Halo is officially moving to UE5
Halo is officially moving to UE5
Gamer PSA: UE5 does not automatically make a game better or worse, it's just a set of tools. The game part still has to be made. End PSA.
It does make them feel homogenous, with similar strengths and limitations both visually and mechanically, though.
I mean I guess if everyone was using the default settings and buying assets off the unreal store you might get that, but the engine doesn't come with graphics. You can make whatever you want in it. You could make a ps1 era looking game. You could make something like windwaker. You could make a 2d game. It's just a set of tools.
Don't get me wrong, the engine does have strengths and weaknesses, and lends itself better to certain things. That makes games of a certain type gravitate towards it.
True, though it does make the end result better than shittier engines. Like, you could see the "Unity" in Unity games, only a few of them weren't jank. For UE games, generally I found it to be a bunch more stable bug-wise, same for when I developped my own. No idea how Godot fares now, haven't tried the engine since my college days, but back then it was cool.
In Unity you can only remove the start up image if you pay enough. So many small indie titles with little budgets have the start up logo while the bigger productions normally removed them. Before Unity fucked up only a small portion of indies used Unreal so you have to look harder to find that many junk games. I think we will see in the next years a rise on Unreal engine junk games
Definitely feel your pain in unity. I made a game with it and we had so many technical problems. UE has some major issues too though. None of them are perfect. Godot is getting better and better but it's still very far from a mature engine.
Generally makes it worse though. It's an engine built with shortcuts for a 'good' looking game. Obviously developers can skip these shortcuts, but rarely do.
As long as they bring back couch coop. Honestly, that's what Halo was all about camaraderie and game play, not visuals.
I remember when Halo was first shown off and being amazed by the graphics. I thought it looked almost like pre-rendered graphics.
Funny how we're now in an age where the real time graphics look much better than the pre-rendered ones from back then.
Halo and halo 2 looked incredible for their times
Exactly. I bought it to play w/ friends. Shortly after getting Halo: CE, I played through the campaign with a friend in co-op, and we would frequently have XBox parties where we'd have couch tournaments and whatnot.
The visuals were fantastic for the time, but that's not why I got it at all, and none of my friends seemed to care what it looked like, we just wanted to play team deathmatch.
Changing your studios name doesn't change the fact that 343i is structurally bankrupt
They did restructure and fire alot of the old management , so maybe it’s not as bad now
O'Connor, Ross, Wolfkill, and several others.
Yikes, that's unfortunate... well for anything that is left of Halo.
Huh, looks like a UE5 game.
Woof after all that time making their slipspace engine? It worked super well! What happened to it?
Build software using contractors.
Use software to make game using contractors.
Finish game, end contracts with contractors.
Company now has literally no-one on payroll who still knows how to do anything with their "in-house" tools.
Fuck everything up for years, and get literally nothing done, because you keep trying to finish things with a revolving door of contractors who all have to learn to use your in-house crap made by other contractors who aren't around to answer questions or update documentation.
Switch to UE5 because all the contractors already know how to use it, as you won't consider hiring actual employees again.
Ah yep that makes complete sense, as an ex Microsoft contractor myself I forgot how stupid they are with institutional knowledge. All of their codebases are so cobbled together
my understanding from a tech artist friend was that simple things like adding a new shader would take a day to make it into their continuous integration builds, making it ridiculous compared to unity/unreal/etc. this was 2019-ish
slipspace was just an iteration of blam with a marketing name slapped on top, and cost them dearly in any case :/
I think a lot of high profile people left 343, it was probably the ones that were experts in using it.
Just go back to using the Reach engine
The slipspace engine, which they were previously using, was just an updated version of the reach engine. 343 have never actually used a completely new engine until now, they had just been updating the previous bungie engine
I think they'll mask traversal stutter by freezing the game and adding a LOADING at bottom right, just like CE.