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The Man with the Cucumber Sword

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Indie games using retro graphics
  • It is also nortorious for blessing us with goat cheeks.

  • Tea versus Coffee
  • Straight to the point, I like it! Programming sucks out your soul!

  • Tea versus Coffee

    What is your choice of hot drink between the two? A cup of tea or a cup of coffee?

    I used to be big on drinking tea including herbals which was relaxing while reading a book or looking up about subjects in the I.T field for me.

    But coffee? I drink it in the morning ready for my day and work search, keeps me upright that caffeine stuff but I don't drink more than 2 cups due to caffeine contents.

    I used to drink quite a lot of it in the workplace (Deadlines and projects tend to make you do that)

    So what about you? Are you a tea enjoyer or a coffee enjoyer?

    Linux in the military
  • I ask because using the funni penguin kernel in a weapons grade equipment is funny

  • Linux in the military

    So it's no secret that some parts of the army in the USA and my country (UK) sometimes use legacy software like DOS for niche roles as they're robust including older versions of Windows.

    But.. where does Linux fit in this? It's a kernel OS that's used in top of the line supercomputers, workstations, medical equipment and weather stations.

    I imagine some aspects of this would be military secrets but how do they use it? I know that Linux was used for certain space projects with NASA but I'm talking about army applications.

    TLDR : Does the penguin OS power shooty shooty machines and tanks


    Linus Torvalds and Richard Stallman

    I've tried using my incredible (british) brain using Google to see if these open source titans ever engaged in a battle of "friendly conversation" with one another.

    I was always interested what Stallman thought of the angry but smart finnish man who gave us the robust penguin kernel that breathes life into older machines and powers supercomputers for the weather.

    The same with Torvalds thoughts on Stallmans GNU involvement and him as a person.

    This is because you sometimes had different organisations in the FOSS and OSS community that take on different meanings so I wanted a better idea if these chaps ever spoke in an interview together.

    TLDR : Does finnish man like bearded GNU jesus man and the same vice versa

    Open-Source Video Editor 'OpenShot' Gets 'Game-Changer' Update
  • ShotCut Enjoyer vs Average OpenShot Goblin

    But yeah seriously I found it to be the better and more intuitive tool to use.

  • Linux geeks cheer as Arm wrestles x86 • The Register
  • Does this possibly mean the end of x86 or will it be a coexisting scenario?

    I still believe that as much as some people bark on about, X86 will not die for a long time, it will still keep kicking for some time.

  • South Park (TV Show)

    My question to you guys here is :

    Do you like watching South Park? If not, why?

    I understand that the jokes in it can rub a lot of people the wrong way especially when they make fun of religious groups, race and current day first world problems.

    Personally I've enjoyed the show ever since I watched earlier seasons on DVD years ago. I just find the humor and some of the moments give you that shock kind of laughter "They really put that in there??"

    So what's your view? Do you watch it? Do you hate it? You thought of watching it?

    Let me know!

    What industry secret are you aware of that most people aren't?
  • If I'm not mistaken Nestlé, the firm that makes various brands of chocolate, are known or at least have been known to include slavery in really poor parts of the world.

    When I look at a bottle or a cuddly packaged bit of chocolate, I shudder to think the shit conditions that a person, a child even was forced or on crap pay to produce that from the cocoa farming..

  • vaping

    What I don't understand is how these e cigarettes are accessible to youngsters compared to disallowing cigarettes.

    I live in the UK, and I see young teens and people my age in 20s smoking these metal pipe cigarettes, isn't it just tobacco in liquid form? Shouldn't this be tightly controlled like regular cigarettes?

    How the hell is this drug popular and marketable??

    What is your favourite shell to use
  • Because pepperoni rocks

  • What is your favourite shell to use

    What's your favourite to use? Mine is Fish due to its ease of use and user friendly approach.

    Bash is the pepperoni of shell tools being reliable in every field no matter what but I've moved to Fish as I wanted to try something different.

    So what's your shell of choice?


    Indie games using retro graphics

    Two examples of this are :

    Penny's big breakaway and DUSK from the top of my head.

    I'm not sure about you but I think the rise of indie games going with the PS1 aesthetic and other low gfx easy to run games is that the past, despite its flaws, was much better.

    I also think there's a charm with low polygon games and spritework ones, it's your imagination that fills in the gaps.

    And lastly, I think of the simpler times when you play modern indie "retro" games, no bullshit, you pay the devs, you get your game, everyone is happy.

    What are your thoughts on indie games going for that nostalgia feel? Any examples to cite?


    Marvel Vs Capcom Collection

    Oh this one I'm excited for, especially MVC2 since it's been in legal la la land for a while until now.

    Are you guys going to purchase the collection? The only thing that sucks about is the lack of crossplay which could keep long term playerbase up outside of those who play MVC games on Fightcade.


    The Condiment Wars

    What is your favourite sauce of the big three :

    Ketchup - Arguably the most widespread and common sauce used for flavouring your burgers, BBQ and other dishes. Can be considered the normie basic-guy option from others opinions.

