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I have fleas.

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Comments 12
what is your alternative to Gillete for shaving ?
  • I found out I can actually grow a terrible beard but before that, this was 100% the way to go.

  • Texas official warns against “measles parties” as outbreak keeps growing
  • Same here. Diagnosed on my 16th birthday. Been 30 years and I still have never been sicker. Scars have faded but I thought it was acne at first and so had some real prominent ones on my face for decades.

  • After 40 years of being free Microsoft has added a paywall to Notepad
  • For plain text, either nano on CLI or whatever built in basic text editor comes with LMDE.

    Windows I used notepad, from now on I’ll add ++ :)

  • After 40 years of being free Microsoft has added a paywall to Notepad
  • vscodium fixes the privacy anyway. It’s always open so startup times are no issue for me.

    I still prefer to keep a stripped down, basic text editor though. Ah well, I’m not on windows so no big deal.

  • MomBoard: E-ink display for a parent with amnesia
  • m not the author. You can find them on mastodon.

    I will, thanks!

  • MomBoard: E-ink display for a parent with amnesia
  • Hey, thanks for this. I have an elderly parent that just moved into a new senior living apartment. I was looking for something like this and stumbled on your project a couple weeks back. While I’m not implementing the same as you, the inspiration has been invaluable. I’m going a cheaper route with a pi zero and a secondhand e-ink display, plan is to put my version up online and link to yours for inspiration if that’s ok (and if I ever get enough time to finish and document).

  • Biggest concerns
  • Dick replacement. When you can’t see yours anymore, gotta get an external one.

  • Maga’s violent threats spike as little girls threatened with rape
  • I’m gonna vote in 4 years for a better president.

    Just like they vote against putin and orban.

  • Democrats Begged Team Kamala Harris Not to Campaign With Liz Cheney
  • friend, you and I are saying the same thing.

    You would think people would learn that republicans tend to wreck the economy just for democrats to fix it, and republicans to shit all over any progress that's been made again, but just like dogs aren't smart enough to learn that a snake bite's venomous bite could kill them an hour later, Americans can't seem to grasp the concept of economic momentum and that changes made in one term may not be immediately fixed - especially if the previous guy smeared his shit all over the bathroom walls before he left. It's understandable it will take some time to clean up.

    I totally understand why it happened, and yeah, I agree it was economic issues, and inflation and so forth. And I even agree it’s not an America thing. This is just a human thing, and humans by and large are kinda awful.

    this is because people want easy, quick answers that make them feel good. An old comment of mine from this site sums it up:

    as I have climbed higher in the corporate world, this is becoming clearer and clearer. people respond far better to a confident idiot than they do a pensive expert.

  • Democrats Begged Team Kamala Harris Not to Campaign With Liz Cheney
  • Right, so enough wanted the rapist, the rest were just ok with it. Lovely country, beautiful people.

  • Democrats Begged Team Kamala Harris Not to Campaign With Liz Cheney
  • God I am so tired of the post-mortems already. everyone is so obsessed to find the one little things that they did wrong. What was the one weird trick that could have shown america the correct path.

    This time it was beyond obvious. This country simply wanted a rapist, a criminal, they wanted a man who praises dictators and has proclaimed that he is going to be one (good luck with that 1 day thing). Enough Americans looked at the two choices and the majority of this country decided to give fascism a try.

  • "The American experiment endures," Biden said. "We're going to be OK."
  • Right, I barely scratched the surface.

  • Harris' Messaging problem
  • No shit I’m tired of the post-mortem quarterbacking. There’s always one weird trick that you can point to, everyone wants an easy reason why this happened.

    Well, I have one. america is a fascist country. Apparently we just decided to forgo the plausible deniability.

  • Opinion: Trump wins 2024 election. America needs to admit it's not 'better than this.'
  • no, not really, not in comparison anyway. I'm no dem fan but when given the option to shoot myself in the head vs. taking a tylenol for a headache, I don't have to think real hard about that one.

    again, given the choice between a rapist, a 34 times convicted felon, one who defrauds students, cages children, takes away human rights, praises nazi’s and dictators; and a minority woman with an annoying laugh, folks thought it was worth either pulling the lever for the fascist or just letting the fascist take power.

    fuck kamala, fuck biden, but we could work with them, we could put pressure on them. hell, we got biden to drop out. good luck pressuring donald fucking trump to do anything that isn't entirely self-serving.