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PugJesus PugJesus

Cripple. History Major. Vaguely Left-Wing.

Posts 4.1K
Comments 5.5K
Webley revolver, British, WW1, ~1918 AD
  • That's a pretty dank share, dog!

    Unironically, though, with the kinds of antiques that still proliferate in usage in MENA, I wouldn't be surprised if your gunner was right.

  • Inhabited Beauty PugJesus

    Sursock Museum, Beirut, Lebanon

    Political Memes PugJesus



    "The REAL threat is right in front of you!" - Pol Pot








    15th century AD house of a Christian monk, Suceava, Romania


    Choose your fighter


    High-class Yomut women, Turkmenistan, ~1883


    Webley revolver, British, WW1, ~1918 AD


    Roman legionaries with specialist weapons, including sling bullets with taunts inscribed


    Sons and Daughters of Sherman


    Playtime is over


    Motorboat high af


    What a degenerate creature





    The rest of us are such bullies...
  • "I WAS going to vote against fascism, but now you've FORCED me to vote for fascism!"

  • 54 percent of Americans back mass deportation of immigrants: Poll
  • Americans are pretty ideologically incoherent anyway.

    Fuckin' mood. You can't have an IRL conversation about political policy with people because it's all fucking feels to them. My personal 'favorite' is people saying they're against gun control, and voting accordingly, but if you ask them what their policy preferences are they're more pro-gun-control than many people who claim to be pro-gun control.

  • Lebanese girl becomes most notable victim of pager blasts
  • Every part of the SS was engaged in ethnic cleansing and genocide, even the medical corp.

    Only if you assume that all support for the institutions of the SS was in some indirect way ethnic cleansing and genocide.

    How are you comparing them to Hezbollah, which only exists out of resistance to Israel’s ethnic cleansing of Lebanon?

    Do I have to quote Hezbollah's extensive history of antisemitism and calls for ethnic cleansing of Israel?

    You haven’t made an argument for why they should not be considered non-conbatants

    I quite literally did.

    -According to Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions, combatants are:

    the armed forces of a party to a conflict, and also groups and units that are under a command responsible to that party for the conduct of its subordinates, even if that party is answerable to a government or an authority not recognized by an adverse party. Such armed forces shall be subject to an internal disciplinary system, which, inter alia, shall enforce compliance with the rules of international law applicable in armed conflict

  • Lebanese girl becomes most notable victim of pager blasts
  • It’s worth noting that Hezbollah members aren’t just militant fighters.

    The SS also included members that weren't 'militant fighters', running a vast economic, political, and charitable apparatus, but few would dispute that attacking members of the SS would be attacking members of a paramilitary organization and legitimate targets.

  • Lebanese girl becomes most notable victim of pager blasts
  • Would you like to more precisely outline the hypocrisy that is comparable in this case - between the targeting of combatants that results in collateral damage, and the assertion that attacking civilians with rocket barrages is valid because Israel has a 'conscript army', implicitly asserting that all Israeli civilians are legitimate targets?

  • 54 percent of Americans back mass deportation of immigrants: Poll
  • Which states are not fascist states? I'm curious. Or is every state a fascist state?

  • Lebanese girl becomes most notable victim of pager blasts
  • I don’t ascribe to it.

    Then repeating things like this

    Hmmm I guess with Israel having a conscript army then rocket barrages aren’t acts of terrorism.

    in attempting to equate collateral damage with attacking civilians should probably be avoided.

  • 54 percent of Americans back mass deportation of immigrants: Poll
  • We should declare them terrorists and ship them to gitmo.

    Let's not. In fact, let's not abuse US and international law with Gitmo ever again, please.

  • Lebanese girl becomes most notable victim of pager blasts
  • This is terrorism and a violation of International humanitarian law. It’s not a war crime because Lebanon and Israel are not formally at war

    War crimes are not restricted to polities formally at war.

    As an attack on Hezbollah militant fighters, sure, fair game. But this didn’t just attack them.

    Photographs and videos filmed by victims and witnesses to the incident and reviewed by Human Rights Watch showed pagers exploding in various locales, such as grocery stores. Other videos that appear to be linked to the incident show adults and children in emergency rooms with severe penetrating traumatic injuries to their heads, torsos. and limbs, and other injuries consistent with the detonation of high explosives.

    Unless there's some proof that Israel targeted civilians or was exceptionally lax in targeting combatants, this has no relevance as to whether what they did was a war crime.

    Hezbollah, in a statement, said that the pagers belonged “to employees of various Hezbollah units and institutions” and blamed the Israeli government. US and former Israeli officials speaking to the media said that Israel was responsible for the attack. The Israeli military has not commented.