    Mustard - The yin to Ketchups yang, also widespread in dishes previously mentioned in Ketchup section, either exclusively used or paired with Ketchup combining the flavouring.

    Brown Sauce - HP, Daddies etc this sauce is pretty popular in the UK (Where I live) and goes great on chips/fries and prior dish mentioning.

    It is also a cardinal rule to be put into bacon sandwiches among the brown sauce community.

    What is your favourite sauce to use?


    Average vs Fame

    What life would you prefer leading, an average but quiet and peaceful life? Or a famous life where you have glamour, wealth and luxurious accommodation.

    I'm not sure about you but I'd prefer an average life of content and comfort knowing that while money is good, it's not everything.

    Let me know your thoughts!


    Linux and public awareness (ads, trailers etc)

    Hear me out, the big players in the Linux space I.e. Canonical, Red Hat and SUSE could release trailers commercially on TV and social media to general users who may not be tech savvy or have a "basic windows" lingo in IT.

    I know what you'll say "Granny smith and Dave the accountant aren't gonna care". That's fair but the adverts could outright say about how MS is a nortorious privacy invader and that you and your family could save spending more money on a supported Win 11 laptpp by just upgrading to Ubuntu or Linux Mint on one you already own with carefully simple instructions.

    I understand that they use YouTube, I'm just talking about more traditional sorts of advertising, these firms are pretty big in the enterprise server space and considering they offer desktop versions of their respective distros, you'd think they would try cater to that market as well.

    TLDR : Big corpo has money, advertise their distro, make them a better alternative.


    Physical Media (Blu-Ray, Music CDs)

    Ever since I got my Michael Jackson Thriller CD, I've been thinking, I have started to prefer physical releases more when it comes to films and music, because it's nice to have something you own in your hands, lend to a neighbour, and rip to your devices.

    With streaming, I've cut off some services as I got tieed with the price hikes and removals of specific titles, sure, your music might be lost if you lose your phone and you can just resign in with your account on say, Spotify.

    But even those have issues where they can remove the track, with CDs and Blu Ray, it ain't going away if you keep looking after it.

    What are your thoughts on this? Are you big into streaming due to convenience, or do you go physical? Or maybe a bit of both?

    Let me know in yer comments!


    Hypothetical Game Ideas

    What game would you create if you had the skills and experience of a veteran game dev? I.e. John Carmack

    I would create a boxing game where you play as different fighters that look like the national animal of the country they're from I.e. Germanys eagle and British lion.

    (So basically, Furry Fight Night(

    It'd be similar to that PS3/X360 game Facebreaker

    If you had such skills and know how, what game would you create? Let me know!

    Intel 'Sierra Forest' Xeon Server CPUs
  • I did hear that they're killing off hyper threading which is a bummer but I guess those P cores would make up for it.

  • Intel 'Sierra Forest' Xeon Server CPUs

    I've been getting back into the CPU limelight after a few years of burnout from too much info and life goals.

    This new fancy E core stuff kids talk about sure looks interesting and I see the new Xeon has butt load of cores which some interesting technologies!

    However there is one thing that still itches me brain, these CPUs seem to be marketed for data centres a lot about rack density?

    If I'm right in ELI5, that just means less servers with better performance overall right?

    I only quiz about their advertisement for data centres since you often seen a lot of prior gen Xeons in servers, heck the school I worked for in the past had a decent end of these processors for VM use.

    Am I right in thinking THESE new fancy Xeons are "data centre" only versions?

    Forgive me for my ignorance on this subject.

    Linux May Be the Best Way to Avoid the AI Nightmare
  • Didn't HP sell some fancy shmancy laptops that came with Ubuntu or some flavor of it? Think it was for developers but I thought that was the closest we gotten to commercially selling Linux based machines.

    P.S. I could be wrong about this but I am sure this happened.

  • Team Fortress 2

    Team Fortress 2 is such a great game that I never get bored of, everything from the sound to characters to the gameplay.

    What are your favourite classes to play as? Mine would be :

    1. Engineer
    2. Medic
    3. Soldier

    I find Engineer to be fun and at times a cozy experience, let your gun do the shooting and grab a beer.

    Medic is awesome cos of the potential to save team mates and make grand changes in the match with overcharge.

    Soldier is great cos it reminds me of Quake with all the rocket jumping and blowing up enemies into mushy red gibs. Especially with The Original.

    I sure hope Valve listens to the FixTF2 bandwagon because boy oh boy Casual looking a dead horse for these last few years.


    Copilot Recall and it's consequences

    After catching up to this newfangled recall controversy, it's some pretty harrowing stuff that makes me NOT wanna go from Windows 10 at all.

    So the big question is, will this be the nail in the bill gates coffin of people adopting mainstream distros of Linux like Mint and Ubuntu? It might not jive with the "normie" folks who just use it for browsing etc, but more online orientated people like you and I.

    I am surprised with this security worry hasn't made people advertise Linux more publicly to the mainstream.

    And lastly, MS surely is going to backstop on this right? Between the Xbox fiasco and this, its just damaging their PR optics even further.

