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clark Wild Bill

woman. student of behavioural science 🇸🇪🏴‍☠️ avatar © donnazucoyy

Posts 28
Comments 252
It's Saturday, what have you watched this week?
  • Mad Max, Mad Max: The Road Warrior, and will finish Beyond Thunderdome today. Marathon with my father.

  • Check this shit out
  • Oh yeah. This is the good stuff.

  • How do you manage to do all the things you want to do?
  • Thanks for sharing this! It’s appreciative to know there are people who actually can balance work and their hobbies.

  • What's the movie genre called that mixes historical settings and modern comedy?

    I mean movies that are just like regular modern comedy movies but take place in a historical setting. Some examples include “The Little Hours” and “A Million Ways to Die in the West.” Furthermore, does anybody have any more examples of movies like these?


    How do you manage to do all the things you want to do?

    This is mainly directed towards those who have many and broad interests, who have somehow found a way to balance all of them more or less equally.

    How do you manage to balance all of your interests that are so equal from each other? As somebody who plans to become a psychologist but is also interested in ethology, zoomorphology, archeology, and fashion history, how can I possibly engage in all of these things? Study independent courses? Watch Youtube videos on the subjects?

    It just feels like there’s so little time but so much to do and explore.

    How is your consciousness/mind structured?
  • I find the idea of mind categorisation very tiresome. I indulge in the concept of simply being and observing. I don’t name my observations, they just are.

    Not an interesting answer to your question but an answer nonetheless.

  • which one do you prefer? having kids or no kids? and why??
  • No biological kids. In my opinion, there is no reason to produce biological children when there already are millions of parentless, unloved children in foster homes.

    That being said, some days I yearn to take care of a child - to know I have given an existing being the opportunity to a better life.

  • French women voters swing sharply to far right
  • This is the entire reason for the European right-wing wave. Some like to pretend Europeans suddenly became racist as fuck, but look at the integration issues. Sweden is a shithole now, just like France, because of this. No doubt right-wing policies are extremist, but thank the lord they opened (some) people’s eyes to the problematic nature of mass immigration.

  • which one is the best anime in your opinion?
  • Beastars is the only anime I’ve ever rewatched. It’s just great.

  • It's all in the past now
  • Unfortunately I am attending summer school.

  • This is just adorable
  • That’s why I can’t imagine not* being friends with someone before entering a relationship with them. People who look for romance right off the bat are setting themselves up for failure.

  • Hej/hi!
  • Hej och välkomna till denna Community! Jag tänkte att det skulle vara bra att ha en plats på Lemmy där de som lärär sig skandinaviska språk - det heter vill säga svenska, danska och norska - kan talar med och stöda stödja varandra. Alla som talar ett (eller mer fler) av dessa språk, oavsett om det är ditt mödersmål modersmål eller om du har börjät börjat lärä lära sig dig det igår, är välkommna här.

    Värför Varför "skandinaviska språk"? Och värför varför bara dessa tre skandinaviska språk?

    Det finns just nu inga Communities på Lemmy för dem de som lärär sig skandinaviska språk. Det är bättre bra, särskilt när den fediverse fortfarande växer, att har en Community som är aktiv och nyttig för flera människor.

    Det kula roliga med svenska, danska och norska är att när man har lärt sig ett av dem så får man förstår man dem andra också - mer eller mindre. Det Samma sak gäller inte så mycket för isländska eller färöiska så jag tänkte fokusera på dessa tre. Det betyder att vi kan ha samtal även om vi inte talar samma språk och förmöodligen hjälpa varandra med missförstånd och dela resurser.

    Värför Varför skriver du på svenska?

    Eftersom det är språket som jag talar. Jag hoppas att vi alla får skriva på det språket som vi talar/lärär oss, med en översättning på engelska om det finns fara risk för missförstånd. (Som Mod ska jag skriva allt viktigt på engelska.)

    Var snäll och berättä berätta för mig om jag har skrivit ett fel på svenska! Och om du vill föreställa sig introducera dig nedanför - och berättä berätta vilket språk du lärär dig - skulle det också vara kul!

    Nice initiative with this community! Lycka till. (:

  • homber
  • homboobs

  • SpongeRule
  • me to too

  • Filen cloud
  • I like them. You get 40GB for free, so that’s appreciative. Opening documents can take some time, especially on mobile, but I don’t have any major complaints generally.

