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ksynwa sobuddywhoneedsyou


a cool (brr) dude

Posts 107
Comments 714
Israel's siege of Gaza is illegal, EU says
  • It's so sad when fellow shit for brains white knight for each other over an argument implying that a unilaterally appointed leader by a colonial power represents popular wills and attitudes of the colonised. Especially sad when a fellow shit for brains whitewashes Holocaust by implying that I should waste my time repudiating an argument saying that an anti-semetic Mandatory Palestinian leader had a meaningful enough hand in the Holocaust. Heartbreaking when they want me to rim their fellow shit for brains' assholes despite blatant Islamophobia.

  • Israel's siege of Gaza is illegal, EU says
  • Probably should not consider the actions of a British appointed Mufti in a League of Nations mandated Palestine in the interest of not being disingenuous.

  • Israel's siege of Gaza is illegal, EU says
  • Would be better to discuss this in terms grounded in reality rather than papering over idioms with clever gotchas.

  • Israel's siege of Gaza is illegal, EU says
  • It's not an eye for an eye though. Israeli atrocities over the decades dwarf what has been inflicted upon them by Palestine and Hamas.

  • is there a way to mute instances?
  • It's coming in lemmy version 0.19. Should be out in the next 30 days or so maybe.

  • Condemning Palestinians is contemptible
  • But it's not a complex issue. Palestine has been reduced to a concentration camp by settler colonialists for decades. An armed uprising is the logical next step for them if the rest of the world has failed them. What's complicated about that? You are just handwringing about civilian casualties without a hint of irony from your .uk domain and comparing Hamas (which Israel helped create btw) to Nazi Germany like a goddamned fool.

    The worst crimes of Hamas that you will hear of today will not even be a drop in a bucket compared to what Palestine has had to go through. And it's not even a contest. You can spout settler apoligia while hiding behind the shield of moral purity like a coward all you want. It doesn't make the situation complicated because either you haven't bothered to investigate it or you just wanna cheer on for the settlers.

  • Condemning Palestinians is contemptible
  • I don't have a plan. Probably owing to the fact that I am a nobody living in Asia. Guess that means I just have to conjure imaginary moral complexities and minimise the atrocities that Israel has been carrying out without consequences with US and EU backing.

  • Condemning Palestinians is contemptible
  • I agree but that is a pretty simple to understand scenario, right? I was asking where the aforementioned complexity is in the whole thing.

  • Condemning Palestinians is contemptible
  • Why did you default to the Israeli side earlier?

  • Condemning Palestinians is contemptible
  • Things seem pretty cut and dry from that article. What part explains the complexities that the rubes shilling for Palestine cannot wrap their head around?

  • Condemning Palestinians is contemptible
  • Please explain this complexity we are talking about here.

  • X users report unlabeled clickbait ads that you can’t block or report
  • has been pretty stable lately so I have been using that instead.

  • Cloudflare is free of CAPTCHAs; Turnstile is free for everyone
  • It has happened on rare occasions. Most of the time, no. But I didn't think they had access to the mouse cursor trajectory.

  • Cloudflare is free of CAPTCHAs; Turnstile is free for everyone
  • Bots definitely can check a box, and they can even mimic the erratic path of human mouse movement

    Damn I didn't know that was being tracked too

  • NYT assists Modi govt's assault on India's free press : Statement on Worldwide Media Holdings’ investment in NewsClick
  • Given the repression that is now taking place, it begs the question as to whether India is a safe place for foreign investors who carefully follow Indian law.

    That's their concern?

  • 11 arrested in protest at Sen. Bernie Sanders’s office over war in Ukraine
  • I feel like you were trying to make a point instead of typing gibberish but I can't tell what is was

  • Jamal Khashoggi

    What was the deal with him? He is being martyred as a hero journalist since his assassination by Saudi Arabia.

    The problem I have is that his father, Adnan Khashoggi, was an arms dealer that worked closely with the CIA. So my assumption is that he must have something going on with him as well. I don't know what though.


    Parenting under capitalism is a fuck

    Huge rant

    I am not anti-natalist at all and I am not making a case for such reactionary ideologies here. Just sharing what I have seen so other folks and point my mistakes or just listen.

    I am witnessing the older cousins of my generation in the family have and raise kids and it is a little bit terrifying. I am talking about two couples of parents, each with one child. The older kid is about 3 years old and the younger one is about 1 year old.

