Pro-Trump ad uses Latin to target Latino voters
Pro-Trump ad uses Latin to target Latino voters
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1 crossposts
"sic semper tyrannis" quand?
25 0 Replythey'll be voting in legions
23 0 ReplyFlorida delenda est
18 0 ReplyRomanes eunt Domus!
16 0 ReplyRomans they go the house?People called Romanes they go the house?"
9 1 Reply
Who let Caligula buy billboard space?
7 0 ReplyThey're just weaving
6 0 ReplyI remember when Bush Jr. said, before a trip to South America, that unfortunately he didn't speak Latin
5 0 Replyquidquid latine dictum sit altum videtur.
4 0 ReplyReminds me of the Harmontown motto: "scribimus latinum sine intellectum"
5 0 Reply
Oh no, they're microtargeting me!
3 0 Reply
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