The reason for Boeing's recent failures are actually well known: They purchased McDonnel Douglass and became defense contractors.
When they did that all of the McDonnel Douglass execs they acquired were able climb up the ranks of Boeing because they had political connections to get those DoD contracts. The story is the Boeing corporation acquired McDD but McDD execs acquired Boeing.
What happened next is Boeing started doing normal DoD contractor practices and outsource as much as possible to cut costs and open new non-union shops. The clusterfuck that is Boeing now is the outcome of that process.
Obviously you can still call this "c-suite greed" but that would be missing some important details.
There are no good billionaires, all of them are scum. Yes, Bill Gates is included, regardless of all the donating he does. Until the day someone becomes a billionaire off of an idea to truly better humanity, like a cure for cancer, aids, etc. Actually useful technology, like a way to interface a camera with the brain to restore sight, or something like that. There will never be a good billionaire.
I agree, there are no good billionaires. The moment they donate all their billions they are good but they are no billionaires anymore. "good" and "billionaire" are mutually exclusive.
I've seen optimistic estimates that Linus makes ~$10 million per year from Red Hat stock. Even if that were true, it would take 100 years for him to be a billionaire. Can we focus on the actual billionaires before coming for him?
Bill Gates has never been a “good” billionaire. Think of all the shady shit Microsoft did under his tenure to make his billions. Yeah, his foundation does good - but that’s all press image polishing to make you forget what he did before.