    The older kid does almost nothing but throw tantrums all day. It is near impossible to make them do anything they do not want to do. For example, making them sit down in their high chair and eat the food they are being fed is a Herculean task. The child has to be distracted somehow. Two things that I saw that work:

    • Put on YouTube videos on an iPad. These videos are like crack-cocaine for a child's brain BTW. The creators are highly incentivised to make the videos as addictive as possible to boost their ad revenue.
    • Have someone play with them. The kid seemed to like me because I was new to them and I made them laugh, so they would sometimes allow their parents to feed them as long as I played with them.

    The other child, who is a year old, is starting to exhibit similar behaviour. In the morning and afternoon, they are looked after by their grandparents. Their grandfather is responsible for feeding them. The grandfather is a boomer addicted to cable TV news and the stock market. (Cable TV news in India is BTW extremely garbage and inflicts incalculable amounts of psychic damage. There are no words to describe how bad it is.) As he feeds the child, the child sits on his lap watching the TV while being spoonfed. On the other hand, if the child is sitting on a high chair with no distractions, they refuse to eat even as the one who feeds them talks to them. The child does drink milk from the bottle without fuss so I am not sure whether they are in a descend towards problematic behaviour or not.

    I don't have the knowledge or experience to confidently say whether things have to be this way or not so I don't want to jump to passing judgement on the child's parents and definitely not on the child. Maybe it is just how it is. Maybe children just throw tantrums while being subjected to feeding. Maybe TV or YouTube videos have nothing to do with it. I admittedly do not like technology as it is sold to us so my cynicism definitely comes a biased standpoint.

    Mostly it got me wondering though how there are no public services to help with parenting, which is a foundationally important task for not just the well-being of society, but also perpetuating it. For example, I was wondering if crack-cocaine-tier addictive YouTube videos for children are detrimental to the child's growth and the overall experience of parenting. This is the year 2023 and I am pretty sure god knows how many tens of thousands of work-hours must have been put into researching issues like this. To find out, I can try using a search engine and hope to god that I don't get ratfucked by dishonest or just low quality articles that have been pushed to the top of the results through SEO. If I am savvy, I can try searching directly for research on something like Google Scholar but very few people are capable of this. (Not even me.) I found a pediatric psychologist who has made it her life's work to extol the vices of electronic media addiction on children. She sells books and courses on this which makes me trust her a little bit less since she profits off of it. She could be a charlatan feeding off of technophobe parents' paranoia. There are pediatric associations in every country but their findings and recommendations don't reach the masses. I have heard some advertisements from my country's on the radio. But they are few and far between and not in-depth at all. This kind of knowledge is still mostly passed from parents to their children instead of being rooted deeper in collective scientific findings.

    Electronic media, social media, and their effects on the brain and habits is something that I am maybe overly sensitive about. My brain has been fried by a combination of anxiety and social media addiction to the point that I really struggle to read books because of being attention deficit. The children's parents and grandparents are also hooked to their phones and TVs. But since they are comfortably upper middle class and with generational wealth, they do not introspect their habits and life choices because having wealth in a capitalist society means you are doing good so you don't need to change what you are doing. The only things you can do better are what will net you more wealth.

    Lastly, the parents don't seem to find it problematic that they don't get the chance to spend much time with their child even if they wanted to. All these parents are employed and working, so they work most of the day and delegate childcare to the grandparents and nannies who are poor and underpaid. One of the mothers, did not even get paid maternal leave despite working at one of the biggest private hospital chains. She had to quit the job and find a new one when the child was just six months old. I feel like if I had a child, I would want to take care of them almost full time at least until they are a year old and likely even older. It feels terrible to delegate childcare to an underpaid servant.

    I don't have a larger point to make because I was just ranting. I don't feel qualified to hold strong opinions in this realm. Parenting I feel is always going to be tough. I cannot imagine it being programmatic and straightforward to raise human beings with all their complexities. The problem for me is that there are no public institutions to try and make this easier. Parents are left to their own devices, like getting their child hooked to addictive YouTube video channels, or finding an underpaid slave that ends up spending more time taking care of your child than her own to be able to put food on the table, or maybe paying for an expensive private daycare so you can slave away and the execs at your company can buy their seventh yacht.


