There should be regulation around use of the word "news". Many of these stations call themselves "News Radio" as if they only reported verifiable facts, but well over 50% is opinion.
Anything presented as news should be kept separate from opinion. If it's news, you should be able to defend it like it was said under oath.
Personally, I would love it if news channels had to distinguish opinion content from news by removing the word news from the screen and replacing it with the word opinion. That or some other clear and unmistakable signal to the audience should be there to establish whether the station is going on record and asserting facts or whether this is some talking head spewing bullshit.
It's crazy that news papers have been doing this forever. You have your news section and opinion and editorial section. TV and radio should definitely follow the format and be clear about what they are presenting.
The milk and meat industry lost their shit when soy milk companies started calling their product "milk." The same outrage should be spent on these "news" organizations.
It needed better talent. Thom Hartmann was the sole survivor because he's actually listenable. Randi Rhodes and Ron Reagan were just shit. But progressive talk can be done well. Stephanie Miller is hilarious when she has the right crew, but she has a penchant for self-owning. She gave us John Fugelsang, who is just brilliant.
Love Thom Hartmann; listen to his podcast these days. I remember trying to listen to Randi Rhodes way back when, and...I just remember it being kind of headache-inducing. I also listen to Fugelsang's podcast now too....
Rush Limbaugh and his gross career owes its entire existence to that. He is someone who believes that drug dealers and smugglers need to be shot without trial... and he himself was a drug dealer when he was hard for cash.
Tells you a good deal of what kind of person we're dealing with here.
A lot of the worst stuff the us government does tends to be bipartisan. This one was a veto proof majority. We can still be mad he didn't veto, but yeah
US fascism had been here for decades. Too many people don't recognize fascism because they think fascism will arrive selling oppression and tyranny. If you're part of the privileged group fascism is selling you safety, normalcy, and tradition. (status quo)
The key point is they are selling BULLSHIT. Even if you are of the right color / party, you are one misstep away from being burned at the stake.
That's what most of these MAGA morons don't realize, they aren't going to be the rulers, they'll be cannon fodder for the 1%, and even part of the 1% IE Muskrat will have to watch their backs.
Fascism benefits no-one in reality... Even the leaders of the movement are constantly watching their backs because their allies are scumbags like themselves.
Going down that dark rabbit hole, I can see how some people might see some benefits.
Entire classes of jobs get reserved for you. All white collar jobs and the better blue collar jobs go to those with the right skin color and genitals.
You get a government provided sex maid to serve you at home. She is less likely to leave you because she less legal and economic options to do so. If she acts up against you, you are allowed to "correct" her.
There is a hierarchy of deference that you are high up on. You may not rank in the 1%, but your word means more than someone of a different gender or ethnicity.
People may be willing to risk their freedom for that elevated position.
The big shift from Truman to Trump has been the number of domestic residents benefiting from our fascist policies. That number is shrinking year after year.
Half a century ago, you could talk to a rising tide carrying all our ships. Did that tide come from blood spilled in Africa, the Middle East, and the Pacific Rim? Sure. But that wasn't our problem.
Now we're seeing the kind of brutal police tactics reserved for Vietnam and Iraq show up in Florida and on the Columbia University campus. We've got paramilitary goons targeting Haitians in Ohio, rather than in Haiti. We're increasingly reliant on prison labor to do the work of historical migrant labor. Our agitation against China isn't generating jobs in the MIC nearly as fast as it's killing jobs in the civilian sector.
If you’re part of the privileged group fascism is selling you safety, normalcy, and tradition.
A big goal of the AI Revolution is to shrink the number of people the Executive tier have to pay in order to keep their positions. And even executive positions are consolidating as businesses merge and buy one another out.
It's terrifying everyone, and Trump is just the guy who figured out how to sell traditional Republican voters a way out. Traditional Republican leaders only know how to preach austerity and justify poverty.
And also strict regulation regarding broadcasted information. There ought to be fines for misinformation. Spreading lies and hate shouldn't count as "free speech".
The US? It's not free to leave temporarily or permanently, no idea who lied to you. More importantly it's conservatives like you that tend to give up instead of trying to make the world better.
