As a naive European, please someone explain: Why aren't there more people protesting? I don't get it. They don't even state a number here and these pictures look like it's been just a handful of people.
I'm in Germany and after a conservative democratic party voted with the far right AfD in a ballot in parliament last week, there were mass protests with hundreds of thousands of people all across Germany. There were about 200.000 people in Berlin alone.
Meanwhile I feel like in the US, democracy is currently being replaced by fascism in no time and everybody just kind of watches?
I really think he should consider making this app open source in case he doesn't plan on continuing development. He'd be remembered as the guy who made the best open source Lemmy app instead of the guy who made people buy his app and then disappeared a few months later.
88% der AfD für Weidel. Das haben sie doch extra gemacht.
Recommendations would probably depend a lot on what kind of books you like.
One I read recently and loved is "Extremely loud and incredibly close" by Jonathan Safran Foer.
I can’t really go anywhere as I need to save as much money as I can to cover for missed time at work.
By far the most American thing I've read in a while.
Answering the question: How about reading some books?
Get well soon, OP!
Meines Erachtens der beste Film aller Zeiten.
Of course material science is technology lol
I was talking to a colleague in the office hallway who was holding an empty coffee mug. He fumbled with it a bit until it slipped out of his hands. He tried to catch it, got it, it slipped again, and again, and again. He juggled with that thing for what felt like an eternity until he finally caught it safely. I couldn't stop laughing.
Thanks. I use GIMP a lot for small things but without proper non-destructive editing it will never be a serious alternative to Photoshop, unfortunately. Also I rarely use Photoshop, mostly Lightroom.
I would like to recommend the recipes by Christina Souteriou. I've been following her online for a while and she just published her first book called "Big Veg Energy". I cooked probably 10-15 of her recipes so far and they were all great. I think it might be exactly what you're looking for.
Sorry but I can't watch that video for more than a few seconds, what a horrible way to try and get a point across.
There is no good alternative to Lightroom for me so I'll stick with it for now. May well be different for video software.
Hatte nicht gesehen in welcher Community ich bin und der Artikel war auf Englisch ;)
Die Alternativen sind leider nicht mal ansatzweise gleichwertig. Ich nutze sehr viel Lightroom und möchte darauf nicht verzichten. Darktable kann auch viel, ist aber insbesondere im Hinblick auf Usability einfach deutlich schlechter. Und hab keine Lust immer mit Dual Boot zu hantieren, das ist einfach zu nervig.
If someone could finally find a way to run Adobe software on Linux please
Yeah, I swipe probably 80-90% of the time, maybe even more. Gboard works pretty well for me. It's just way faster than typing every letter individually. Especially long words usually have a pretty good detection rate. For example writing this text I had to correct maybe 3 words, the rest was detected correctly on the first try and it takes me 1-2 seconds per word.
That's great to hear. I just swiped a lot of words, hope it helps 😄
For a second I really thought I had now finally found an alternative to Gboard but unfortunately the swiping detection is really poor and I need it to be able to use German and English at the same time. So I guess it's still back to Gboard. :(
Then make it easier for her to retrieve a password. A vault is not a good place. Give her a little notebook she can put in a shelf or drawer.
This, and it should be passwords she chooses and can remember (at least the ones she uses the most). Not some random mix of letters and numbers.
Also let her save them in her browser.
I don't mean to be rude, but maybe stop forcing her to use a tool that you like but she doesn't. I'm tech savvy but I also think that password managers are a pain in the ass to use. Just let her choose a password of her choice for every service, give her a little paper notebook and let her note down all the passwords. Tell her to make them long and secure and different for every service. Tell her to store the notebook in a safe place. Done.
How much pressure/weight from the top can a camera tolerate?
This might be a stupid question but I'd like to carry my smaller camera in my backpack every day. That means that it would sit in there together with my work laptop and occasional groceries or other stuff that I buy on my way home, for example. Therefore I bought a hard shell case (it was very hard to find one that had roughly the correct size) and lined it with some foam. Now the thing is, the case fits pretty well, but it could be a tad higher - currently I put the camera in standing upright and then need to apply a bit of force to the top lid in order to close the zipper of the bag. That means that there will always be some pressure on the camera from top to bottom. That wouldn't be anything I'd worry about, but what if I additionally load a bunch of groceries on it. The way the camera sits in there I assume that the pressure will be immediately transmitted to the top of the camera. Will it be fine?
Here's some photos to illustrate the situation:
Posts aren't marked as read on secondary account
I added a second lemmy account to Sync and on that second account posts aren't marked as read after I opened them. Sometimes they get marked as read after a reload, but only sometimes.
Is that a bug? Is there a solution?