    Can someone help me immortalise this Studio Ghibli piano cover album?

    I had to buy this album since I could not find it online. If possible please share it on torrent trackers or soulseek since it is a good album.



    I am learning React

    Wish me luck

    Edit: Oh shit Fine Bros are here. They are gonna break down my door.


    [AMA ANNOUNCEMENT] JT (Second Thought/The Deprogram) on Thursday September 28th @ 4pm EST

    cross-posted from:

    > JT will be returning once again for his second AMA with us on Thursday September 28th @ 4pm EST > > For those unfamiliar with him, JT's work includes Second Thought on youtube and The Deprogram podcast which they share with co-hosts Hakim and Yugopnik. > > Come by Thursday and he'll be answering your questions about anything you throw at him. (site rules apply) :volcel-judge: > > *** > > The Deprogram | Second Thought | The Deprogram on Twitter | JT on Twitter > > The Deprogram subreddit

    Games sobuddywhoneedsyou

    Lies of Pee

    Anyone tried playing it yet? It's on Game Piss so I've been giving it a whirl.

    I like it so far. It is truly a Souls-like. The combat is very similar to the swordplay subset of Dark Soul 3 combat. There are some mechanics that are new and some of the mechanics have been tweaked to feel different.

    A while ago I saw people comparing it to Bloodborne but apart from being set in British it feels more like Dark Souls.

    I have been enjoying the boss battles a lot. They are very challenging. I die 20 times to the difficult ones. They feel fair nontheless. The only problem is the long walk back to the bosses which is slightly annoying.

    Pretty fun so far. I am only nearing completion Chapter III though.

    Games sobuddywhoneedsyou

    Anyone here played The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood?

    question about the game. Has story spoilers.

    There is a bit where you are supposed to point out the flaw in Dalhia's election program. One of the options says something like "point out that communism has failed on Earth everytime". Anyone knows what Patrice says if you pick this option? Looking for something to get mad about.

    Games sobuddywhoneedsyou

    Starfield final impressions

    g\*mer whining

    I have given this game a fair chance. Maybe 8-10 hours of gameplay. But I can't go on. This game is really bad. It's just so dull. I feel like I'm at someone's wake. It's overly reliant on shooting but the shooting feels so bad. Especially laser weapons. The projectile look so weird.

    Games sobuddywhoneedsyou

    Starfield early impressions

    very early game soft spoilers

    I managed to play an hour or so of the game. The early part feels really boring. Disregard that I tried to fly my spaceship to Kreet for five minutes without realising that I had to press A and select it to land on it because I probably skipped some tutorial prompt. When I get to New Atlantis the game feels really lifeless. There are many interactable characters around with good voice acting but the combination of the atmosphere, the music, the way that conversations go, the generic chosen one plot, it feels really boring.

    Does it get better?

    Also my diplomat character cannot persuade for shit.

    Revolutionary Veganism sobuddywhoneedsyou Our Food System Is the Bullseye for Solving the World’s Climate Challenges

    The industrialized food system is a major source of greenhouse gas emissions, but it is not a major topic at climate talks.

    Our Food System Is the Bullseye for Solving the World’s Climate Challenges

    I found this article on It claims that moving away from animal rearing for meat harvest will be instrumental in combating climate change. Some interesting excerpts:

    > A systems engineering analysis of climate science and animal agriculture published in the Journal of Ecological Society in 2019 by Sailesh Rao, the founder and executive director of Climate Healers, an environmental nonprofit, backs up the claim that the majority of analyses of agricultural emissions are low. Rao’s paper found that “animal agriculture is the leading cause of climate change, responsible for at least 87 percent of greenhouse gas emissions annually.”

    > In a research study led by the University of Oxford and published in the journal Nature Food in July 2023, it was found that adopting a vegan diet resulted in significant reductions in climate-heating emissions, water pollution, and land usage, reaching an impressive 75 percent decrease compared to diets containing over 100 grams of meat per day. Furthermore, the study highlighted that vegan diets also played a crucial role in reducing the destruction of wildlife by 66 percent and cutting water consumption by 54 percent.

    > Beef is so resource-intensive to produce, that it requires 20 times more land and emits 20 times more greenhouse gases per gram of edible protein than beans, lentils, and peas—all commonly farmed plant proteins, according to the World Resources Institute.

