It's not grammar it's an entitlement different word. It would be like refusing to call a dog a dog because you think it sounds better to call it a cat.
Edit - you know what, I'm leaving that auto correct in. Entitlement looks better here to me than entirely.
Consider this: when you speak the listeners know what you mean based on the rest of the sentence. When you write you give the reader the intended word through spelling. People who read will see your words and assume you really meant "then" instead of "than", and the sentence will make little sense.
The words "I" and "eye" sound similar, but if you write "eye" I will read a sentence first thinking you are trying to say something about an eye, then when it breaks down, go back and find the issue.
End that my friend is less then eye-deal for comprehension.
We write our language (swiss-german) like this 😂 everything is allowed and there are strangely very little misunderstandings. Only bad thing about is, that swiping keyboard rarely work with it.
And us german-germans think you are very weird and you might as well call your spoken language something other than german, cause no one can understand it anyways. Also why are you so afraid of this: ß?
I do with English would switch to phonetic spelling, including the eventi of the speaker, but we're never going to switch. At least the standardized spelling does have a very minor advantage in terms of disambiguation with homophones. But then we had to go and mess up read/read and lead/lead.
Read/ret lead/let -> easy 😜 but how to write "do" I mean it is not a normal spoken "o" and not exactly a "u" like it is a "u" but without (yo)u
Write phonetic is more easy in German, I think, or maybe only because it is my birth language 🤔
But it is fluid and changing. Do you know anyone who would know what Þæs oferéode, ðisses swá mæg or some other sentence from old english means, or someone who thinks that jail is spelt gaol?
They reject u even though you spoken truest worders good are.
Nobody who spoke English that read your sentence misunderstood what you said based and than vs then and that English doesn't have to be pretty to get the job done
I had to read your comment at least twice before I could parse it.
So basically what you're both saying is that you are so incredibly selfish, you don't care if someone needs to read your comments multiple times in order to not misunderstand you, as long as it's easier for you and you don't have to bother learning to be understood