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Welcome to the Perchance Community! is a platform for sharing and creating random text generators.
This Lemmy community is for:
- Asking for help with problems, issues, or requests about generators in Perchance
- Sharing and showcasing your created generators, templates, plugins, or pages in Perchance
- Starting friendly discussions about topics related to Perchance
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- Be kind and friendly.
- Please be kind to others on this community (and also in general), and remember that for many people Perchance is their first experience with coding. We have members for whom English is not their first language, so please be take that into account too :)
- Be thankful to those who try to help you.
- If you ask a question and someone has made an effort to help you out, please remember to be thankful! Even if they don't manage to help you solve your problem - remember that they're spending time out of their day to try to help a stranger :)
- Only post about stuff related to perchance.
- Please only post about perchance related stuff like generators on it, bugs, and the site.
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- Please Search through the Community Posts here (and on Reddit) before posting to see if what you will post has similar post/already been posted.
Here are some optional tags to add in your title to categorize the posts. These are merely tags, you still need to title your post effectively.
- [Bug] - if you think you find any bug in Perchance, use this tag.
- [Question] or [Help] - this is to denote that your post is a question or requesting for help
- [Suggestion] - for any suggestions in Perchance
- [Feedback] or [Appreciation] - for any feedback or appreciation to any generator or to Perchance in general.
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AI Plugins Posts
Here is a FAQ for the AI tools in Perchance.
We would like to ask to refrain from posting here needing help specifically with prompting/achieving certain results with the AI plugins (text-to-image-plugin
and ai-text-plugin
) e.g. "What is the good prompt for X?", "How to achieve X with Y generator?"
There are guides, tutorials, and resources on the internet that can be applied when prompting in the AI tools in Perchance.
We will still be helping/answering questions about the plugins as long as it is related to building generators with them.
If you need help in prompting, please post on the 'sister' forum at Casual Perchance
Getting Started with Perchance
To get started with Perchance, check out the Perchance Tutorial or the Beginner Tutorial at the Perchance Hub Learn Tab to get to know the website.
- Also, check out this video by Chaoclypse as an introduction to Perchance.
Asking for help
Feel free to ask for help but please check out these tips on searching for an answer:
- Check the following pages, to see if your question has already been answered or talked about or a plugin has been made for it. We recommend using the browser's search function (
) and searching for similar keywords to your question/problem. - If you didn't find anything about your problem there, feel free to search through the posts/articles here:
- If you can't still find anything related to your problem, feel free to post a thread here.
- Please title your post effectively.
- Please provide a link to your generator with your attempts of solving the problem.
- Try to explain what you want it to do and what example output it should be doing.
Slightly classier popup
This could actually really easily detect browser and not suggest chrome if already on chrome. Here's how
refine username error message
Ive been seeing the username option recently even tho it doesn't work.
After making name and password it shows "Failed: failed 5" and brings back to the "make a name phase".
i think if it fails it should go all the way out instead of to the "make a name phase" since a name can't be made
"failed 5" is a very cryptic error message that could be refined in to something more helpful like, "because your phone service changes your ip every few hours, you are just seeing this option as a glitch and will never actually be able to have a username" or something else explaining what to do to fix it or why that person can't get one.
RAG for Perchance Text Generation AIs
Retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) is a technique for enhancing the accuracy and reliability of generative AI models with facts fetched from external sources.
![What Is Retrieval-Augmented Generation aka RAG?](
Hi, I've been playing with some AI models on my machine in GPT4ALL software and it have this thing called "LocalDocs".
It looks like it is just a RAG for AI and simple structured text document is more that enough for casual usage. Document like this was more than enough for Llama 3.x to be aware of dates and current state:
{ "Today": "12-Dec-2024", "Tomorrow": "13-Dec-2024", "Deadline": "23-Dec-2024", "Tasks Left": [ {"Task Name": "Get groceries"}, {"Task Name": "Buy presents"} ] }
Can perchance have something like that or is it up to generator creator to setup RAG?
