I was on the fence about them for past shenanigans but this is the final nail in the coffin. My friends are now telling me that musk did not, in fact do a Nazi salute because his fingers weren't pointed the right way
Zionism is the same kind of ideology as Nazis, just with different "superior races" ("the chosen people") whom they claim to represent and sub-humans ("human animals") whom they claim to be both inferior and a danger to them.
So it's absolutely natural for a pro-Zionist organization to side with other Nazi-like ideologies as long as the "superior" and "subhuman" ethnicities of both do not collide, and in this case they both share the view of the Northern African Islamic people as subhumans and they probably see their own "superior" races as being a kind of White - so White Jews and White Christians (if you have any doubt of this for the Zionist side, go check out how Israel treats Ethiopian Jews).
just to give historical context, Germany, Japan and Italy supported each other in their nazi-fascism for the exatc reason you already said. So there is no surprise that it is happening again with America and Israel
They just figure that this time, Jews will be far down enough on the list of "first they came for..." that MAGA will burn itself out before it gets to them.
You guys are lucky to have AOC. I'm a non-American that only knows her from memes and screenshots like this but I'm a fan. Especially compared to all the other dead fish.
I'm not an American, but isn't the problem not just the presidency? Like, even if she becomes president if the supreme court, congress, senate are republican controlled she'd be kneecapped.