Israeli soldiers denied entry into Australia following war crimes visa questions
Israeli soldiers denied entry into Australia following war crimes visa questions
Troops face scrutiny in Australian visa applications over their potential involvement in genocidal acts

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So the terrorist that running over people in Australia can get a visa but those from rich and developed countries are denied? Great choice Oz
I’m sure when terrorist do gain entry to a country they list it as their reason for visiting on their visa applications. “Here to do a terrorism, give visa pls”.
Do you know what they're talking about? Did I miss something?
There were two incidents of pedestrians being deliberately killed in Melbourne back in 2017 but neither were terrorist (both mental health and drug issues)
Probably the Dec 2017 one who was an Afghan refugee. 1 dead and 17 injured.
and the fella who did the December one wasn't visiting on a visa like numbnuts is suggesting, he had lived here for 13 years at the time and had Aussie citizenship.
See, if Australia didn’t give anyone citizenship, but instead was a hermit kingdom like North Korea, this wouldn’t have happened.
At least, no other countries would know that it had happened.
This is why we need to become Juche Gang
You're giving Henry the racist too much credit. He probably knows of zero evidence to back up his feefees, beyond chinese whispers peddled by psychological warfare operatives.
There was a vehicle that ploughed into pedestrians near parliament with the motive determined as terrorism… in the UK? That’s the only thing I can think of.
Is that like the Anglo man who was refused service in a Daylesford restaurant and ploughed down a Muslim family?
(Ok the dude was diabetic and was having a hypo, but it proves the point).
Australia has had, including perpetrators, 17 total deaths from terrorism in history. The worst of which resulted in 6 deaths(3 perpetrators) and that was a Christian extremist group and a shooting. No terror attacks have been committed involving a car running people over, however the 2018 Melbourne Stabbing involved the perpetrator setting his car on fire prior to the attack. (The attack was likely inspired by ISIS, however it was triggered by mental health issues.)
In other words, you're full of shit and should fuck off and rethink your life you racist little twerp.
(Note that this does exclude the large amounts of massacres against first nations people, which were far larger and were often intended to invoke terror.)
I wish all Internet discussions went like this post
- facts easy to check
- take no bullshit
- punch Nazi and other types of racists and bigots in the face
Try not being a war criminal, and then you won't be stopped by the anti war criminal laws.
but those from rich and developed countries are denied?
Rich developed, currently involved in a racist genocide countries, you meant. That is correct. Those people should not be permitted to enter any civilized country and should all be on a terrorism watchlist.
Any person that commits war crimes is denied, being from a rich developed country is not a part of the decision.
Oh look, Mossad has an account on Lemmy!
Was there are terrorist attack in Australia with a car?
there have been a couple afaik - cars running through groups of pedestrians. i can’t remember many details, but i don’t remember any of them being on a visa
we have a lot more chonky bollards to help mitigate things like that now
One was born here, with mental issues. No visas involved there so that guy above is commenting out his ass
wow! racism! what a fucking surprise
Terrorist as in acts to cause fear and mayhem, sure, but politically....ehhhhh. motivations haven't been anything other than mental issues.