That seems like a very bad sign. Someone wanted a message to get out to the public, but I'm not entirely sure what can be effectively done about it. Credit to the person with the balls to send out the warning, though.
I'm not even joking but if this doesn't happen there's no hope for the future. we're past the point of simply prosecuting and hoping they get some time in prison. examples need to be made so others know that just because the supreme court said it's legal to do whatever the fuck you want doesn't mean you're getting away with it from the public.
I used to say "You know Monopoly is an old game, because it has rich people in prison". The moment we stopped to hold them accountable, everything went really bad. And if the legal systems don't hold them accountable, it'll be the duty of the common people.
You reminded me me of when I was going through my dystopian fiction phase of reading the first time...I had a big stack of said novels to buy at Barnes and Noble.
They asked if I wanted to sign up for their loyalty card and I was so taken aback. do not want to be in your list.
This is the message of the enemy. I am not sure what there is to be done, but to say this:
Thereโs nothing that can be done.
is to give up. The only thing that we ordinary people can know is that the democratic party is unable/unwilling to form an effective resistance right now.
Ya seem to not gwt what he is saying, let me make it damn simply. The Tree of Liberty is watered by the blood of tyrants and patriots alike, and Freedom is earned through the barrel of a gun.
This is a strong reason why I would think it would be a tactical error to mess with the elections. Elections are the pressure valve that people are willing to wait for. You can do so much harm and all is forgiven if you step down after an election loss.
Take away that mechanism, and you put all your leadership at huge risk, for minor benefit (history has shown they can get their way like 90% of the time anyway, the "left" will barely even say anything about their material goals and let them stand).