In the wake of Trump’s unnerving appointees, the investigative journalist and veteran of the libel court offers pointers on coping in an age of surveillance
Even dickheads love their dogs. Find a way to connect to those you disagree with. “The obvious mistakes of those who find themselves in opposition are to break off relations with those who disagree with you,” texts Vera Krichevskaya, the co-founder of TV Rain, Russia’s last independent TV station. “You cannot allow anger and narrow your circle.”
Pay in cash. Ask yourself what an international drug trafficker would do, and do that.
He’s thinking about flying a SpaceX rocket to Mars and raping and pillaging its rare earth minerals before anyone else can get there. We need a 30-year road map out of this.
Take the piss. Humour is a weapon. Any man who feels the need to build a rocket is not overconfident about his masculinity. Work with that.
the last time trumps incompetence as president caused a million americans to die in the span of one year due to an inept and purposefully sandbagged federal global viral pandemic response. he's going to beat that number this time.
There’s a 3 part series on the Reveal podcast about how the numbers were tracked. It wasn’t the CDC. It wasn’t anything federal trump established. It was 2 guys at The Atlantic collating data of each state individually and putting it together. They had rotating volunteer helpers. That was it.
And the federal government, and everyone else, received the data from them.
The United States was actually well set-up to defend against pandemics. After the ebola scare, the Obama administration created a task force to effectively respond to future infectious diseases, and a plan was written up to guide the U.S. through a potential pandemic crisis situation.
Purely out of pride, Trump disbanded the task force and scrapped all of the planning that was done during the Obama era, and then 2 years later was hit by the exact kind of situation the U.S. had planned for.
I can't guarantee that the U.S. would have avoided lockdowns, and the exact number of Americans killed by Trump's decision will always be nebulous, but it's very clear that his decisions before and during the COVID pandemic were harmful.
We had the most severe rate of COVID deaths in the world outside of Eastern Europe. That shouldn't happen in the most powerful country in the world. We failed to do the things we needed to early on and created a culture of misinformation because our president decided to play politics in a crisis.
Had we reacted as well as New Zealand, largely considered to have one of the better responses, we theoretically could have had 280k deaths instead of 1.2 million. (If we matched their death rate) Obviously population density and our countries complex system account for some of the difference in death rate, but it doesn't account for the enormous gulf between us and other wealthy countries. We are the only wealthy country in the world that had a death rate as high as ours. He bungled the response and likely got an extra half a million people killed. It's amazing that this fact alone didn't end his political career, but Americans suck at interpreting data.
He deliberately downplayed the infectiousness of the virus very early stages, and then spread anti-vaccine misinformation afterwards. As the US is a major air transport hub for, this also led to casualties in countries where it would have been a non-event. Early restrictions and screening on flights from China, then subsequent following of Fauci's recommendations would have made a huge difference.
All those down votes are what you get for trying to bring any logic and thought to the discourse. And we thought Lemmy would be better than Reddit, eh?
so, it was only trump voters who died from the inept covid response, or did our side get swept up and decimated, dying in the worst ways, choking and drowning on our own bodily fluids, unable to breathe, unable to say goodbye to our loved ones, bodies piling up. i dunno maybe i dreamed that.
So basically a reminder that, beyond all the mind killer politics memesphere we have integrated into our cortex, the other is also a human being and as such, we have the same capacities/capabilities as them and they have the same capacities/capabilities as us as neither are superior to each other.
There are reasons to build a rocket other than fragile masculinity.
Take the piss and make jokes about what he'll do with them (rape and pillage)? Absolutely. That's the fragility: his plan for wealth and power is entirely dependent on stealing it from the neighbors. Just as he's been taking all of the federal and investors' cash in exchange for memes for the past few decades. He doesn't produce anything of value himself.