more factories across the map for resources I don't need or tear down and rebuild my current factories to make them neater and nicer looking which... Also isn't very appealing to me
Long story short, for me a new space game with similar elements to Eve and satisfactory along with perhaps the ship building aspects of Starfield (haven't tried but looked like a nice idea with garbage implementation) is more than welcome
Basically, I need to scratch that space ship game itch still and nothing is really cutting it for me anymore
Ive got such a craving for space ship games which isn't satisfied by any games currently that I'm often fantasizing about resubbing my 4 eve accounts to solo nomad in wormhole space to hopefully pay for the game subscription using in game currency from wormhole life (gas harvesting, relic/data, maybe PI) and skill farming...
For those who don't know that's a huge fucking time investment, basically a second job in terms of hours per week and tediousness, so it's pretty absurd that I'm even entertaining the possibility
Evoland games are a neat commodity. The whole "game grows in complexity" gimmick is pretty well done, and their chock full of references to games of the past. Definitely not the peeps I'd expect to make a massive space game that was actually good though.
Wartales is nothing like Don’t Starve. It’s more like Mount and Blade had a kid with Xcom. Great open world sandbox RPG with a very nice tactical turn based combat. I think it’s one of the most overlooked games of the last decade.