I don't anything did. It was a rough week with my health - physical and mental. I'm grateful that I made it through the week. Definitely not happy though.
This week seems to be better so I might have something for next week.
My autistic toddler who hasn't said 'Dada' in months said it while she was fighting sleep during a visit with my wife to her friend's house. While I couldn't be there to hear it, I still cried when my wife told me.
I make my own red cabbage sauerkraut because it is fun and easy and it saves me money and is delicious. Transferring out of the pickling jars is always messy so I ordered a wide-mouthed canning funnel. Thing is I only make about one batch a month so I had forgotten. Las week I had to transfer some sauerkraut and I was just about to make a big mess when I remembere: canning funnel! It was brilliant, quick and easy and no mess. Made my week.
Someone who was struggling often comes to talk to me, and after we have conversations they feel better. Last week after a conversation, they gave me a hug and told me "I don't know what I'd do without you, you're the best person I know" and I'm not gonna lie I teared up... 😭
I had a fire DnD session last Saturday. So far I never really found the right group with the right vibes, but this one is working really well and I'm looking forward to the next sessions. The DM also has a 3D printer so we've got a board and tokens for every scenario.