    > “Concurrently replacing all animal-based items in the U.S. diet with plant-based alternatives will add enough food to feed, in full, 350 million additional people, well above the expected benefits of eliminating all supply chain food waste,” according to a 2018 study by an international team of researchers published in the journal Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. The authors note that the results of their study “highlight the importance of dietary shifts to improving food availability and security.”

    Of course most people who have looked into this topic know about this stuff already. But the numbers themselves are staggering. For example, moving U.S. diet to being plant based feeding 350 million additional people. I had not considered that angle before.

    Games sobuddywhoneedsyou

    Armored Core VI - Chapter 4 Final Boss

    Any tips? I am a bit stuck on this one.

    boss spoilers

    I am trying a double melee build but seeing how fast and jittery this enemy is, I think that's a bad idea.

    I don't wanna use double shotguns or double gatling guns. They make the game too trivial.


    Thomas Sankara: "Imperialism is the Arsonist of Our Forests and Savannas" SPEECH: Imperialism is the Arsonist of Our Forests and Savannas, Thomas Sankara, February 5, 1986 | Black Agenda Report

    Thomas Sankara, radical leader and martyr of Burkina Faso, understood that the problem of ecological destruction was rooted in capitalism and imperialism.

    SPEECH: Imperialism is the Arsonist of Our Forests and Savannas, Thomas Sankara, February 5, 1986 | Black Agenda Report

    It feels like we are at a catastrophic turning point with regard to climate change but the panic has, as of late caught on, mostly because the Global North is starting to see the ill effects of global warming first hand. Even then the response from developed countries has been extremely disappointing. Exploitation of the Global South continues unabated. Ideas like climate-focused assistance and reparations are laughed at.

    In this speech, Thomas Sankara talks about the continued desertification of the Sahel, the proud Burkina Faso traditions that highlight the importance of aforestation and how ultimately capitalism and imperialism stand in the way of achieving harmany between civilisation and nature.

    Some interesting excerpts:

    > My Homeland, Burkina Faso, is without question one of the rare countries on this planet justified > in calling itself and viewing itself as a distillation of all the natural evils from which mankind > still suffers at the end of this twentieth century. > > Eight million Burkinabè have painfully internalized this reality for twenty-three years. They have > watched their mothers, fathers, daughters, and sons die, with hunger, famine, disease, and > ignorance decimating them by the hundreds. With tears in their eyes, they have watched ponds and > rivers dry up. Since 1973 they have seen the environment deteriorate, trees die, and the desert > invade with giant strides. It is estimated that the desert in the Sahel advances at the rate of > seven kilometers per year.

    > Here I am merely the humble spokesperson of a people who, having passively watched their natural > environment die, refuse to watch themselves die. Since August 4, 1983, water, trees, and lives, if > not by survival itself, have been fundamental and sacred elements in all actions taken by the > National Council of the Revolution, which leads Burkina Faso.

    > For nearly three years now, my people, the Burkinabè people, have been fighting a battle against > the encroachment of the desert. So it was their duty to be here on this platform to talk about > their experience, and also to benefit from the experience of other people from around the world. > For nearly three years in Burkina Faso, every happy event, marriages, baptisms, award > presentations, and visits by prominent individuals and others, is celebrated with a tree-planting > ceremony. > > To greet the new year 1986, all the schoolchildren and students of our capital, Ouagadougou, built > more than 3,500 improved cookstoves with their own hands, offering them to their mothers. This was > in addition to the 80,000 cookstoves made by the women themselves over the course of two years. > This was their contribution to the national effort to reduce the consumption of firewood and to > protect trees and life. > > The ability to buy or simply rent one of the hundreds of the public dwellings built since August > 4, 1983, is strictly conditional on the beneficiary promising to plant a minimum number of trees > and to nurture them like the apple of his eye. Those who received these dwellings but were > mindless of their commitment have already been evicted, thanks to the vigilance of our Committees > for the Defense of the Revolution, committees that poisonous touches take pleasure in > systematically and unilaterally denigrating. > > After having vaccinated throughout the national territory, 2.5 million children between the ages > of nine months and fourteen years, children from Burkina Faso and from neighboring countries, > against measles, meningitis, and yellow fever; after having sunk more than 150 wells assuring > drinking water to the 20 or so districts in our capital that lacked this vital necessity until > now; after having raised the literacy rate from 12 to 22 percent in two years, the Burkinabè > people victoriously continue their struggle for a green Burkina. > > Ten million trees were planted under the auspices of a fifteen-month People's Development Program, > our first venture while awaiting the five-year plan. In the villages and in the developed River > valleys, families must each plant one hundred trees per year. > > The cutting and selling of firewood has been completely reorganized and is now strictly regulated. > These measures range from the requirement to hold a lumber merchant's card, through respecting the > zones designated for wood cutting, to the requirement to ensure reforestation of deforestation > areas. Today every Burkinabè town and village owns a wood grove, thus reviving an ancestral > tradition.