In my experience, text AIs tend to ignore or forget information very quickly. Before setting RAG up I was constantly correcting AI about everything, but after getting RAG, AI worked flawlessly.
Also, RAGs seems to not increase context size. It looks like AI just uses it during generation and then forgets, so context is increased only by AIs reply.
To sum up, I've found this thing very useful, it will be super helpful for all text generators, especially for generators like where AI must be aware of some persistent context like world rules, story characters, etc. Here's couple of examples:
But all generator authors and users will benefit from this.
Note: If decided to implement, please don't make it as a file upload. This is how RAG is implemented in LM Studio and it is really annoying to delete previous document and upload new one. Live editor is significantly better.
Make avatar/profile pic in comment plugin default or a guide
Simple: Allow users to add a URL at the end of their nickname, which is hidden from their displayed nickname, but used as an avatar pic.
According to the tutorial, it is suggested to be simple. But because I am a newbie, I won't even able to do it after explained like I was five.
remove username restriction in comment plugin
Generally it's like that we have to visit the gen (and maybe chat consecutively) for 5 days for the "user" blue name command to show up.
The restriction is not only inconvenient, but also buggy. Users complained about not having access to user command for......reasons.
We could make nickname at once and freely changing them, and create account in any major website within 10 mins . It make no sense to wait for 5 days for a buggy blue name in Perchance.
Also the "low trust score" in blue name naming is another headache and I suggest removing it too
"Bigger" shouldn't be an uncommentable word
I typed a 3 paragraph comment to someone tonight and it would not post cuz "bad word detected". I scanned it and it had no bad words. In order to say my comment I had to split it and try smaller chunks of words until one didn't go thru. Eventually I found the offensive word was "Bigger" and was able to delete it and send the rest of my comment thru.
thing 1: it is lame after having typed a long thing to have it not send for no discernible reason and have to do the above to decipher why and salvage it.
thing 2: "Bigger" is a pretty innocent word that, even tho it's one letter from a race word, is not really an alternate way to say that racial word (as far as i kno)
Anyway, I have commented alot yet this is the first time (that i remember) that i have run in to this. That Bigger should be censored was sooo much of a stretch that I basically couldn't comprehend it and it was problematic; which, to me, means it shouldn't be.
that is all. happy halloween! (or whatever holiday it is)
Could also have the "bad word detected" say what word needs to be removed
add favourites to account menu so you can favourite generators you like for quick acess.
Not sure if this is already a feature but i dont see it. Add favourites to perchances account menu so you can acess generators you use faster. By the edit and save button add favourite this generator.
Implement "Private" messaging for comments plugin
Hey again,
I just had an idea - given that you've recently implemented creation of rooms for comments plugin (which is quite cool), I think now it would be more or less trivial for you to implement "private" messaging (I say that in quotation marks, because channels are still technically public). You can hardcode the slash command with the syntax /invite <user id> <room name>
, which would then trigger the API call as if both the inviter and invitee had created the same room. Alternatively, a smoother approach for this could be not triggering any API calls, but just display a system message of a sort to the invitee that they were invited to a room, and they would have a choice if they want to join the room or not.
More improvements for Comments/Gallery
Hello @[email protected],
Thanks for implementing posting to multiple galleries, this has been very useful! Looking forward for model updates. I came up with short list of further improvements for the UI.
- Add a button to 'share' already existing generated image to another gallery in the same generator (reupload it to another gallery on the same gen).
- Add the ability for the image owner to 'delete' the image from the gallery (maybe implement it as giving the image lowest score possible). It's quite absurd that the image authors can not delete their own creations, or at least hide them from everyone.
- The way how custom room creation is implemented is IMO currently quite silly. Anyone can post arbitrary amount of rooms anywhere, and all hundreds will be added as tabs automatically (even if temporary). Also the attention of the user is not drawn enough to the newly created room. IMO, it makes sense to instead underline the room as if it is a link, inviting a user to click. On click, the room would open, even if it was previously open - then just switch focus to that room.
