If you want to get away with lying to people, it has to be believable.
I work in one of the busiest level 1 trauma centers in the world
Never saw a fatal stabbing. KAY.
STFU moron
you morons that think mexicans don't come in white varieties are the real fucking ignorance problem.
Oh OK Dr Astronaut Cowboy McRocket Surgeon.
Yeah what those mods will remove is fucking telling, ain't it?
The lack of self awareness you people show is fucking stunning. This website is three quarters full of brain dead morons think they're fucking geniuses, can't stand being told they're being fucking stupid when they are.
minimum 16, as I'm near 15 stone, too heavy for anything smaller
Do you always have that much trouble with context?
They call them "sweet peppers", I have no idea why this guy can't figure it out.
I mean, it's not anyone elses fault you're half illiterate.
"I'm a trucker that has never driven on a paved road" You, that's what you sound like,
eat a bullet, moron
Yes really,
The IQ of one who judges by accent/dialect is usually quite low
you a liar too. worked in the ER and never saw a fatal stabbing. You work there a week?
I said "cartriddge" because the bullet from a .223 and a .22 are very fucking similar in diameter, but i wouldn;t go deer hunting with a .22. So what the fuck is your point.
No, you found a person can read, ain't even american.
You don't know shit about their hunting practises. They didn't have horses. they had ballistic spear chuckers, dogs, and various ways to kill large animals that weren't your racist bullshit implications.
oh ffs. do you not know what a cartridge is, or its relationship to cylinder bore?
Percentage saying they’re ‘very proud’ to be Canadian has dropped from 78% to 34% since 1985 December 13, 2024 – The years since the onset of COVID-19 have been a well-documented period of division and discord in this country, with Canadians expressing concerns about the lack of a “middle” option po...

Figured as much. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatchewan/angus-reid-poll-canadian-pride-1.7425408