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  • If you care about democracy, tell your congressperson to support the Fair Representation Act! Take Action: Ask your U.S Representative to support the Fair Representation Act!

    I just emailed my U.S. Representative, asking them to support the Fair Representation Act! Join me by doing the same: [@campaign]

    Take Action: Ask your U.S Representative to support the Fair Representation Act!

    The Fair Representation Act has been re-introduced in Congress. This bold solution can stop gerrymandering and make Congress work for every American.

    The Fair Representation Act can solve partisan gerrymandering, make every congressional district competitive, and encourage politicians to represent all of us instead of just their base. It does this by combining three reforms:

    • Multi-member districts. In three- or five-member districts, nearly every voter will elect a candidate they support. Voters like Massachusetts Republicans and Oklahoma Democrats will be represented in Congress. Gerrymandering will become nearly impossible.

    • Ranked choice voting for all U.S. House and Senate elections. RCV frees voters to support their favorite candidates, and encourages candidates to reach out to more voters for second-choice support. When RCV is used in multi-member districts, it is a form of proportional representation.

    • Uniform rules for congressional redistricting

    The Fair Representation Act can be passed without a constitutional amendment. It truly has the potential to transform our political system and create a more inclusive and deliberative government which respects and empowers all voices.

  • Blockout 2024 (Complete Disrecpect for Celebrities)

    So about a day ago a new trend began called Blockout 2024. It’s on TikTok where people are meant to go block celebrities to make them speak out or donate to Palestine. Now before I continue I think people should speak out and do things. Though of these so far of what I’ve seen 3 million people really and want change, why don’t each one donate 10-100 dollars once?

    In the context I get from this is people are being drastically lazy and throwing a tantrum because their celebrities ether haven’t spoken out or believes differently than them. Then wants celebrities to do everything. So as I hope everyone understands this. Celebrities are not yalls mommies and daddies. You are not 5 years old, you can do things for yourselves. If you can clearly rally with 3 million and counting. Why can’t you guys donate a small amount of money and actually make change instead of arguing.

    Now for all disclaimers there’s another tier to this that it’s for celebrities that are out of touch with reality which I can understand but make sure you know what’s going on so you don’t ruin someone’s life that is a good person.

  • Melania Trump hawking $250 gold-plated necklaces for Mothers Day Melania Trump's new $245 necklace sparks mockery

    The former first lady's latest business venture has been met with a wave of derision on social media.

    Melania Trump's new $245 necklace sparks mockery

    Melania Trump announcing the sale of a new customizable necklace on her website has been met with a wave of criticism and mockery on social media.

    On Sunday, the former first lady took to X, formerly Twitter, to announce the unveiling of her Mother's Day necklaces selling for $245 apiece...

    The post was accompanied by a link to Melania Trump's website, where the necklace in question was shown in its full glory. The jewelry item is described as a "customizable necklace designed by Melania Trump to honor all mothers."

    "Each necklace can be engraved with names, initials, or significant dates to create a one-of-a-kind piece of jewelry," an official blurb states. "Those who purchase Her Love & Gratitude can also receive a limited-edition digital collectible."

    The former model's "signature is included on each necklace," the site informs visitors. "The flower pendant measures 1 inch, includes a 16-18 inch adjustable chain, and is made in gold vermeil." (silver with thin gold plating)

  • Derek Chauvin was stabbed 22 times - inmate charged with attempted murder

    An incarcerated former gang member and one-time FBI informant was charged Friday with attempted murder in the stabbing of ex-Minneapolis police Officer Derek Chauvin at a federal prison in Arizona.

    John Turscak stabbed Chauvin 22 times at the Federal Correctional Institution in Tucson and said he would have killed Chauvin had correctional officers not responded so quickly, federal prosecutors said.

  • Boston demands Indigenous Peoples Day!

    Boston On Oct. 7, over 200 Indigenous activists and their allies gathered on Boston Common to demand that the Commonwealth of Massachusetts abolish Columbus Day and immediately designate the second Monday in October as Indigenous Peoples Day.  This action continued the Indigenous-led movem

    Boston demands Indigenous Peoples Day!