- Make it possible to share galleries within comments in form of a link, clicking on a link should add a tab on the gallery quick access you've recently implemented and open the gallery.
P.S. t2i by default uses a gigantic emoji pack, which is really great and has wide variety of emojis that are really fun. I assume these were downloaded from one of these sites that offer free emojis/stickers? Any plans to update them? I know that gen owners can add their own, but all popular gens are owned by the staff (or so the story goes). Would you add a small emoji pack I've made into the default list that t2i uses?
weasel_eww = 78b0b8619a440661dc7eae5b6b0b8174.png weasel_angery1 = 09c65257bce2dbcbff3d4199da1924f3.png weasel_what1 = 08585158becf45446541832f7830aa04.png weasel_surprised = 841e86f81d6aede99e25402bfbb3c935.png weasel_tired = f90a0fdc2831bfeea2b00e13b4c1794f.png weasel_angery2 = 80a58b1eee31b4b9d9ec5b9e55f92d6a.png weasel_sleeping = 62da5d73e80cdb67ab2919753eb96926.png weasel_what2 = 2b08484dc2339ec37a71627c026f6222.png weasel_happy1 = 60c16d39b27ea3689175eb57108b1c76.png weasel_curious2 = a784e1ddf86ad3cc715b68c0b8c2e18f.png weasel_curious1= 41f00b405892f5888b21baa991297b7c.png
Be able to use LoRAs, LyCORIS, Embeddings, VAEs, and other types of models, and select a checkpoint (for Text to Image Plugin)
Hello, Perchance Dev,
I have 2 suggestions for Text to Image Plugin (like in Civitai):
- LoRA, LyCORIS, Embeddings, VAEs, and other types of models.
- Be able to choose a checkpoint you want to use (of any base model).
I want to be able to use LoRAs, LyCORIS, Embeddings, VAEs, and other types of models besides Checkpoints. For example, if you're disappointed that AI didn't generate a character you wanted it to generate, you could use a LoRA or LyCORIS, and if AI generates images with boring dull colors, you could use a certain VAE to make colors look more vibrant.
I also want to be able to choose a checkpoint I want to use. For example, if I want to generate a cartoon anime image with vibrant colors, I might want to use Mistoon_Anime.
The way to use models/certain source of models you can use in Perchance is up to the developer's choice. Ability to import models from other sources (like in Tensor.Art) is also optional to the developer.
Post image in multiple galleries at once
What's your opinion about making it possible to post at multiple galleries at once? Currently, we have to use seeds, which works but can be cumbersome, especially on mobile. It would be nice to have the ability to put multiple gallery names separated by commas when saving without having to think about seeds.
Highlight channel tabs on new messages
I have another suggestion. Whenever the new message arrives to the channel that is not a current channel that the user is in, the tab should get highlighted with some color. General channel is the one that the users land in when they open a generator, and they tend to spend most of their time there, ignoring other channels. It often leads to people posting questions to General instead of appropriate channels simply because these other channels are ignored. It can sometimes get disturbing when people start talking about 18+ topics in General instead of appropriate one. General should be kept for general discussion. I think that this feature would be a good step toward guiding users to appropriate channels without other users gnawing at them.
P.S. Report message feature was much needed, thanks for implementing it. A slight nitpick - the shadow/blur in it can be more transparent. In light mode, it does not fit well.
Thank you! :)
Forwarding # anchor links to scroll the generator frame after loading
This would allow things like linking to a specific heading in the tutorial, for example.
You could also make the hash accessible to the generator app. (I don't know if the url is already available.)
Backups/restore points for unowned generators and logged-out sessions
Since the new backups feature was released, which adds an ability to create restore points of generators in a case I accidentally closed a tab while the generator isn't saved yet. But I sometimes work on updating generators through a logged-out session or, when creating a new generator (hitting the new button in the navigation bar and it opens up the minimal template), which is in an unowned generators session (only save and account buttons in the top-right).