    Hezbollah is a paramilitary group. It's going to be a hard sell to any lawyer or judge that targeting their members is targeting noncombatants.

    “Customary international humanitarian law prohibits the use of booby traps – objects that civilians are likely to be attracted to or are associated with normal civilian daily use – precisely to avoid putting civilians at grave risk and produce the devastating scenes that continue to unfold across Lebanon today."

    That's a very curious claim regarding international law on booby traps.

  • 54 percent of Americans back mass deportation of immigrants: Poll
  • 68% also support a path for citizenship for undocumented immigrants who came here as children. Really, the only thing this says is 54% of Americans don't support mass amnesty - which, while unfortunate, should not be surprising to anyone who hasn't bought into the "99% of the electorate is secretly far-left!" shite sometimes peddled by the deluded.

  • Lebanese girl becomes most notable victim of pager blasts
  • Not unless you're making a meaningful attempt to target combatants. "All civilians are combatants" is the kind of Nazi shite that Israel indulges in, so I'd thank you to not peddle such grotesque views.

  • I mask my burning desire to be anywhere but here really well!

    How Hamas Uses Brutality to Maintain Power
  • The unfortunate fact is that Hamas's brutality is rightly put on the back burner until Israel's current level of genocide is no longer killing hundreds of people per day.

  • Unsafe, but adorable
  • Blind dogs being loose is very unsafe for the dog.

  • Lebanese girl becomes most notable victim of pager blasts
  • If Russians did the same to Americans, you’d be all “fair play, mate”?

    At wartime, sure. Using explosives on enemy combatants outside of military-exclusive areas is not inherently a war crime.

    Israel is in the wrong here because it's part and parcel of their continuing strategy of escalation in service to Netanyahu's forever war so he can stay in power, and the collateral damage is thus pointless from any perspective except that of keeping an authoritarian in power.

    They're not in the wrong because they chose explosives as their choice of attack against Hezbollah. Unless it comes out that their distribution of rigged pagers was utterly untargeted or something of the sort. Which I would not discount the possibility of, considering Israel's history, but doesn't seem to be the case according to what's come out so far.

  • Lebanese girl becomes most notable victim of pager blasts
  • First of all, there was no way for Israel to know whether the people they claim to be targeting were combatants when the attack occurred since Israel had no information about the status of these bombs when they chose to detonate them.

    So it's your view that any explosive that isn't tracked at all times with 100% accuracy is a war crime.

    Uh. 'Interesting'.

    Secondly, placing a bomb in a common device that you have every reason to believe will spend much of its time in the proximity of civilians, in homes, markets and other public spaces, and choosing to detonate it without knowledge of the location of the bomb, or it’s proximity to your supposed target, is actively avoiding distinguishing between ‘combatants’ and civilians. I can’t believe that western brain rot requires this to be spelled out for it.

    'Western brain rot', apparently, is when someone else disproves your utterly and blatantly incorrect claim about the definition of a war crime and then you flail around desperately seeking another justification for your claim once disproven. Okay.

  • Lebanese girl becomes most notable victim of pager blasts
  • Considering Israel's history, I don't know how much agreement there would be between my estimation of military value and the current administration's.

  • Lebanese girl becomes most notable victim of pager blasts
  • “© those which employ a method or means of combat the effects of which cannot be limited as required by this Protocol; and consequently, in each such case, are of a nature to strike military objectives and civilians or civilian objects without distinction.”

    Would you like to explain how setting up bombs within the personal devices of enemy combatants is striking civilians or civilian objects without distinction? Or do you think all collateral damage is a war crime?

    Like, fuck's sake, not every dogshit act by a criminal state like Israel is a war crime. Jesus H. Christ.

    It’s important to note that this is the consensus of much of the international community and the US (and I presume its surrogate Israel) have not signed on to the above provision despite speaking to support it. The weasely approach we (the US) have taken to these standards really demonstrates how hollow our sentiments are when we feign moral authority in international affairs.

    Was this really all just to say "US BAD" and "US PUPPET ISRAEL"? Holy shit.

  • Sapphic polyrule
  • An old joke

    Question: What does a lesbian bring on a second date?

    Answer: A U-Haul.

    It is considered a staple of lesbian humor.[5] It is often attributed to comic Lea DeLaria,[6][7] who claimed in her 1997 comedy album, Box Lunch, that she had written it in 1989 — in the album, she gets the audience to yell back the punchline, showing it was already well-known at the time of recording.[8]

    As there are numerous U-Hauls involved here, clearly it's a polycule

  • How can we trust a man who lies so FLAGRANTLY?!


    Man standing on a statue of Ramses II, Egypt, ~1856