    >As Mahtowin Munro, co-leader of UAINE, and other speakers at the Common explained, Indigenous Peoples Day honors the resilience, survival, cultures, histories and resistance of Indigenous peoples. Munro also spoke about the need for worldwide solidary with Indigenous nations in their resistance to ongoing genocide and colonialism, including the struggle of the Palestinian people for liberation from the Zionist régime [in the Middle East]. > >Munro stressed that the only ultimate solution to the ongoing human and environmental catastrophes caused by capitalism and settler-colonialism is the centering of Indigenous knowledge and the full return of stolen lands and sovereignty to Indigenous nations. > >[…] > >A large delegation from the Indigenous Students Organization at Tufts University and Tufts Students for Justice in Palestine, wearing keffiyehs and waving a Palestinian flag, helped lead the march through Boston’s downtown shopping district. Thousands of tourists and traffic came to a halt, some cheering and honking for the marchers’ demand: “From Palestine to Mexico, all the walls have got to go!”

  • Tlaib, Bush criticized by Democrats over statements calling for end to Israel support

    Reps. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) and Cori Bush (D-Mo.) are facing criticism from fellow Democrats over weekend statements in which they each labeled Israel as an apartheid state and called for the U.S…

    Tlaib, Bush criticized by Democrats over statements calling for end to Israel support

    Surely any reasonable person can see there’s a difference between even defending Israel’s existence and justification for every oppressive action they take, right?!

  • Philadelphians’ fight for safe consumption sites is a fight to save lives The fight for safe consumption sites is a fight to save lives

    Philadelphia As the opioid and overdose epidemics worsen, there is a need to embrace radical solutions to save lives. One of these solutions is safe consumption sites (also called safe injection sites). These sites have opened in various places and have been shown to work in preventing overdose d

    The fight for safe consumption sites is a fight to save lives

    >The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, additionally, seeks to ban the opening of safe consumption sites anywhere in the state. A bill to ban the sites was passed in the state Senate with the support of every Republican and most Democrats. Due to the controversy of the sites among Democrats, however, it may not get through the state House of Representatives. Democratic Gov. Josh Shapiro promised to support the ban and says he opposes the sites. > >The importance of these sites cannot be overstated. Year after year, the number of fatal and non-fatal overdoses increases. While there are “mobile” and home-based safe consumption harm reduction groups — such as Never Use Alone, where drug users call in and can get help if they overdose — these are not enough. Statistics from all over North America have shown the usefulness of these sites and how they act to preserve life. > >Harm reductionists, drug users, concerned friends and family members and revolutionaries need to get involved in the fight for safe consumption sites, in Philadelphia and the entire country. These sites do not attract crime (any more than any other public service does), they do not “encourage” drug abuse, and — unlike what the federal government has said — they do not act as “sanctioned suicide” facilities or crackhouses. There must be a concerted fight to save lives.

  • Fanmi Lavalas of Boston protests Washington’s role in Haiti Fanmi Lavalas of Boston protests U.S. role in Haiti

    Boston Fanmi Lavalas of Boston responded to the deepening humanitarian and political crises in Haiti with a protest at the Massachusetts State House on Sept. 29. The action drew attention to multiple U.S. interventions and attacks on Haitian sovereignty as the root cause of these crises, which ar

    Fanmi Lavalas of Boston protests U.S. role in Haiti

    >Leaders of Steelworkers Local 8751, the Boston School Bus Drivers’ Union, including President André François and Recording Secretary Claude “Toutou” St. Germain joined Jacques Piquant and other leaders of Fanmi Lavalas of Boston in the demonstration. Fanmi Lavalas is the party of the only popularly elected president in Haiti’s history, Jean-Bertrand Aristide. > >[…] > >Protesters spoke with great urgency about the humanitarian crisis unfolding in Ouanaminthe, a commune of 100,000 people in the region of Haiti’s Nord-Est Department, where the Massacre River forms a section of Haiti’s border with the Dominican Republic. > >Luis Abinader, president of the Dominican Republic, has ordered the border totally closed to all Haitian nationals, suspended visa applications and initiated daily mass deportations of Haitian people who live, work and seek medical care there. Normally, the border is open without restriction at least two days per week. > >Abinader’s lockdown tactic comes as the Biden administration has placed new restrictions on Haitian people wanting to travel or migrate to the U.S. Thousands of people line up daily under the guns of the U.S. Marines at the often-closed U.S. embassy in Port-au-Prince, at barbed wire military checkpoints in El Paso, Texas, and now on both sides of the Massacre River. Many Haitians are drowning in the Gulf of Mexico due to these policies.

