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Holzkohlen Holzkohlen
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morule of the storule
  • We all float down here

  • Priceless
  • Warm as piss 🤤

  • Announcing the Ladybird Browser Initiative
  • Software nowadays is a lot more complex. You'd get nowhere using assembly. Are you also gonna call me lazy if I say making a smartphone from scratch is complicated? "But the Nokia 1234 only had 4kb of memory" Is what you will probably say.

  • President 360 No Scope...
  • Maybe social media was not worth it.

  • Yep.
  • Both sound good. Let's just do both.

  • Facebook and Instagram’s “pay or consent” ad model violates the DMA, says the EU
  • I'm cool with Facebook dying. Hell, I would rather have YouTube die than pay for premium. We can rebuild a better www from the ashes.

  • Casual reminder
  • I think it's more like Trump getting elected and he is appointing Putin as US president. Which isn't that far off, is it?

  • Interested in rules
  • I feel like the people who "don't pay attention" are the ones voting Trump.

  • Market forces
  • I wish. Feels very much like it's just me unfortunately.

  • Holy voting choices!
  • Who cares if they die day 1 in office? It's about which party is in charge.

  • Cheese
  • Just turn it into plasma. At this point it should become 100% sterile. Follow me for more simple cooking tips.

  • Stop use docker
  • I use podman and have absolutely no idea what I am doing. Send help

  • Q: “Are we doomed?” A: “We would be, if not for the amazing developments in renewable energy.”
  • Nah. We won't make it unless a lot of people start to be cool with cutting back a lot. Plane rides, cars, meat consumption, the list goes on. And that just ain't happening. Also fascism is on the rise.

  • I don't know where else to post this rule
  • I mean she is kinda cute

  • South Korean telecom company attacks torrent users with malware
  • So that's why they are last place and why SKT is just better.

  • Adapt. Overcome.
  • How can you tell? Brits all look the same, everyone knows this.

  • NSFW
    Just checking in
  • The ol tug n jug

  • Looks like something straight from Warhammer 40K
  • Sure it is. Let's just pretend there is no monetary incentive for a region to have a holy relic which brings them a bunch of tourism. Ain't nothing holy under capitalism.