There are a bunch, sadly none of them stand a chance, despite being better candidates. In the upcoming election, voting for Biden results in a better outlook in every aspect. I've always voted 3rd party, but I pivoted last election cycle because anything is better than Trump, and I recognize that. Once he's out of the picture I'll go back to third party.
The US Green Party is just a useful puppet for Russia. Unfortunately that’s the reality of a FPTP voting system. If people don’t like it then they can try to organize grass roots changes in order to bring about longterm systemic change. But sadly too many voters just wake up once every four years, see that there isn’t a single candidate that perfectly aligns with their world view, and then just spite vote or spite abstain.
It’s like the ultimate form of taking democracy for granted; democracy isn’t just voting in one election every four years. There’s loads of local elections, primaries, and campaigning in between that have equal or even more impact on people’s daily lives, and which influence the candidates that appear on the presidential ballot.