  • Manhattan protest brings truth of Ukraine war to thousands One of 60 planned actions Protest brings truth of Ukraine war to thousands

    New York City Antiwar demonstrators gathered and rallied at Columbus Circle in Manhattan on Oct. 1 near CNN headquarters, and marched downtown on Broadway past thousands of New Yorkers and tourists, passing through Times Square and ending at the New York Times building. The action was one of over

    One of 60 planned actions Protest brings truth of Ukraine war to thousands

    >This gathering provided a platform for various anti-imperialist movements to be heard. The crowd had the privilege of listening to speakers from Bronx Boricua Resistance, a grassroots movement organizing for an independent and sovereign Puerto Rico, free from the chains of U.S. colonialism. > >A representative of the Palestinian Youth Movement also addressed the crowd, calling for a liberated Palestine free from Zionist settler-colonialism. Another group that captivated the audience was PEX Semillas de Libertad, a Peruvian diaspora organization. PEX Semillas is struggling against the Dina Boluarte coup regime in Peru, and demands that the control of natural resources of Peru be in the hands of the workers, not U.S. and European corporations. > >[…] > >The Oct. 1 action was organized by the Bronx Antiwar Coalition, United National Antiwar Coalition, Workers World Party, and Peace in Ukraine Coalition. Endorsers and participants came from a diverse range of political groups, including International Acton Center, Veterans for Peace, Party for Socialism and Liberation, ANSWER Coalition, Struggle La Lucha, CUNY Internationalist Clubs, the DSA International Committee, National Lawyers Guild International Committee and others.

  • A plea from incarcerees: Stop killing us A plea from U.S. incarcerees: Stop killing us

    Robert Divine, age 52, died Feb. 14, 2023; Steven Smith, age 38, died April 15, 2021; Courtney Salmon, age 31, died May 25, 2021; Quincy Di-Harris, age 25, died Aug. 27, 2021; Kenneth Harris, age 69, died June 7, 2023; Bass Wykeem, age 33, died Aug. 26, 2022 – they are just six of 46 people known to

    A plea from U.S. incarcerees: Stop killing us

    >A article in August 2022 reported: “Philadelphia’s jails appear to be failing on nearly every level, from staffing and security to medical and mental health care, occupational opportunities, library and recreation time, and even the provision of the most basic human needs such as food and sanitation. > >“The crisis that unfolded with the onset of the [COVID-19] pandemic in the spring of 2020 has sparked ongoing protests by the families of those incarcerated, as well as public defenders, community members, and prisoners’ rights advocates. It has also caused a series of uprisings by prisoners themselves. > >“Civil rights litigation over dangerous and unhygienic conditions has resulted in the city paying out over $250,000 in partial settlements, with the money going to bail funds working to free as many people as possible from confinement in Philly jails. Litigation and criminal investigations are ongoing in the cases of prisoners murdered in a spike of deadly violence, and a federal court has appointed a special officer to oversee the city’s heel-dragging efforts at reforms meant to address the issues.”

  • Dynamic auto strike expands on its third week Week three: Dynamic auto strike expands

    The dynamic auto strike — the first time in the UAW’s history that workers at General Motors, Ford and Chrysler are on strike at the same time — is now in its third week. On Sept. 29, UAW President Shawn Fain announced on Facebook that workers at two assembly plants, Ford’s Chicago Assembly and&nbsp...

    Week three: Dynamic auto strike expands

    >New York City activists held a solidarity picket line and rally on Sept. 30 outside the GM building in Manhattan. The action was sponsored by the December 12 Movement, Workers World Party, Teamsters Local 808, Coalition of Black Trade Unionists and others. Speakers included UAW Local 3309 President Jeff Purcell, whose local is on strike at a Stellantis parts warehouse in Tappan, New York; CBTU New York City Chapter President Charles Jenkins; and Workers World Party First Secretary Larry Holmes.

