In another thread someone said the fbi could seize their hardware as part of an investigation as it would contain evidence. Here’s what I’m wondering though, why wouldn’t the fbi just set up their own Lemmy instance. They’ll have access to all the same info. Except for PMs I suppose.
They like to focus effort and money on anything but the real people causing harm. School shootings are a near daily occurrence in the US…
Trump still isn’t in prison and his degenerate crew already embraced declaring themselves domestic terrorists, as their banner stated, and he’s now going to be president….
So if any fbi are, maybe think about that; what you are serving and what they really think about you
You guys think there's an element of everyone wanting to be in the picture? As in it only takes one cop to walk him from A to B, but he's famous and this is a huge important case so they all come with just because you want to be close to important things
Vultures, someone (parasite or not) died in the street and their concern isn't a lost life or even the motivations of the alleged killer but how can they get their photo op.
Pigs will get six hours of overtime pay for this ten minute perp walk. Anyone depraved enough to be a cop would jump at the chance to steal more money from the citizens.
"I want tell you about the town of Stockbridge, Massachusets, where this happened here, they got three stop signs, two police officers, and one police car, but when we got to the Scene of the Crime there was five police officers and three police cars, being the biggest crime of the last fifty years, and everybody wanted to get in the newspaper story about it." - Arlo Guthrie, Alice's Restaurant Massacree
The whole thing of "they took him for Burger King" is a red herring. Cops are required to feed you. Some departments have policies about always checking if a new arrestee is hungry, and getting them some fast food if they say yes, so their attorney can't say later that they were coerced during questioning because they had been denied food for whatever amount of time.
It's probably their masters telling them to look strong. The same masters who were shocked, and who are out of touch. They aren't showing us what we don't already know because they live like emperors.
Don't even think about rescuing your hero that we're parading out here. Because we have like, 10 armed police and that means we're able to take on at least um, hold on, let me count...
Three rescuers. Ten armed police are enough for 3 attackers, if we're in flack jackets.
Actually, make that two attackers...and they can only have knives and rocks.
That's the terrible secret. It's not that the big guy doesn't care about the little guy. It's that they have their own agenda and our only purpose is to be sacrificed to that agenda.
Roof was rewarded because he did what the state wanted, if they could have gotten away with it they'd let him off like they did Zimmerman and Rittenhouse.
It's ok. They think they're intelligent, but also think that machibe learning models can't be biased. They have no self-awareness, and are incapable of understanding that they don't know what they're talking about.