For the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore - nameless here for evermore
TTRPGs are quite diverse, but generally speaking they follow a similar formula. Traditionally, play takes place around a table, but even that's negotiable. Many people play exclusively online these days.
Depending on the system you choose to play, accessories such as minis and battlemats could be optional. However, if you favour a tactical game and want to engage with all the combat rules, they do become more important.
There's always alternatives though. I don't keep minis for all my creatures - as a DM, who could afford to? Personally I use paper tokens because they're easy to whip up and doodle on. Many people use coins, legos, or colored blocks. Anything can stand as a proxy of it's the right size. There are tales of people who use candy so players can eat what they kill.
Another option, particularly if you go for the online option, is to use a Virtual Tabeletop (VTT). This is software that simulates your table, battlemat, minis, and generally facilitates play. I find them complicated and kind of fiddly, but a lot of people like them.
At the end of the day, you don't need all that. There's a concept of play called the Theater of the Mind where players use their shared imagination instead of any accessories. It's easier when there aren't a lot of moving parts to keep track of, but if you prefer a narratively focused game then it's a good way to play.
As far as how to play the game, that's up to the individual system. However generally speaking you play by having a conversation. The DM describes a situation and then asks "What do you do?" Players then describe their actions. Turn-taking can be more or less rigid depending on the situation. In D&D in particular, turns become much more formal during combat where players take turns in Initiative Order.
Generally speaking, near the start of the rule book (if you have one) there will be an Example of Play. This is usually styled as a transcript of a conversation between players. I always thought those were neat, and they dona pretty good job of showing how a game might play
Getting into the hobby can be intimidating because there are a lot of rules in certain systems, and it can be hard to keep track of them all.
Almost all systems include (or should include) Rule Zero, or Have Fun - the most important rule of all.
If you're running the game then all rules are optional. As long as everyone is having fun then you can play however you want.
Anyway, I ramble a lot, but I've been playing these games for a long time. You're in for a fun new hobby, good luck getting your group together!
I use a thumbs up reaction as "I acknowledge I've read and understood this, but don't think you require a push notification" so I guess your mileage may vary
I think the intention is that you would read it as "Everything is impossible" followed by "Nothing is impossible"
But then I looked at it again and got "Everything is impossible / Nothing is possible"
So all in all, I think it's a poorly conceived sign
Several years ago, HotS went into "Maintenance Mode" which means it isn't receiving further updates although the servers are still up for now.
Which is such a shame. I'm not big on MOBAs but that was my favorite
I don't like it very much, but the price is right.
I used to play Overwatch, and abandoned it shortly after the Overwatch 2 debacle. A bunch of my friends kept up with OW2, and when Rivals came out they made the switch so I figured I'd give it a go.
Season 0 was rough. It's on Season 1 now and things are a bit better.
Hitboxes are bad. Maps seem confusing, although that might be that my game sense hasn't figured them out yet. Lag is an issue a lot of the time, and the game crashes more than I feel it ought to - but I'm on Linux which I feel isn't officially supported.
I saw an article the other day criticizing that you can't type "Free Taiwan" into the chat. I guess I haven't actually tested it to confirm, but gosh that leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
I don't go in for the battlepass, but my friends usually do when they play a game and they say it's fair. They do have a model that allows you to purchase the battlepass and then continue to fill it out even after it's no longer the current season. So if it takes you a long time to finish content, you're not forced into playing more games for fear of missing out.
When it's fun, it's a lot of fun. When it's bad, my goodness, it's bad. I guess it depends on how willing you are to gamble with your feelings. But hey, I guess you're coming from League, so you might be ;)
I really hope to, but sadly then I couldn't afford more sandwiches
Literally the first post in my feed
But I'm not mad, because I have a potato
I would love to be able to gift my unplayed games to others.
I guess you do get into a problem where a group of people might swap the game back and forth to avoid ever having to pay for the game. But people will abuse any system, so I guess that would just be a cost of it
If a game is still within the refund window, then maybe it should have an option to gift it. The devs / publishers could keep their money and Steam doesn't have to process a refund. Seems like a win-win
Calling someone an idiot after having your opinion refuted in a thread about people having thin skin is either some high level satire or proof you have thin skin
I suppose it could be some third thing, but I don't want to make baseless assumptions
+1 for Dread, it's so easy to play
Instead of dice, you play with a jenga tower. It's a physical manifestation of narrative tension, and that goes a long way in getting the players into the vibe
In my experience, the fries are great for five whole minutes before they turn into soggy cardboard and broken dreams
It's a pretty good five minutes though
That's the plan, yup
My approach would involve using some kind of polygon library. When you draw lines, you're really defining polygons within your canvas. In the case of regions B and C, the edge of the screen make up the rest of the polygon.
Once you have your polygons defined, you can compare the coordinates of the click event to the polygons. With a good library, it should be fairly trivial to check if a point is within a polygon.
In the case of region A, you'd find that a click is inside both region A and region B, so I guess I'd also check to see if there are multiple polygons a click could be inside. If there are, then you need to also see if a polygon is inside another polygon to determine the specific polygon clicked. This is also made much simpler by using a good library
Honestly, that's tough, but fair. No therapeutic tool is going to be a magic bullet solution for everyone.
My wife struggles with something similar. When we try to walk through an exercise together she thinks it's about saying that her problems are "all in her head." For my own outlook, I liken it to thinking that although my thoughts might be faulty, my feelings are valid. But hey, I'm not an authority, I'm just another struggling human trying to make sense of it all.
For what it's worth, one stranger to another, I think that whatever you're going through you're totally valid. I hope you find or have found some relief - goodness knows we're still looking
I highly recommend Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. CBT is the best medicine I can afford, because all you need is pen and paper.
If you don't think you can change your circumstance, then you can try to change how you react to it. The core model of the therapy is to analyze your thoughts and look for patterns in which your brain tries to fuck with you. Identifying distortions and fallacies helps to replace your automatic thoughts with more positive ones.
Thought: I hate my job, everything about it sucks
Distortions: Overgeneralization, All-or-Nothing Thinking, Feelings as Facts
New Thought: I hate certain parts of my job, but I like X part of it
The whole thing only works if you believe in it, and the important thing is that you're not just putting a sunny face on things that make you feel terrible. You're working to restructure your thought based on objective truth.
I've struggled for a long time with the Sunday Scaries. Sometimes it feels like it's never going to get easier, and I'm going through it right now, but I know if I take the time to untangle my feelings then things end up easier in the long run.
Good luck out there, partner
Say what you will about the woke gaming agenda, I love to see a company brave enough to take this stance. It's refreshing to see a publisher wear its beliefs on its sleeve because now I know that I don't have to spend money on their trash games
A saw a graphic the other day that was comparing the number of frames generated between the 4x and 5x, and people in the comments were saying that the 5x uses AI frame generation to speed things up
People in the know would know that AI is largely hype, and the generated frames probably don't look as good as if they had been properly rendered
I'd like minimum wage to be able to support my family, so that a job flipping burgers could actually feed us
Failing that, to live as a bunny in a cottagecore tree stump, spending my days slicing up strawberries like they're roasts, and baking pies with my neighbours
Seems like an open and shut case of "takes one to know one"
What can I do with several pounds of oranges?
I've just received a couple cases of clementines which are approaching the end of their life.
I've never cooked with them, normally I just peel and eat them. I'm not sure if I'm up to the task of eating all these in the next few days. So if you've got some tips on something I could do to make them last longer I'm all ears
Larry and Leoric