  • Indigenous leaders, allies honor Orange Shirt Day

    United American Indians of New England (UAINE), the North American Indian Center of Boston (NAICOB) and their allies took over the entrance of Boston’s Basilica Church Sept. 30 to commemorate the “National Day For Truth and Reconciliation” in so-called Canada.  Commonly known as Orange Shirt

    Indigenous leaders, allies honor Orange Shirt Day

    >Stressing the importance of Orange Shirt Day, Mahtowin Munro, co-leader of UAINE, said: “We are here to support our Indigenous family across Turtle Island who have suffered trauma as a result of residential schools that tens of thousands of Indigenous children were forced to attend. In truth, we should not call these institutions ‘schools.’ Schools should not have graveyards and be places of horror for generations of children.” > >The Catholic Church ran many of these institutions where staff beat, abused and murdered Indigenous children. Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Committee has estimated that at least 4,000 Indigenous children died at residential schools, but the real figure is likely much higher.

    Related: Orange Shirt Day protests

  • House makes history, removes McCarthy as Speaker

    Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) is no longer Speaker of the House. A small group of House Republicans, led by Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) — along with Reps. Andy Biggs (Ariz.), Ken Buck (Colo.), Tim Bu…

    House makes history, removes McCarthy as Speaker

    Political drama, but the US House has never done this in its history

  • North Carolina Republicans create "secret police force"

    North Carolina’s new $30 billion state budget contains a provision that gives extraordinary investigative powers to a partisan oversight committee co-chaired by Senate Leader Phil Berger (R) and House Speaker Tim Moore (R). The Joint Legislative Committee on Government Operations — or Gov Ops for sh...

    North Carolina Republicans create "secret police force"

    North Carolina’s… state budget contains a provision that gives extraordinary investigative powers to a partisan oversight committee co-chaired by Senate Leader Phil Berger (R) and House Speaker Tim Moore (R).

    The Joint Legislative Committee on Government Operations — or Gov Ops for short — is empowered to seize “any document or system of record” from anyone who works in or with state and local government during its investigations. The rule applies to contractors, subcontractors, and any other non-state entity…

    Gov Ops staff will be authorized to enter “any building or facility” owned or leased by a state or non-state entity without a judicial warrant. This includes the private residences of subcontractors and contractors who run businesses out of their homes…

    Alarmingly, public employees under investigation will be required to keep all communication and requests “confidential.” They cannot alert their supervisor of the investigation nor consult with legal counsel.

  • FCC Restores Its Responsibility to Oversee Corporate Control of Internet

    Net neutrality is the ability to monitor and regulate hugely powerful companies’ control over an essential element of public life.

    FCC Restores Its Responsibility to Oversee Corporate Control of Internet

    >At the National Press Club this week, Rosenworcel (9/26/23) said that the FCC will vote on a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking at its next meeting in mid-October. And they will center the role of Title II, the part of federal communications law that gives the agency the power to even go about overseeing corporate control of the internet: to push against price gouging, anti-privacy moves, access-throttling—the whole range of things that makes people hate their internet service providers, and makes it a less hospitable arena for activism and organizing. That’s before you even get to whether they are allowed to shut off service during crises like Covid. > >The FCC, under the sway of corporations and their lobbyists, abandoned that responsibility years ago, under former chair Ajit Pai, appointed by Donald Trump based on his career as a lawyer for Verizon. > >With Title II invigorated, the FCC can engage net neutrality rules—which prevent internet service providers from slowing access for those that don’t pony up, and speeding it along for those that do. All of which machinations we as end-users may not be aware of, but that will absolutely affect what we see and know and act on.

    (Emphasis original.)

  • Fascist arrested after shooting at indigenous protest against conquistador statue in New Mexico, injuring one man Suspect charged for shooting man at Juan de Oñate statue protest

    A man faces two charges for a shooting at a protest over the controversial Juan de Oñate statue Thursday in Española.

    Suspect charged for shooting man at Juan de Oñate statue protest

    Thankfully the peacekeeper who was shot survived, and the gun jammed before he could shoot more people.