  • What movies did people look up to during the 80s/90s?

    You know how, today, we take inspiration or look up to “classic” films like The Godfather and The Shawshank Redemption? Well, what did people in the 80s/90s look up to? 70s movies? Black and white movies? What were seen as classics back then?

    Non-Spoiler Kingdom of Planet of the Apes Review
  • Sorry for the late response. Hopefully this’ll spark some engagement.

    I thought the first half of the movie was pretty strong and solid. However, at the end of the movie I feel like we didn’t understand Proximus’ true motivations - like he was a typical bad guy that you couldn’t sympathise with in any way. That made it kind of boring for me. Wish we could have seen more of him and Noa and explore their dynamic. Here’s to hoping for a Director’s Cut!

  • I discovered porn on my dad's computer
  • Don’t think he would appreciate pegging porn. He’s got IBS, that’d just activate feelings of distress.

  • I discovered porn on my dad's computer

    It was saved as a bookmark on Chrome.

    I’m a little stirred up and I don’t know why. It’s natural to watch that kind of stuff. But it somehow feels awkward now, being his child. I don’t know. Anybody got any, like, advice? On how to get over it? Dads? Children of dads?

    Hey, at least it was labelled MILF and not young teenage girl.


    Help me decide - best budget computer for school

    Hello all.

    I am once again asking for your technical advice. Maybe somebody else will find this thread useful and ask about their preferences, too.

    What I mean by "budget" is the price range of 300-600 dollars.

    My priorities are as follow:

    • Great battery life (!)
    • Lightweight
    • Quiet fans and keyboard
    • Able to run Linux (!)

    What I will use this computer for is:

    • Writing documents, viewing PowerPoints, the occasional call.
    • Watching Youtube and movies.
    • Scrolling the web and engaging with sites such as Lemmy.

    I will NOT be using the computer for any coding, programming, video- or photo editing. The occasional gaming may occur, but it's only one lightweight game I play on Steam from time to time.

    What I have been looking at so far has been: Acer Aspire 5, Acer Swift 3, and the Lenovo Slim Series. Unfortunately, I don't know much about computers so I can't tell if these candidates are worth considering.

    Furthermore, I don't really know what Ryzen or AMD entails. I think Ryzen is more apt for gaming? In which case, I'll be an AMD user. As long as it's able to run Linux, no problem.

    Sorry to dump my personal insecurities on you all, but what say you, Lemmings? What is your verdict?


    What's it called when an inventor's invention backfires on them?

    Is there a name for this specific concept? Where somebody invents something (to do them good) but then that thing turns around and backfires on them?


    Is there a FOSS make-your-own-dictionary app?

    Sorry, might not be the right place, but I thought I’d ask.

    I’m looking for a FOSS app where you can create your own dictionary: insert words and their meanings, and smoothly sort them in different word classes. I tried out the app Kalimaty, and it’s great, except for the fact it’s subscription-based and does not have many options for the free tier.

    If there is no such app like this, is there another way I can make my own dictionary? I have written the words down in my notes but because there are so many it’s hard to keep track of all of them and it slows the Notes app down.


    *should mention I am on iPhone.


    Star dates – is one day equal to 0,07 SD in TNG?

    Just had a thought while watching TNG.

    In “Code of Honour,” the episode begins as stardate 41235.25. Then, after Natasha is captured, Picard voices that “one whole day” has gone by and the stardate is 41235.32. Does this mean one day in TNG is equal to 0.07 (stardate)? Or do the last 5 numbers have no meaning at all?

    I know it’s a widely discussed issue in this community. Maybe I’m on the completely wrong track and maybe there is another consensus. But I thought it would spark conversation. Cheers!


    Vent from someone with a phobia of insects now that summer is nearing.

    Hello all. I wanted to make this post because I feel like venting a bit. I know the “cure” to my problem is CBT or exposure therapy, but I was hoping to speak to like-minded people or anybody who feels like sharing their thoughts.

