Texas files first lawsuit against out-of-state abortion provider
Texas files first lawsuit against out-of-state abortion provider
This case sets up a legal battle between Texas’ near-total abortion ban and New York’s shield law that protects doctors from out-of-state prosecution.

Does this mean that states like Illinois can sue states like Indiana for not doing anything about the steady stream of guns crossing the border or does it only apply to right wing policies?
75 0 ReplyAsk the US supreme court. But I think I can predict their answer.
31 0 ReplyHistory and tradition allow conservatively held states to fuck up liberal states. Unfortunately, the vice versa is not true.
Suck it.
- SCOTUS, but in lawyer speak and with 30 pages of nonsense justifications.
19 0 Reply
"Violates interstate commerce, blah, blah..." Which the SCOTUS will ignore anyway.
46 0 ReplyA few years ago, I would have had some faith in the courts to follow the law. Now, not so much.
22 0 ReplyHonestly we are rapidly approaching the point where states are gonna have to raise militia just to stop other states from doing interstate raids. This is gonna rapidly spiral.
7 0 Reply
sTaTeS rIgHTs
20 0 ReplyStates rights to what?
6 2 ReplyTo provide medical services to those who seek it
4 0 Reply
Only applies when it comes to stomping on human rights.
1 0 Reply
The Gilead states don't like it when other states have freedom. Gives their people ideas.
2 0 Reply