    Response from the organisers of the protest:

    Their press release:

    Footage (CW):

  • Seattle city workers fight for wages

    Over 1,000 city workers rallied on the steps of City Hall Sept. 20 to demand an improved union contract. Sixteen unions in the Coalition of City Unions (CCU), representing 6,000 workers, took part. It was a huge manifestation of the workers who keep the city running every day. These workers are figh

    Seattle city workers fight for wages

    >After bargaining all year with the unions, the city increased its offer for a cost of living wage from 1% to only 2.5%. Workers considered this offer a huge insult, as they suffered under a cost of living increase of 8.7% this year alone. > >Billionaire bosses have opened up a huge wealth gap between the titans of finance and industry and the working class. The Chamber of Commerce members are the big bosses backing the mayor and City Hall. Some 42.9% of the workforce can’t afford to live in the city they serve, according to the CCU. > >Among those who keep the city running are parks and recreation workers, transportation workers, librarians, City Light workers at Seattle’s electric utility, court workers, firefighters and many others. > >After an hour of rallying, workers started taking over Fourth Avenue in front of City Hall. When the speakers finished, the workers marched down to City Center/Westlake Center, chanting, “Who’s got the power? We’ve got the power! What kind of power? Union power!”

  • Writers’ strike wins gains in tentative agreement

    On strike since May 2, the Writers Guild of America announced a tentative agreement between the union and major studios that could end the strike.  WGA East and WGA West, in a Sept. 24 statement, said: “What we have won in this contract — most particularly, everything we have gained since May ...

    Writers’ strike wins gains in tentative agreement

    >Picketing has been suspended and writers are returning to work. The rank and file will be voting on the contract from Oct. 2 to Oct. 9. > >While the language was being finalized, the union asked its members to join a picket line of the Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists. The actors represented by SAG-AFTRA are still on strike. > >The new agreement reportedly addresses writers’ demands for a livable income, minimum staffing levels and guarantees their jobs will not be eliminated by artificial intelligence.

  • Behind Washington’s ‘Temporary Protective Status’ ruling Behind Biden’s TPS ruling

    President Joe Biden’s order to give Temporary Protective Status (TPS) to Venezuelan migrants living in the United States is no humanitarian act. It might seem so, since TPS would allow these Venezuelans to work legally in the U.S. if they can find work. But there’s little humanity in Biden’s maneuve

    Behind Biden’s TPS ruling

    >As human beings, as workers and farmers, Venezuelans are no more or less deserving of the right to migrate and work than others. But Biden offered them TPS because the strategists directing U.S. foreign policy aim to weaken the Caracas government. If they don’t offer this to migrants from Guatemala or Ecuador, for example, it’s because the U.S. already dominates the regimes in those countries, regimes which are corrupt and brutal. > >Biden may appear to be a kindly elder, but look closer. His offer of TPS is meant not to improve the lives of Venezuelans but to lure more Venezuelans to leave their home country. It’s aimed to make life more precarious in Venezuela and to overthrow the elected government of Nicolás Maduro. > >The U.S. followed a similar policy of luring migrants from the socialist countries during the existence of the Soviet Union. Washington has done the same for over 60 years in its attempt to strangle socialist Cuba.

  • Cash, cars and gold bars — and the crooks who slander the Republic of Cuba Cash, cars and gold bars — and the crooks who slander Cuba

    Senator Bob Menendez, in the news recently, is nothing but a front man for the Cuban right-wing Gusanos, those worms who left Cuba after the 1959 revolution stopped their exploitation and theft. The Democrat from New Jersey is notorious for his furious rants against Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua and an

    Cash, cars and gold bars — and the crooks who slander Cuba

    >As recently as May 11, Menendez sent a vicious message to House Representatives who were calling on President Joe Biden to reverse sanctions against Cuba and Venezuela. He mislabeled the two governments “brutal dictatorships” and accused them of “mismanagement and graft.” > >Then his charges of graft boomeranged. On Sept. 21, Menendez, his spouse, Nadine Menendez, and three New Jersey business people were indicted on charges that included conspiracy to commit bribery. Wael Hana and his two business partners allegedly bribed Menendez to accrue benefits for their business and for Egypt’s military government. > >[…] > >Offering up a crass anti-communist appeal as defense, the compromised politician stated that he was in the habit of withdrawing large (apparently very large!) sums of cash purportedly due to “the history of my family facing confiscation in Cuba.” A strange claim. Menendez was born in the U.S. to Cuban immigrants in 1954, five years before the Cuban Revolution.

