Can we please focus on the healthcare part of the equation and stop trying to force trans issues into the discussion? We are in a rare moment of agreement where everyone is talking about the fact that healthcare in this country sucks and this kind of thing is going to draw Republicans back into that culture war bullshit and waste the only real momentum I've seen on this issue since Obama's first term. Yes it is unfair that it needs to be framed that way but you also know how annoyingly focused on trans people conservatives are. Working to change the narrative around private insurance is the most impactful way to help trans people at this moment in history. There's too many fuckwads in this country to make that argument directly so take a page out of the Republican playbook and keep your intentions to yourself until the battle is won.
"all we have to do is abandon issue X, and the bigots will finally join forces with us!"
i get the temptation, but if progress on healthcare means throwing trans people under the bus, then it's not actually progress.
(and i do see "keep your intentions to yourself" which isn't the same as "throwing under the bus" -- but there's room for both clear advocacy and quiet agreement, and asking the open advocates to be quiet seems like friendly fire/counterproductive.)
I get that, but we can't let a perfect solution get in the way of a better one. First focus on universal physical healthcare, something that EVERYONE can relate to, then work on mental healthcare (which would include trans healthcare)
I didn't say abandon trans people, I said focus on the common ground you can find instead of insisting every part of every discussion cater to all of your beliefs at once. Healthcare reform helps us all but it has little chance of helping anyone if you insist on reminding the hateful among us that they have someone besides insurance executives to hate.
Any rationale for keeping the advocacy to DMs and maintaining an innocent public face of “what are trans people?, no we’re just trying to… erm… MAGA with better healthcare that’s all” until it’s too late and we’ve tricked them into basic decency
^a question that I suppose I should’ve asked privately
Healthcare reform is good for everyone, including trans people. There's nothing exclusionary about being strategic with the arguments you choose to make in support of your goals.
What about abandoning abortion rights? Sure would get a lot Christian white nationalists on "your side".
Why have you been able to decide that transgender rights are able to be discarded in order to connect with the far right? What makes it possible for you to say "sorry maybe you can have rights next week" to trans people young and old across the country? How far are you willing to go? Would you support trans genocide? Would you support forced incarceration for trans people? Like what's the line here when do you reveal yourself as a "secret trans rights activist"?
Stop being a fucking martyr, Jesus. If you can't understand that sometimes you need to shut your mouth to help yourself then you must be an insufferable prick to be around. Trans people need health care just like everyone else. In fact, one could argue they need it more than the rest of us. Work on that problem while there is momentum to be had. If you want everyone to be accepting of everyone else before you'll work with them to solve a major problem then you may as well resign yourself to death without any progress because that's never gonna fucking happen.