    I hate that I’m not able to enjoy summer like most others. I hate that I flinch at the very sound of buzzing or the sight of flying insects. I know that it’s an irrational fear, I know it’s not normal and I know I look stupid when I cover my ears or flee into my room whenever I see or hear an insect. I’ve been told “they can’t hurt you, they’re nothing” so many times and I know they can’t hurt me but why is there minimal understanding of this phobia? I hate that whenever I tell people about this, I’m mostly met with “yeah they’re disgusting I hate them too”; it’s not that I find them disgusting, it’s that they cause me heart-pumping palm-sweating fear. It’s that I can’t enjoy landscapes and being out in the country like regular folks, I’m always alert and on the watch whenever I’m on an excursion because the fear and anxiety is so greatly installed in me. It’s that I sometimes end up hallucinating the buzzing sounds that jerks me awake.

    This definitely sounds like self-pity, and honestly it is. Because sometimes you just feel sorry for yourself and today is that day for me. I hope I can enjoy this summer despite these creatures. I hope I can speak to people who suffer from the same phobia, or people with any degree of empathy at all.


    Revamping my playlist - lemmels, give me all your suggestions!

    Edit: THANK YOU ALL! I am taking all recommendations into consideration and will be giving them a listen sometime. I was a little overwhelmed hence my lack of response, but I greatly appreciate what you’ve written. (-:

    Yes, this is a “suggest me songs” post. Only because I don’t know which other community is more appropriate.

    I’m looking to revamp my main playlist and clean out songs I don’t revisit all that often. I was hoping you all could suggest some songs OR albums based on my current taste. The other reason I make this post is because I fear I’ll go my entire life without hearing fantastically underrated albums, and I know lemmists to have taste.

    That being said, here are some of my favourite artists and albums:

    • Lana Del Rey
    • Marina and the Diamonds
    • The Bravery
    • “Disintegration” by The Cure
    • Foreign Air
    • Saint Motel
    • “How to be a Human Being” by Glass Animals
    • Garbage
    • Madonna, especially the albums prior to the 00s
    • Palaye Royale
    • Vendredi sur Mer

    I am additionally looking for artists similar to Crystal Castles, Com Truise, and Cults. Anything indie / electro / disco / jazz / poprock / pop-punk is welcome. Honestly, y’all don’t even have to take into consideration what I’ve just listed. Just give me the best you’ve got! Cheers. (:


    Way to collapse profile when viewing saved posts?

    Any way to collapse your profile as you scroll down your posts / saved posts? Sometimes I want to send a screenshot of a post I saved but the profile is taking up a lot of space together with the bottom tab bar.


    How to kickstart old Samsung GT-S7580?

    I just found my first phone ever and decided to start it up. I found out the password and decided to factory reset it since I’m planning on selling it. However, ever since I resetted it, it has been stuck on the same “Installing applications” screen (see image). I tried the volume up+power button+home button tactic and chose factory reset and then boot system, but it won’t budge. Anybody know how to solve this?


    Been watching Planet of the Apes with my father, which has reinvigorated my love for gibbon monkeys. Watch unnamed | Streamable

    Watch "unnamed" on Streamable.

    Watch unnamed | Streamable

    I love them so much. Has this sublemmy got any more POTA fans by the way? Y’all looking forward to Part 2 Chapter 1 (aka Planet of the Apes 4)?

    *Sorry about the video format, I don’t know how to publish videos directly. :’)


    ELI5: GrapheneOS questions

    edit: thank you all for your replies! They are all very helpful. I am reading through them and will ask follow-up questions if needed.

    I made a post some days ago asking about LineageOS, but my curiosity towards Google Pixels and GrapheneOS has been growing. As somebody who has always used regular Samsungs and iPhones, I hope somebody can clear up some questions I have regarding this OS.

    I plan that my next phone is to be either a Motorola (LineageOS/SailfishOS?) or a Pixel (GrapheneOS). My first question about GrapheneOS, or really any non-standard OS, is this:

    • how does having an account on the device work? For example, Samsungs require a Samsung account and iPhones require an iCloud account. How does it work on non-standard OSes?

    My second question touches on built-in apps that you often get with every phone:

    • does GrapheneOS have its own Notes/Drive/Photos/Messages app? If not, how does one go about obtaining these? Related question:
    • how do I sync my notes/photos/files/etc to the “cloud” of GrapheneOS?

    My third question regards the app store of GrapheneOS. I have heard that the sandboxed Play Store is better than FDroid, for instance; what are your thoughts? Do I go for Aurora Store instead? Is there any major difference at all? Is it possible to use multiple app stores?

    • note that I likely won’t be solely relying on FDroid since I need some non-FOSS apps (FB Messenger for contacting family for example).