  • Philadelphia youth react when charges dropped against killer cop

    Reminiscent of the mass reaction in the aftermath of the George Floyd lynching in May 2020, angry youth reacted in a similar situation in Philadelphia in the wake of a Sept. 26 decision by Philadelphia Municipal Court Judge Wendy L. Pew to dismiss all charges against Philadelphia police officer Mark

    Philadelphia youth react when charges dropped against killer cop

    >Irizarry’s aunt, Zoraida Garcia, told CNN: “They said there was a lack of evidence. What more evidence do you want? You can see the video; the video was played in the court. The judge has seen the video. For her to drop all charges, she shouldn’t even be a judge. She dropped the charges, so it’s okay for you to murder someone and get away with it.” > >The struggle for justice for Eddie Irizarry Jr, — affectionately called Junito by family members — is growing and will not stop until Dial and all killer cops are jailed.

  • Auto strike spreads: ‘No deal, no wheels!’

    Center Line, Michigan Just seven and a half days into a historic strike against Ford, General Motors and Stellantis (formerly Chrysler), on Sept. 22 at noon the union expanded its targeted strike of three plants to include all 38 parts distribution centers (PDCs) of Stellantis and GM. These wareh

    Auto strike spreads: ‘No deal, no wheels!’

    >While Biden said he would “stand in solidarity with the men and women of UAW,” in the same tweet he called for “a win-win agreement.” But in the struggle between labor and capital over the wealth created by labor, there is no “win-win.” One side’s gain is the other side’s loss. The less the bosses pay the working class, the more they keep for themselves in the form of profits. Any gain for workers cuts into the bosses’ profit-taking. > >Neither Biden’s appeal to the UAW nor Trump’s demagogy will help autoworkers win a decent contract. It’s by weaponizing their power to withhold their labor that autoworkers can make good the slogan, “When we fight, we win.”

  • Senator Dianne Feinstein Dies at 90

    The California Democrat, the oldest member of Congress, had suffered a precipitous decline in health in recent months.

    Senator Dianne Feinstein Dies at 90


  • Seattle citizens protest police murder of Jaahnavi Kandula Seattle: Protest cop murder of Jaahnavi Kandula

    Seattle Police officer Kevin Dave was speeding at 74 mph in a 25 mph zone on Dexter Avenue North in Seattle on Jan. 23 when he smashed into pedestrian Jaahnavi Kandula, knocking her body 100 feet and killing her.  Kandula, a 23-year-old graduate student from Andhra Pradesh, India, was attendi...

    Seattle: Protest cop murder of Jaahnavi Kandula

    >Just three days after release of the video footage, on Sept. 14, hundreds of people from the neighborhood where Kandula went to school came out in a multinational protest. They took to the streets and went to the downtown police station. People came out of their apartments to join them. The crowd’s signs read “Jail killer cops!” “End police terror!” and, of course, “Justice for Jaahnavi!” > >TouthliRt Williams, a wood carver from the Nuu-Chah-Nulth First Nation, spoke to the crowd about the injustice done to his brother, John T. Williams, also a wood carver, who was killed by Seattle cops in 2010. He urged the people there to keep pushing for justice. The march was called by the Seattle Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression. > >Two days later, on Sept. 16, members of the Indian and South Asian community held a rally at the scene where the police car crashed into Kandula. They ended with a call for justice. After a meeting with the mayor and police chief, community members sent a clear message that they wouldn’t back down until the police are held responsible and justice is obtained.

  • Protesters demand an end to prison deaths and torture in Rhode Island

    Providence, Rhode Island “What we did yesterday taught us that nothing is impossible. After all, what seemed impossible yesterday, was possible today. So, nothing will seem impossible tomorrow.” — Fidel Castro “Too many people in the U.S. support death and destruction without being aware of i

    Protesters demand an end to prison deaths and torture in Rhode Island

    >Meanwhile, the coffins and headstones were once again hoisted and maneuvered through the crowd as the protesters outside headed toward the performance stage area to distribute informational flyers to the public. The portable speaker continuously blasted the sounds of the incarcerated banging on the cells inside the ACI. An artist performing on the stage, moved by the demonstration, paused and declaratively encouraged the audience to listen to what the protesters were saying and take their flyers. > >With bullhorns in hands and surrounded by police officers, the procession advanced militantly across the street to solidify the group’s presence with those who were inside the CIC. They explicitly demanded action from Gov. Daniel McKee. > >As the demonstration culminated, mYia X of WWP and SWI shared words of solidarity and remembrance of the Attica Uprising that happened 52 years ago on Sept. 9, 1971. She read an excerpt of the fiery rallying cry, “What has happened here is but the sound before the fury of those who are oppressed!” spoken by Eliot “LD” Barkley, one of the 29 Attica martyrs. mYia X bridged it with, “The sound of the people pounding on the doors for help at the ACI,” calling for these words to be a reminder cemented across the U.S. and around the globe that, “We must continue the struggle to abolish this system because it cannot be reformed!”