And so, I'd need that feature to work on these kinds of environments, so I don't ever have to worry losing all the work there, especially when creating new generators.
Tenor GIF, links, images and
Dear Perchance Dev,
I request if it would be possible to display GIFs from Tenor similarly to how it is displayed on Discord. In that regard, if it is possible.
It would be another great opportunity to finally utilize an option to display images, for example ![Alt Text](image_url)
on another note, it would be a creative option if width and height could have been been specified, well, in a manner akin to CSS width: 100%; height: auto;
and though this is not strict, being able to use display
block or inline would be great if we are to add both texts and images.
About the links, I currently know of a simple and similar markdown to set up links as well, [Link Text](url)
. Though I have noticed only Perchance links can be shared.
I leave these suggestions onto you, I would greatly appreciate it if you could add these. 🙂↕️✉️
I was also thinking what if you were to recreate an entirely new plugin specifically designed for a more superior interface and features. If you are considering this, the above suggestions mentioned should be dedicated to this specific one to avoid unnecessary efforts. Though we can take it slow at a time.
If you are to consider these, you could also set up the "bots" mechanism. And, as an Admin of a Gen, the control over it feels very limited, I have moderators helping me, but they aren't able to take actions such banning. Thinking of banning, we don't always need to band people, a timeout is also efficient.
Whenever I have to ban toxic people, I have to tell my members, "Guys, please refresh" which is not something too bad, but it soon starts to give a strange vibe to it as I have to ban exceptional amount of people. Also, there should be a universal ID to ban across all the places. 😥
And, it all sounds easy from these texts, I understand it is not so easy. Which is why, I, and we as community, would like to offer you the help we are able to provide, for example alpha testing, help with codes, etc.
It feels as if I am saying you are not good on your own, but I am simply eager to help to ease the burden. Thank you for considering this. ♥️
I planned to be more detailed, however due to my extensive work hours, I am quite exhausted to conjure up more ideas. ___
a realistic nsfw model
i think the suggestion itself is not nsfw so it shouldn't be tagged nsfw. Anyway, I have noticed trillions of times now that there is an everpresent issue among people trying to generate nsfw images that are not specifically Anthro nor Anime that the HD and Realistic model or models seem badly or not trained on NSFW content. It is a question I and probably everyone with an ai art generator has had asked of us. Also, tons of people generate NSFW images. I believe, as far as models perchance text-to-image could have, realistic nsfw is the one that currently is the biggest missing model that, if present, would appeal to most people.
Adding a note to any of the generator items in the accounts > generators menu
Sometimes when I save generators while it was still unfinished or, in a case, it's still under development, I'd like to add a note into any of these generators that it's unfinished on under development while I can keep them private for a long time. Or you could write anything you want as a note to any generator in the menu.
Improved Search Feature
Someone on the chat of generators page at 1:14am today asked: "How do I find roleplays here? I find the generator overwhelming but if I go to search it just takes me to google. I assumed creations would show me like a.i people have already made"
I remember a while ago Perchance saying Findability could be improved. I agree and had been thinking maybe have a community event of everyone suggest stuff for 'generator finding' and for a while dabbled in recording which generators passed thru the Generators page that I thought people really cared about and were following up on and making a personally curated list, which I know many others have occasionally thought similarly and tried.
But none of that is really a concrete followable step by step improvement. Tonight tho, with that comment, here is one: Make the Search feature a real feature.
Right now it DOES feel 'underwhelming' in that someone clicks Search at the top of the Generator's page, and then it is 'surprisingly disappointing' when it does not really search through generators, but opens up a google with a specific search term. So here is a concrete suggestion as to improving findability while also pulling up something that has fallen behind in quality compared to everything around it: Upgrade Search Function on Generators Page. Make the search a real thing :)