I don't know what kind of adventures these clowns get up to, but I bet they're colourful

Sometimes you've just got to scream into the void before bed
Good night, Lemmy. Sleep tight.

I'm trying to do more digital art
I don't think I'm particularly good at it, but I'm having fun
What is the funniest one syllable word you can think of?
I say "bum" and my wife says "boob"
Interested to hear what you think.
Fungus Among Us

I got a new colouring book.
This is from Mythogoria: Darkest Desires by Fabiana Attanasio. Pencil colouring by me.
Everett is Eepy

We have this phenomenon where I live where people won't leave your house. Just as they're getting up to go they'll start telling another story. They'll put their shoes on and have another tale to tell. Then with one hand on the door they'll be reminded of something else.
Please get out of my house. I love you, but go.
Image Transcription:
Everett and Mrs True are entertaining two guests. One of the guests stands to leave: "Well, True, I guess we'd better be going home."
Everett rises out of his chair, knocking it over: "I'm glad to hear you say that! I'm tired and sleepy and I have to get up early in the morning! For heaven's sake, don't sit down. Good night, GOOD NIGHT!!!!"
Bisexual Soup

I got a new colouring book.
This is from Mythogoria: Darkest Desires by Fabiana Attanasio. Pencil colouring by me.
Spectre Inspector

I got a new colouring book.
This is from Mythogoria: Darkest Desires by Fabiana Attanasio. Pencil colouring by me.
I made this dumb little game and I want to show it off.
You're shown a colour and you have to try to guess the hexadecimal code for it. It's a game for designers, web developers, logic problem enthusiasts, and nerdy people who like hex codes.
You can play it free in browser or download a DRM-free version to own forever. Have fun!
Hex-A-Guess - Colour guessing game

I've been working on this game in my free time, and I'd love to hear what you think. This is my first release in Godot, and I have to say I learned quite a lot about how the engine works even if it is very UI-centric.
Hex-A-Guess is a colour guessing game for graphic designers, web developers, and nerds who like hexadecimal numbers. Can you guess one of sixteen million colours in only five attempts?
You can play it free in browser, or download it DRM-free and own it forever at no cost.

I've been working on a little game in my free time, and I'd love to hear what you think.
Hex-A-Guess is a colour guessing game for graphic designers, web developers, and nerds who like hexadecimal numbers. Can you guess one of sixteen million colours in only five attempts?
You can play it free in browser, or download it DRM-free and own it forever at no cost.