  • Listen to the confusing 911 call made by a homeowner and the Marine pilot who landed in his backyard after ejecting from an F-35 stealth fighter

    "Ma'am, I'm a pilot in a military aircraft and I ejected. So, I just rode a parachute down to the ground. Can you please send an ambulance?"

    Listen to the confusing 911 call made by a homeowner and the Marine pilot who landed in his backyard after ejecting from an F-35 stealth fighter

    Of course, as a CPC bot, I am obligated to remind everyone of the narrative propagated by Lemmygrad’s official news station The Giant Spoon:

  • Disability Justice and Neurodivergent community rocks Boston Common to ‘Stop the Shock’

    Stop the Shock – a coalition of more than 30 organizations in the Disability Justice and Neurodivergent community – organized a rally and press briefing at the Boston Common on Sept 9. The rally succeeded in garnering greater publicity and support for passing House H180 in the Massachusetts state le

    Disability Justice and Neurodivergent community rocks Boston Common to ‘Stop the Shock’

    >At the rally, Rhoda Gibson, founder of the Massachusetts Chapter of ADAPT, gave a history of the struggle against Rotenberg. She played an audio clip of screams from Andre McCollins, a child who was tortured and shocked at Rotenberg many times, because he wouldn’t take off his coat. > >Gibson explained that 80 percent of Rotenberg’s residents are disabled children of color from New York state, where Andre’s mother, Cheryl McCollins, is leading a movement to pass “Andre’s Law” to ban sending children from New York state to Rotenberg to be shocked and tortured. > >In 2016, ADAPT organized a protest in which over 200 people, mostly wheelchair users, converged on the Rotenberg after ADAPT took over several Massachusetts trains to transport protesters to the center. This action was supported with the solidarity of many transit workers who assisted in getting folks on and off the trains. > >A book about this struggle, “Pain and Shock in America: Politics, Advocacy, and the Controversial Treatment of People with Disabilities” by Jan Nisbet, with contributions by Nancy R. Weiss, is now available from Barnes and Noble and Amazon or online (free with trial membership) at A video of this rally is available by clicking the link:

  • Oregon’s Portlanders protest city’s deals with fossil fuel companies Portlanders protest city’s deals with fossil fuel companies

    Portland, Oregon For years, dozens of Portland and Oregon organizations and community members have been protesting the growth of 10 fossil fuel companies operating within a six-mile area along the Willamette River, which flows through Portland. The area is called the Critical Energy Infrastructur

    Portlanders protest city’s deals with fossil fuel companies

    >Organizers have developed a slide show exposing the dangers of Zenith trains and the CEI Hub storage tanks. Their goal is to reach all 95 Portland neighborhood associations and collect residents’ signatures on a petition letter to city officials. > >On Sept. 6, protesters packed the Portland City Council demanding councilors “Stop Zenith Energy” and rescind the land-use permit granted to the company. > >Over the last few years, Portland and state groups and organizers have rallied, called, written, educated the public, sued the company, written songs and lobbied elected officials. Protesters dumped soil across the train tracks and planted an ad hoc garden. They held a 60-hour vigil at the facility and scheduled kayaking protest trips along the Willamette River storage facilities.

    ETA: Industrial Timber Conference Disrupted By Protesters; Windows Busted Out

  • “Bidenomics”: poverty for masses, more money for war Bidenomics = poverty for masses, more money for war

    The primary plank in Joe Biden’s re-election campaign centers around what he calls “Bidenomics” — the premise that he can “grow the economy from the middle out and bottom up” as opposed to the trickle down economics of some earlier administrations. But two years into Biden’s first administrat

    Bidenomics = poverty for masses, more money for war

    >Emergency measures introduced during the COVID-19 pandemic had begun to offer working families a step up out of extreme poverty. Introduced in 2021 as part of the American Rescue Plan, President Biden’s pandemic-relief package, the expanded child tax credit helped pull some families out of poverty. Had the extended tax credit remained in place, child poverty would have been nearly 50 percent lower in 2022. > >However, faced with opposition from Republicans and members of his own party, Biden dropped efforts to extend this program. The result was a dramatic rise of poverty rates, especially among children, in 2022, when the poverty rate rose to 12.4% from 7.8% in 2021 — the largest one-year jump on record.