    I know that in the privacy community, it’s very common to fix up a cloud of your own (i.e. NextCloud). I have no experience doing this, but is it something I must do when I install atypical OSes? Then comes the question about pricing, how private and secure it really is, which one to choose… and so on.

    I understand many of these questions will sound stupid to those who are experienced, but I have not been part of this community very long. Feel free to link any educational videos or articles that answer my questions. I hope to learn more about this subject and one day installing a more secure system on my phone. Cheers!


    Is there a way to sync LibreOffice with iCloud?


    I am very new to LibreOffice and I am trying to adjust and explore it. I have searched this question online but I can’t seem to find an answer to how I can sync LibreOffice works with iCloud? I have installed Collabora office, but I have no idea how to sync that with LibreOffice either… anybody up for teaching a newcomer?



    What phone brand do you like the best?

    *In terms of privacy, customisation, camera quality, and battery time.

    For the longest time I have only used either iPhone or Samsung. I plan on switching to Android for the next phone I get, but I find that Samsung phones are often too big for me and put too much energy on camera quality (I don’t take many photos). I have started to look into brands such as Nokia and Motorola, and I would like to know what you guys think of them. Additionally, do you suggest any other phone brands aside from them? My biggest priorities are privacy and long battery time. Bonus if the phone can run LineageOS (I have excluded Graphene as they are only compatible with Pixel phones).

    Thank you for any answers. Cheers!


    Friend claims capitalism exists because of proletarians' demands - how to answer?

    I would like to preface by saying I am very sorry if this is the wrong community. This post touches on the core philosophy of Marxism, and I was hoping to get some insight.

    My friend claims that the only reason companies produce things is because the working class, regular citizens, are asking for it; he does not get behind the idea of companies subconsciously persuading people to buy the items they sell. He believes that because your regular person wants a new phone, kitchen equipment, clothes, whatever - they are pushing capitalism forward and therefore it is the right / natural system.

    How would you reason? I feel conflicted. On one hand, people do want things and there is almost always something to produce it for them, but on the other hand companies are steadily pushing for profit, using various tactics to drive consumerism. I would appreciate what you guys think and what you would answer, because according to him, capitalism only exists because demand exists. Whether that's true or not, I hope we can discuss. Cheers!


    How many queries per device on NextDNS?

    I’m sorry if this is the wrong community to ask, I couldn’t find answers elsewhere.

    When you have multiple devices registered to your NextDNS account (i.e. 1 iPhone and 1 Samsung), do all devices get 300 000 queries each or do they altogether share 300 000?

    Thanks for any answers!


    How come there are ~21 hours between the two Diomede islands that are only 4 km apart?

    The Diomede Islands are two islands in the Arctic Ocean, between Alaska and Siberia. Despite the distance being 4 kilometres, there is a time difference of 21 hours between them. Why?

    I’m asking because it’s quite difficult for me to grasp the concept of time differences when the physical distances are so short. I know of the International Date Line, but I’m not sure what it entails. If any nerds would care to enlighten me, I’d appreciate it!

    (This question also applies to the Kiribati Island and Howland Island; the time difference is ~26 hours, yet the physical distance is only ~2160 km?)


    Framework vs Macbook laptop?

    I apologise if this is the wrong community to post this in, I wasn’t sure which one was ideal.

    I’m suffering a difficult decision of choosing between a Framework laptop or a Macbook Air (M1, 2020). I really like the ethical principles of Framework, i.e. you actually own it and can repair it any time, leading to an increased longevity. At the same time, I have heard people claim Macbook is superior in almost all aspects (especially battery life).

    I know both Apple and Microsoft are greedy CorpGiants, but seeing as I have an iPhone, I figure it would be easier using a Mac? But then again, the prices really are not worth it, especially considering it costs a lot to repair them. I have 0 experience with Linux, and this computer will be used at school, so I suppose it stands between macOS and Windows.

    I guess I just want some advice? Or some guidance and comparisons. Is 8GB enough for a Framework laptop? The 16GB version costs nearly as much as the Mac I’m looking at, hence my hesitance. If anybody has some experience using Framework and / or Macbook, I would love to hear about it. What are some pros and cons? Which people are better off with FW and Mac respectively?

    Thank you!

    *Edit, forgot to mention: I need a Swedish keyboard on the computer, and Framework apparently only offers English. This is the largest obstacle preventing me from leaning towards FW.
