Early 20th century we had the influenza pandemic where a certain part of the population refused to wash hands and wear masks.
It also saw the rise of Nazis.
Early 21th century we had a covid pandemic where a certain part of the population refused to wash hands and wear masks.
It also saw the rise of Nazis.
He was never really liberal, but he had a nasty divorce and went mask off because of it. Same thing happened to Scott Adams. Adams was never really pro worker. He just repeated the stories people would send him and kept doing it because he liked the attention, causing a feedback loop. Musk had that going with the EVs and Mars mission talks. But he kept getting criticism over dates being missed and the divorce cracked him. He then started seeking approval from a less scrupulous group.
He gathered the wealth and realized his life is empty and people still cringed when he walked in a room and left in disgust when he spoke. In general, folks on the left, who were more associated with tech until recently, are typically more educated and don't blindly cheer at catch phrases and bumper stickers without any depth in their support - The right wing does.
elon wants friends and a dad who will love him, the right wing will pretend as long as the money flows.
He's really just that brain damaged. A couple of weeks ago I read a book about his takeover of Twitter and even his day-to-day behaviors are completely unhinged. He is surrounded by sycophants and weirdos and has lost touch with reality years ago.
Corporations are often the most authoritarian structures on the earth. We just tolerate them for dumb reasons (being told there's no alternative to capitalism).
According to his biographer, Walter Isaacson, around this period Musk began sending “rightwing memes and conspiracy theories” to Grimes, who replied: “Is this from 4chan or something? You’re actually starting to sound like someone from the far right.”
At the same time, his daughter Vivian came out as transgender and changed her name, declaring that she no longer wanted to “be related to my biological father in any way, shape or form”.
Musk himself has cited Vivian as a reason for his political shift, telling the pop psychologist Jordan Peterson that he had “lost [his] son [sic], essentially”, and concluding that his son “is dead, killed by the woke mind virus”.
Why is this man being downvoted? He's correct. That is the historical reason America got involved.
There were tens of millions of Americans that supported the Germans/Nazi party, and the rest basically didn't want to get involved on the world stage again.
The real evils of the Nazi regime weren't realized until the last year or so of the war when we pushed in through the incursion areas and saw the camps and horrid treatment/deaths of the "undesirables". Then it became a true moral outrage that brokered no dissension. Until then, it was because we had 4billion+ in loans to Germany they were repaying us after our costs for WW1, among other financial incentives.
Claiming otherwise is whitewashing history.
America has never been a particularly great country. Don't let the school propaganda fool you. We've done things nearly as bad, and in some cases worse, than the Nazi party in our past. But nobody started a world war about it because we kept it within our borders (e.g. the Native American genocide, slavery, etc.).
I think the individual people who went to war from America in WW2 were doing the right thing, and believed in it for the right reasons. But the people at the top pulling the strings? Financial justifications all the way down.
Remember when he used to say he was a socialist? And literal morons believed him? It might have been when I realized how stupid and easily swayed most of the population is with obvious and blatant propaganda.
He also said he was a "free speech absolutist." Then he banned the guy who showed the publicly available info about the location of Elon's private plane. Then he banned the reporters who reported on that.
And that's how he started down the road to Twitter as it is now.
It's not going to be a heavy blow, it's going to be disastrous. Not only because of the economy, but the infrastructure the country provides. A massive amount of goods is transported through germany on rails and on streets. If we have to start controlling borders and charging money (which is what will happen), it would hurt the entire european union. Now, if italy with it's rightoid government is having the same idea and leaves the EU (because that's kinda what rightoids do these days), europe is literally halved in the middle.
Idk why people think leaving the EU is going to solve our problems, it's going to literally fuck us in the ass. We can even see what happened with a country that left the EU not even 10 years ago.
I'm not optimistic enough to count on it, but upcoming events might just show a lot of white rural voters that across the board the leaders of these racist movements mostly aren't even really racist, it's mostly a grift for profit/power and they're just exploiting the poor's ignorance
There have been multiple investigations into finances and employees of high ranking party officials linking them to foreign influence. Changes in popularity? Niet.
It's the same as with Trump: "Yes, he us a crook, but he is MY crook"!
I hope we collectively realize, to a point of action, that this is Hitler but also the richest person in the world with fans everywhere for multiple reasons before we instead have to document further atrocities.
Edit: And him and his presidential bitch are juvenile with at least one with intelligence to match.
I wouldn't see it too tragic. Those who would support AfD already do, and the rest won't change the mind because of an article written in a lunatic's name. If he threw considerable amount of money at AfD, I'd get a bit concerned, but in a functional multi-party democracy, especially one with a nazi past, a nazi party would never be invited into a government unless it won an outright majority.
The key phrase is "multi-party democracy". I guess I should have also added "parliamentary" into that phrase. Political systems with a single winner are far more prone to electoral manipulation than systems where a coalition government is the norm.
🎶 Just a pair of Hitler fanboys, preparing to enter the white house 🎶
I can't believe it just clicked for me that we shouldn't be watching out for the "next Hitler" (which I was getting ready to assign to trump based on the past 9 years) but a group of fetishizing copycats.
The common point between Lee, Hitler, and the Misérables is they were all lost causes in the end (thankfully). Hopefully today's regressive shit-stains-of-a-human-being will go the same way.
resting heart rate can increase during times of extreme stress in a fight or flight scenario. the increased blood pressure will force blood into your extremities to increase chances of survival.
in this picture you can see his ears and nose are red, this may indicate his body is attempting to identify threats to himself using scent and auditory sensory. what may not be easily identified is the way his eyes are wide open, scanning for threats to his safety. I bet his hands and feet are also clammy.
the guy is absolutely terrified of what is going on to him, and is likely watching it take place like a 3rd party view. unable to stop or control himself because he's far too deep into the Putin cesspool.
If I was a profiling type, Elon needs approval from his base. since he's surrounded himself with the type of followers that would easily abandon him for the slightest sign of weakness, he's doubling down on whatever bullshit just so they continue to feed into his narcissism.
things will only get worse for him from here onwards as he slowly loses grip on his public image and his support falters. he will become desperate and dangerous. anyone around him should probably distance themselves now or face consequences later.