    (Emphasis added.)

  • Boston march Oct. 7 to demand: Indigenous Peoples Day now!

    United American Indians of New England (UAINE), the North American Indian Center of Boston (NAICOB) and other organizations have called for a march and rally on Oct. 7 to demand that the Massachusetts legislature forever replace Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples Day. This decades-long stru

    Boston march Oct. 7 to demand: Indigenous Peoples Day now!

    >Mahtowin Munro (Lakota), co-leader of UAINE and lead organizer for Indigenous Peoples Day Massachusetts, said: “We call on the Massachusetts State Legislature to step up now and pass our statewide Indigenous Peoples Day bill and our other legislation currently before them, including bills to ban Native American team mascots, to provide for Indigenous curriculum content in the public schools, to protect sacred Native American heritage and to improve educational outcomes for Indigenous students.” (

    ETA: Hail Indigenous Peoples Day – Support Workers World and Free Leonard Peltier!

  • Workers in Durham, N. Carolina, Virginia Tech, and Washington Parish, Louisiana on strike On the picket line

    Durham sanitation strike The courageous Durham, North Carolina, sanitation workers, members of United Electrical Workers (UE) Local 150, ended their six-day strike Sept. 12 amid threats from the City Council to suspend them without pay. Despite these union-busting tactics, the workers will contin

    On the picket line

    >A living wage is the top demand. At an emergency meeting, school board members heard how wage increases are not distributed fairly, with raises going to district central office workers and not teachers and school staff. One teacher explained that every raise she received came with a jump in her health insurance premium. > >Kevin Knight, a cafeteria worker, said the only wage increase he has received in his 15 years employment is through stipends provided by the state. Yet both the superintendent and assistant superintendent receive a 2% wage increase every year. Their salaries are over $100,000 and $90,000 respectively. (

  • Mass march targets Biden for an ‘End to fossil fuels’

    New York City An estimated 50,000 to 75,000 people were in the streets of New York City Sept. 17 for a march and rally at the United Nations to bring attention to the global climate catastrophe.  The main demand of the protest was that President Joe Biden “End Fossil Fuels,” the primary ca

    Mass march targets Biden for an ‘End to fossil fuels’

    >There was a strong presence of Indigenous nations leading the way in protecting and defending “Mother Earth.” Demonstrators linked important struggles to the climate crisis, like stopping the building of “Cop City,” which is destroying forests in Atlanta, and an end to police brutality. > >The protest was held a few days before the Climate Ambition Summit taking place Sept. 20 as part of the annual opening session of the U.N. General Assembly. A direct action is scheduled for Sept. 18 at Zuccotti Park, home to the Occupy Wall Street movement in 2011.

  • Black Texas student given additional suspension for loc hairstyle Black Texas student given additional suspension for loc hairstyle | CNN

    A Black Texas high school student who was suspended because his loc hairstyle violated the district’s dress code was suspended again upon his return to school Monday, an attorney for the family told CNN.

    Black Texas student given additional suspension for loc hairstyle | CNN


    > A Black Texas high school student who was suspended because his loc hairstyle violated the district’s dress code was suspended again upon his return to school Monday, an attorney for the family told CNN. > > Darryl George has been suspended for more than two weeks because his loc hairstyle violates the Barbers Hill Independent School District dress and grooming code, according to his family. > > The code states that “male students’ hair will not extend, at any time, below the eyebrows or below the ear lobes,” CNN previously reported.

  • Premier episode of Workers Strike Back’s YouTube show “On Strike”

    Workers Strike Back was started by Socialist Alternative Seattle councilmember Kshama Sawant. >On Strike is the video broadcast of Workers Strike Back, hosted by socialist City Councilmember Kshama Sawant and Bia Lacombe. We’ve seen more protests and strikes than any time in a generation, but rarely do we hear about them from the perspective of working people and our movements. On Strike provides an independent socialist analysis and strategy to rebuild a fighting labor movement and campaign for a new mass party for workers and young people.

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