"Has arrived," as though it hasn't been churning just beneath the surface since the beginning, and succeeding in lifting its filthy maw above the water line many, many times.
Is an NPR program like 1A talk radio? I listen to that and many people who are traveling often do. It's not leftist, but it's decidedly anti-fascist simply by reporting the truth and bringing on experts to explain things. Two co-workers of mine have told me that they used to listen to NPR before "it got all political"- meaning they heard things they didn't want to be true. That's a bit of a tangent but these two people wouldn't listen to Rush Limbaugh or whoever took his toilet throne.
I assume since podcasts aren't on the radio they don't count as talk radio right? But discussion podcasts have blown talk radio away and there are so many flavors to choose from.
Talk radio is essentially a person telling you what to think and feel. It can't even be classified as learning because it's being done to you when you listen. It's a confirmation bias circle jerk. Democrats tend to be educated and educated people usually are repelled by the format.
NPR usually has a diversity of views and the dialogue isn’t as 24/7 emotional.
I think the big thing with conservative talk radio is that it’s the verbal equivalent of Micheal Bay - 24/7 PAY ATTENTION RIGHT NOW. Think Alex Jones’s incoherent screaming rants as he plays air raid sirens. He does have guests/callers, but any views that he doesn’t agree with will get shouted down. (He has the illusion of disagreement with more explicitly racist guests - he won’t boot you off if you start talking about the Jews, but will pretend he’s a little uncomfortable). But it’s lots of yelling, and THEY ARE TRYING TO CUT YOUR SONS PENIS OFF! Pretty sure that format goes back through Rush to Hicks.
NPR doesn’t really tell you what to think. It comes across as left leaning because the Overton window in the US has been pushed so far to the right that our Democrats have the positions that Republicans did 20 years ago, while our Republican Party is fantasizing about purges. But NPR has calm, reasoned discussions between folks of all political persuasions. You can even hear it in the voices - it’s a common punchline how calm the reporters are.
It’s not the talk format - it’s the content and presentation.
I was forced to endure Rush Limbaugh (I think) while riding with my Dad. That show was just Rush ranting to himself, constructing straw men, then tearing them down over and over again. No real facts, sources, or guests. Just Rush yelling into the mic the entire time spewing garbage.
Getting young folks off the incel pipeline is going to be really tough in today's environment.
Incel is the new fat. Most of society immediately treats them like scum that did it to themselves. In a lot of cases both fat people and incels are at fault, but trashing them isn't going to fix the issues.
Your need to understand them and how they got there to try and change them or at least reduce new ones from being created. Not just hate them.
Most of the podcasts I listed represent counter arguments that may help. There's no simple way to change thought, but exposure to counter messaging, might bring about change.
I live in the Rio Grande Valley in Texas. Everything is really spread out here and it's one of the places in the US where you just need a car. Lots of people here commute and a lot of them get their news from radio while driving. People who have the radio on at work will often have it on a talk station.
We had an NPR affiliate, but that went away in 2019. The only people on terrestrial radio in this area talking about current events now are right wing grievance screaming. I've watched this region become more conservative during that time.
We've tried this for a long time, to varying degrees of success, with public radio. I don't mean NPR although that will usually be a decent portion of local public radio.
I travel all the time. All over the US, although lately it's been limited to the middle/north east coast and Midwest. It's pretty fun to tune into the local public radio if you're close enough to get a signal. They can be really insightful like WAMU in DC about local stories.
They can be terrible like my local station that can only afford to run 1A (which is a good show) and a few localish music shows. The rest of the time is literally filled with fucking classical music. It's painful to listen to. Sorry to all the Bacchists and Mozartists out there but this shit sucks.
Anyway, check out the low end of the FM dial when you're traveling, you might collect some stations you like that you can stream later.
I've listened to public radio quite a bit. Right wing talk radio is fundamentally different. Hannity, Limbaugh, Alex Jones and their ilk are actively radicalizing listeners and intentional ideologues. Public radio is news, informational/educational content, and political debate. They're different in almost every other respect except that you use your ears for both.