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I have fleas.

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Debian used to be so good. What happened!?
  • Someone after my own heart.. Debian for my servers, lmde for my laptop, the way it was meant to be.

  • What's was your favourite fast food product that unfortunately got retired and never came back?
  • There was a short lived candybar called PB Max that I’ve been craving for like the last 20 years. It actually tasted like peanut butter which, despite my love for peanut butter cups, just completely outdid them for peanutty goodness.

  • What's the dumbest blockbuster movie you have seen that somehow received high praise?
  • american beauty. it was everywhere, and everyone seemed to LOVE it. feels like history kinda agrees though since all I hear these days is people making fun of it. guess I’m just ahead of the times.

  • Study finds 268% higher failure rates for Agile software projects
  • no shit, I feel most people can function in just about any framework, so long as everyone knows what they are building. I've seen agile (and other frameworks to be fair) as the 'solution' to missing requirements too often. Sure we can get to work without them, but to what end?

  • Biden camp warns Trump could still get re-elected with ‘unhinged campaign of revenge’
  • I’ve never said why you should or should not vote, you are free to do as you will. All I’m saying is that I cannot morally support anyone who is running. You can, done, but they are all collectively running on platforms I cannot morally support because I see them all as part of the same problem.

    So we’re in a situation where we have a fundamental agreement on the issues but a fundamental disagreement about the solutions. Your name calling has not yet convinced me that I’m wrong.

    Edit- I want to elaborate a little about why I’m taking the position I am. I believe the dems are part of the problem that led us here, I believe they dangle these wedge issues out there for reasons you are illustrating. Yes, I agree with the words that they say, but the actions they take (or more often don’t) no longer make me believe they are out for us. I think our side is just as captured by a corrupt party, just one with a different marketing department. You think the vote will make the difference, I’m saying, those same arguments, for those same issues, have been made for my entire life and they have not fundamentally changed. There are minor, small wins but in reality the ONLY consistent winners are the American equivalent of the oligarchs. I’m at the point where I actively believe they are doing it all on purpose, another side of the same coin so to speak.

    So I’m checking out. You do you.

  • Biden camp warns Trump could still get re-elected with ‘unhinged campaign of revenge’
  • Again, I’m sorry this country hates you. I agree that minorities are facing a horrible situation. The difference between you and I is that I no longer believe voting for Biden, or the orange asshole, or the lunatic will fundamentally change the direction of the country. I can and will continue to support LGBTQ and other minority group policies and programs and people but again, I do not believe my vote will do anything for those causes. I am fundamentally against supporting any of them. I have a choice of evil, evil or evil. Instead I’m choosing to bow out.

  • Biden camp warns Trump could still get re-elected with ‘unhinged campaign of revenge’
  • Friend, arguments like yours are the exact reason I’m done with the political bullshit. I am having a marvelous weekend, volunteering with children in the woods. This is what I’m doing to make things better, local things that make a difference.

    Go pat yourself on the back real hard for that vote of yours, you’ve single handedly saved us all.

  • fantasy
  • Let me help you then..

  • Biden camp warns Trump could still get re-elected with ‘unhinged campaign of revenge’
  • But the examples you gave me are the opposite of progress. Look, I’m glad you still have fight left in you, you’re gonna need it for a long time.

  • Biden camp warns Trump could still get re-elected with ‘unhinged campaign of revenge’
  • this same argument has been made in every election of my life. I agree, and I'm sorry this this stupid country has it out for all minorities but I no longer have faith that scribbling in a little circle every 4 years is the medicine we need.

    Years of at least some progress on progressive policies? The minimum wage? Social Security? Democracy itself?

    update- minimum wage is lower, adjusted for inflation, than it was when I was a kid. I do not believe that I will receive any of the social security I've paid in and the age for it has been increased. I do not believe this democracy functions anymore.

    the night turnip was elected was the final nail in the coffin for us. everything since has been death throws of a nation.

  • Biden camp warns Trump could still get re-elected with ‘unhinged campaign of revenge’
  • my sincere apologies for what I am causing you.

  • Biden camp warns Trump could still get re-elected with ‘unhinged campaign of revenge’
  • I mean, the fact that incrementalism has once again led us to a situation where we’ve got no choice but to desperately save democracy yet again, hasn’t made you wonder…

    We’re in a situation where a literal cartoon villain (see Bloom County) who’s also a 34 time convicted felon, is within a hair of becoming president. In a functional society this would be too ridiculous for even a movie plot. But instead we’ve got Joe, happily cheerleading another genocidal war, alienating his base and the future base of the Democratic Party. Why do I prefer him again?

    I started this cycle in the same mindset you are in. I just can no longer give my support to any of the horror shows that we have to choose from. I don’t think things will improve under Biden, I do think they will be worse under turnip but I also believe that if we elect him, we absolutely deserve what’s coming.

    Maybe I’ve been listening to RATM too much lately but I just will not lift a finger to support this evil empire.

  • Biden camp warns Trump could still get re-elected with ‘unhinged campaign of revenge’
  • I mean, I already have, this isn’t the echo chamber you think it is, and it makes me feel better so if my whining is causing you pains, feel free to ignore or block me.

  • Biden camp warns Trump could still get re-elected with ‘unhinged campaign of revenge’
  • Again, I’ve heard and made all these same arguments. I’ve been told for decades that we just need to vote harder. I do realize that if we had an overwhelming election that things may change but when we look at who’s currently running, the fact that we’re putting up a guy who’s doing everything possible to create his own Vietnam for reasons I simply cannot fathom, tells me that those in power really give zero shits.

    If there was some reason to be inspired or believe that my vote will make things better, then sign me up. But I’ve done it for ages and my voice of rationality has always been drowned out by the shallowest thinkers on the planet. I have no faith left that it will ever be different.

  • Biden camp warns Trump could still get re-elected with ‘unhinged campaign of revenge’
  • We’ve been told that all our lives, but look at the current dems, they aren’t going to fix anything. I’ve hired people, if I had these three resumes in front of me, my conclusion is that they all will make things worse, so I would not hire any of them. Call it a protest non-vote if it makes you feel any better but incrementalism means nothing when we’ve all pulled that least evil lever in hopes for improvement while the world burns, while we participate in another mass killing, when my children need to have the same fights that I, and my parents, and grandparents have been fighting.

    I think the system is broken, the ship is going down so I truly no longer care who captains it, I’m busy looking for a liferaft.