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  • Am I the only one who missed the Owncloud rewrite in Go? Infinite Scale - the new cloud-native data platform

    Infinite Scale is a new data platform with a focus on performance, scalability, security and governance. Microservice-based, database-less and written in Go.

    Infinite Scale - the new cloud-native data platform

    The topic of self-hosted cloud software comes up often but I haven't seen anyone mention owncloud infinite scale (the rewrite in Go).

    I started my cloud experience with owncloud years ago. Then there was a schism and almost all the active devs left for the nextcloud fork.

    I used nextcloud from it's inception until last year but like many others it always felt brittle (easy to break something) and half baked (features always seemed to be at 75% of what you want).

    As a result I decided to go with Seafile and stick to the Unix philosophy. Get an app that does one thing very well rather than a mega app that tries to do everything.

    Seafile does this very well. Super fast, works with single sign on etc. No bloat etc.

    Then just the other day I discovered that owncloud has a full rewrite. No php, no Apache etc. Check the github, multiple active devs with lots of activity over the last year etc. The project seems stronger than ever and aims to fix the primary issues of nextcloud/owncloud PHP. Also designed for cloud deployment so works well with docker, should be easy to configure via docker variables instead of config files mapped into the container etc.

    Anyways, the point of this thread is:

    1. If you never heard of it like me then check it out
    2. If you have used it please post your experiences compared to NextCloud, Seafile etc.
  • Is it possible to tell Jellyfin to search also the original title?

    Hello! I have a problem: sometimes I instinctively refer to a movie by the English name (for example, Star Wars), but if I search for it in jellyfin it is not found, as the italian translated name is "Guerre Stellari". I'd like to be able to search for it with both the original name and the translated name. The original name is present in the metadata, it just isn't used as a search parameter. Is there a way?

  • I need help enabling Playwright content fetcher in

    I used Docker Compose to install and run and everything's working nice, but I want to enable Playwright content fetcher so I can specify when I want to be notified, and not just to be notified when there are even changes in the code of the site.

    I can toggle an option in the changedetection settings to use WebDriver Chrome/Javascript instead of the default Basic fast Plaintext/HTTP Client, but when I tried to use the Visual Filter Selection within a watched item it tells me that:

    >Sorry, this functionality only works with Playwright/Chrome enabled watches. Enable the Playwright Chrome fetcher, or alternatively try our very affordable subscription based service. This is because Selenium/WebDriver can not extract full page screenshots reliably.

    And honestly I want to try this to myself, not to just pay a subscription and that's it. So, I keep up and read through their wiki and according to their own wiki while using a docker compose based Change Detection service (as I am) to enable Playwright content fetcher it's as simple as:

    > In docker-compose.yml uncomment PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL under environment, and the playwright-chrome section under services.

    I already tried that and toggle the fetching method to WebDriver Chrome/Javascript, but now instead of just not letting me using the Visual Filter Selection because of while trying to fetch any site it gives me this error:

    Exception: HTTPConnectionPool(host='browser-chrome', port=4444): Max retries exceeded with url: /wd/hub/session (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7fa4d42417e0>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -3] Temporary failure in name resolution'))

    But before of doing these changes I didn't receive any error message and everything works nice, so possibly I'm doing something wrong... Here is the pastebin of the docker-compose file that I edited, I won't share it here because the format fucked the whole code.

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