    > That is why Burkina has proposed and continues to propose that at least 1 percent of the colossal > sums of money sacrificed to the search for cohabitation with other stars and planets be used, by > way of compensation, to finance projects to save trees and lives. We have not abandoned hope that > a dialog with the Martians might lead to the re-conquest of Eden. But in the meantime, earthlings > that we are, we also gave the right to reject a choice limited simply to the alternatives of hell > or purgatory. > > Explained in this way, our struggle for the trees and Forests is first and foremost a democratic > and popular struggle. Because a handful of forestry engineers and experts getting themselves all > worked up in a sterile and costly manner will never accomplish anything! Nor can the worked-up > consciences of a multitude of forums and institutions, sincere and praiseworthy they may be, make > the Sahel green again, when we lack the funds to drill wells for drinking water a hundred meters > deep, while money abounds to build oil wells three thousand meters deep!

    Games sobuddywhoneedsyou

    Armored Core VI soundtrack is amazing

    It just complements the atmosphere, world and storyline so well.

    Someone on cs.rin ripped the mp3 from the Deluxe Edition. You can download them from here if you want:


    Armored Core 6 - Chapter 2 Final Boss

    cross-posted from:

    > ::: spoiler The boss is (I think) > Coral-fueled SEA SPIDER > ::: > > What loadout did you use? > > ::: spoiler I used > Plasma blade and pilebunker left hand. Laser rifle and vertical missile launcher right side. Reverse joint feets. > > I feel I did not "get" this boss. The only reason I was able to win was because pilebunker charged damage output was insane. Everything else felt like it was tickling the guy. > :::


    [CW: Extremely infuriating] Targeting Palestinian children is necessary for Israeli settler colonialism Targeting Palestinian children is necessary for Israeli settler colonialism

    Israeli settler colonialism and apartheid is based on the extermination of the indigenous population and the elimination of their hope of living freely. Palestinian children represent that hope.

    Targeting Palestinian children is necessary for Israeli settler colonialism

    Imperialism pop quiz

    Let's say that the global coffee industry generates $460 billion in revenue in a year.

    1. How much of it goes to Africa (the whole continent)?
    2. How much of it goes to Starbucks?

    I found this transcription of a talk between Russian and Ugandan delegations. The Ugandan president, Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, says that:

    > the global business for coffee is worth $460 billion. [...] But of those $460 billion the coffee producing countries of the whole world share only $25 billion and Africa shares only $2.4 billion out of $460 billion. [...] Germany earns more from coffee than the whole of Africa. Germany earns $6.85 billion from coffee [...]

    I am not sure how I can verify these claims. I found the coffee industry stats on Statista but their graphs vs. the text summaries show different numbers:

    Whichever numbers are correct the bigger picture remains the same.

    Starbucks revenue for the twelve months ending June 30, 2023 was $35.016B, a 9.48% increase year-over-year.

    5 Spam donates 5 truckloads of beloved canned meat in response to Maui fire | CNN Business

    The makers of Spam, saying that their “special relationship with the Hawaiian community spans decades,” have donated over 264,000 cans to aid the disaster-relief efforts on Maui, the company said in a press release.

    Spam donates 5 truckloads of beloved canned meat in response to Maui fire | CNN Business

    Can we please defederate from Hexbear?

    They call for the execution of landlords and say "Death to NATO."

    I am an anti-capitalist leftist btw.


    Give me RSS/Atom feeds

    I have painstakingly set up miniflux. Now I just need to subscribe to some feeds to make it useful.

    So far I have subscribed to,

    Any other suggestions? Thanks.