    What do you think? Will it actually push the Linux train wagon? Will Microsoft just continue this fat mess anyway?

    Me cat
  • Nah, he's a pretty chill cat and from observing, is open to strangers. I live in a cul de sac area and the neighbours sometimes along the way take a bit of time petting him.

    He's one smooth cat I tell you.

  • The N64

    I am probably going to get hate for this, but I don't think too highly of this console.

    Sure, some of the games at the time were astonishing and well regarded classics, but man oh man do I dislike the controller, it just feels so... alien to hold you know?

    Another thing too, the cartridge format whilst snappy, suffered from making too many cutbacks compared to the disc format of PS1 and Saturn which gave you pretty much the full scoop.

    I am sure Nintnedo had their reasons at the time, but to me it was almost like it was a death by a thousand cuts scenario, a really powerful machine let down by not using what is literally the next gen medium at the time.

    Let me know your thoughts, it is fine to disagree as the console is well respected with both nostalgia and entertainment, I'm just an outlier here.


    Me cat

    This is me cat, Pepper.

    He is a good lad, top class kitty with a penchant for chicken.

    Waltzed in here and sat down there where you see in the picture, thought I should snap a photo of this whiskered gentleman.

    Google AI making up recalls that didn’t happen
  • I don't bother using things like Copilot or other AI tools like ChatGPT. I mean, they're pretty cool what they CAN give you correctly and the new demo floored me in awe.

    But, I prefer just using the image generators like DALL E and Diffusion to make funny images or a new profile picture on steam.

    But this example here? Good god I hope this doesn't become the norm..

  • Your Experience with Linux, BSD etc

    The fact that you get a full OS for free, customizable and no crappy forced in features that you don't want is amazing.

    I can stress enough that my experience with Linux has been resoundingly positive, it's almost like that finnish bill gates guy made a golden goose of an OS.

    Ever since I upgraded my WiFi to pcie and moved to Fedora, it has been nothing but smooth sailing.

    • AMD GPU just works, no fussing about, get straight to fragging on Xonotic and Counter Strike

    •Customize Fedora to my liking, made it more like windows with the extensions provided

    • What's this? A software app store? Swell! I no longer need to download stuff off from dodgy sites or numbingly installing everything manually!

    • The mascot of Linux? 10/10 and penguins are one of my 2nd favourite animals

    How was your experience with this Unix-like wonder? In a home user manner and/or a business use manner?

    Let me know!

    My friend didn't have a great experience with Linux
  • The problem is mate is that not all games have native Linux versions, If FIFA 17 were on steam, you could use proton on it but I believe it isn't.

    It just comes with the territory of Linux that some games are windows only and can be finicky.

    Minecraft however, should run fine on potato machines and with Linux, should have a native port you can install from say Flatpak.

    When moving to the penguin train, he needs to write down what software and games he wants to use, and what might be omitted due to compatibility issues.

    If the man wants to use Windows, let him be, he might reconsider in future about trying Mint again or another distro like Kubuntu.

  • What skill or talent took you longer than it should have to learn?
  • Tying a tie for meetings, interviews etc.

    I've always had issues trying to do myself from "my angle" if you know what I mean, I've always worn light blue or grayish dress shirts without the tie to interviews, or I'd just leave the tie spaced out so I can shrink it again when I got around my neck.

    Still trying to get the hang of it!

  • Favourite developers
  • The DLC I'll admit is what they are jokingly known for but someone could "find some treasure" can avoid that. But good answer nonetheless!

  • Which one do you prefer? htop, btop or top?
  • I am a chad htop enjoyer, I find btop and other alternatives too much on the eyes for me personally and HTOP has enough info for me to take a look at in terms of system resources.

    Either that or I just use the regular gnome GUI system monitor lol

  • What are your thoughts on Flatpak/Flathub?
  • I prefer Flatpaks because it's a nice easy way of getting software without the chance of broken or missing dependencies for a program.

    Much better than Snaps, snaps is flatpaks but MUCH worse and slower.

  • Windows Mixed Reality to be removed in Windows 11 24H2
  • That is fair, but personally I felt WMR is a niche feature and those with VRs can game using Steam or other vr application alternatives.

    I understand that there are people that wanna use this so I get its stupid they're pulling away a feature that you actually need.

  • Windows Mixed Reality to be removed in Windows 11 24H2
  • It honestly feels good to be on windows 10 LTSC IOT. None of this nonsense bloat installed and you get exactly the security updates you need sparsed out.

    I dread the moment I actually have to migrate to Windows 11 but at least this version of Windows 10 I can use like, another 9 years lol.

  • Facebook turns over mother and daughter’s chat history to police resulting in abortion charges
  • The two apps I've mentioned are exclusively messenger apps. Think of Facebooks messenger but more secure with no big company servers looking at your chat and messages.

  • Facebook turns over mother and daughter’s chat history to police resulting in abortion charges
  • This is true, FB messenger is as open as it will get with seeing your messages, WhatsApp is dubious too so either Signal or Session are best e2e messenger apps imo.