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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 100
Comments 317 and text image generator their password same or not?
  • The two sites have nothing to do with each other. This is a forum within the Lemmy platform--like a subreddit within the reddit platform. Perchance is a whole separate site. You can sign up to Perchance using the same email and password, but they are separate accounts on separate sites.

  • [Generator Bug] t2i styles tester
  • If you reply to the specific comment, it's a lot easier to follow the conversation. I keep having to look at all the comments to try to figure out what you're trying to respond to. There's a swoopy arrow pointing left below each comment; click that and you'll reply directly to that comment.

  • How to share generated image saved on computer
  • Well, you can share it in infinite ways, so it's hard to know how to answer that is the thing. Are you asking how to post it to Twitter? Host the image file someplace? Send it in an email? Post it to an AI images Reddit? I don't know where to begin!

    I can answer if you have something more specific to ask, but Google will likely have an answer for you if you want to try that too. But you'll probably have to think of something more specific than "share an image with the public," see what I mean?

    If you just want to share a generated image with the community on that generator, you can "send to gallery" instead, and it will show for anyone looking at that gallery for that generator. You can't do that with just any image file though--it would have to be done by clicking that button on the generation in the page, after it's generated, rather than downloading and doing something with that image.

  • How to share generated image saved on computer
  • Generated AI images are free to use and are not copyrighted. So you are allowed, yes. You can share it however you wish to, there's nothing you're "supposed" to do.

    N.S.F.W. stands for "not safe for work." Something you don't want your boss to see you looking at at work--normally referring to sexy stuff.

  • [Question] If i bring up someones generator in an iframe
  • It just embeds that generator, so views etc. should work the same I think.

    But it doesn't "help" that generator in anyway. There's no ranking or pushing to the top of searches or anything based on views.

  • Incognito mode I get kicked
  • Oh, well it sounds like there's an issue with that browser. I've not heard of that browser before. But I know everyone else using it isn't having their entire browser shut down by using perchance, so I'm guessing the more common browsers don't have that issue--which suggests it's a problem with your browser rather than the site itself.

    So I guess maybe ask people who work on/use that browser about this problem?

  • List Management Plugin List Management Plugin

    Helper functions to add and remove children from a Perchance list.

    List Management Plugin

    Screenshots fail on some pages!

    My newer generators are not having their screenshots generated.

    Though this one works somehow:

    They're using the same formatting and scripts for the page as all my others.


    Official way to add and remove value on a node

    Currently it's quite fiddly, making sure all the keys/names arrays are up to date so it still functions as expected.

    If it used a set and delete handler it could handle all that internally. Or if there was some special methods we could use like .addValue() and it would figure out what kind of value it is--property, node, function--and handle it correctly.

    Of course, I'm working on a plugin now to handle this for people. 😜


    Make list object proxies iterable

    There's a lot of stuff that becomes real fiddly to do because they are not iterable... that would be real easy to do if they were iterable. I believe there's a proxy "trap" for iterating over properties somewhere in there.


    Override Color Scheme Override Color Scheme Plugin

    Override the device's colour scheme using existing styles.

    Override Color Scheme Plugin

    This plugin overrides the device's color scheme, but uses the existing styles. No changing of styles is needed whatsoever; it just works.


    t2i styles tester

    Most likely SUPER not a priority. But you know me 😅

    The "go" button updates the entire page. As the options are generated this means they are re-generated, which means the chosen option resets, and you can only ever test the top option: Painted Anime.

    Simple fix though: put a div with an id around the generations, then update that div only. That's all that needs updating anyway.



    As we have ignorePerchanceErrors() and clearPerchanceErrors(), seems fair to have this function too, for public use.


    File uploader thumbnails/hover previews

    Would be useful to be able to see the images just in the page so we don't accidentally delete the wrong one, stuff like that. I know we can click on the link, but this would just be a nice feature to make it easier.


    Learn Perchance - primer for coding with perchance Learn Perchance ― Perchance Generator

    A primer on how to code using the Perchance language. Learn as much as possible as quickly as possible.

    Learn Perchance ― Perchance Generator

    Another day, another

    This covers everything from how to start editing/making a generator, to writing perchance code. (The more web-y stuff are covered in my other tutorial.)


    HTML entities interpreted as HTML by update function

    Seems to be related to this: ___htmlToElements(). It takes a string which is the text, ignoring the fact that HTML entities are not normal characters and should not be interpreted as normal HTML. For example, &lt; will be interpreted as < which can open a tag.


    So if an element contains any perchance code, and HTML entities, the HTML entities are essentially lost and become real characters. Which isn't what you want if you're trying to present plain-text code to the user.

    Definitely does not work as expected at least.


    Hub bug: hash in address does not open corresponding tab

    For example, I'm linking to the Learn tab but that doesn't actually open the Learn tab.


    non-function $preprocess silently errors

    No error message makes it to the display.

    In the console there is:

    Critical error in __createPerchanceTree: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'startsWith')

    And in the error messages there's just this:

    Your generator's script seems to have errors in it. If you haven't recieved any other errors above this one which could indicate what went wrong, then this could be a bug in the Perchance engine. *etc...*

    ("recieved" should be "received" by the way 😜)


    Escaped child $output code block accesses parent of the parent?

    As seen here:

    So it still runs somehow? And accesses the grandparent somehow? Likely a bug with how escapes are stripped out--and perhaps recursively processed or something...


    How should I replace innerHTML so it still works with update()?

    Got a tricky situation here. If I do a .replace() on the html of an element (just some formatting stuff for code blocks), the update() is still referencing old text nodes. So it just doesn't care about the new ones that are there from the replace and they stay there. And it adds new ones that are actually updated.

    Not sure what to do about that, honestly. Ideally I'd be able to do this replace before the initial update of code blocks is run. Is there some way of doing that?

    The issue seems to only happen for code blocks? Maybe?


    Simple API Plugin

    Based on the newly added explanation of the public API calls themselves, I've made a little plugin for using those APIs a little easier, along with the usual demos and explanations.


    CSS: default height on body element issue

    If I have padding on the body, it doesn't do much. Because there's height:100% on the body by default, which is actually incorrect and causes this issue for reasons. As seen here: Whereas without any default styles the padding would work as expected.

    It should be max-height:100% instead, which would not have the problem. Could I request that be changed?


    Perchance Object Reference Perchance Object Reference ― Perchance Generator

    All non-built-in properties on objects and values within perchance pages.

    Perchance Object Reference ― Perchance Generator

    A while back I put together everything I could find about perchance. One such document included all properties on objects on perchance pages (that aren't the built-ins from JS). On discord someone said how they wish there was such a reference. So... now there is!


    getGeneratorList questions

    > - limit to a maximum of 123 generators

    Are they latest-first?

    It doesn't seem like this "max" has to do with how many generators are returned. But the number returned does scale with it. So... last-updated age, perhaps? Not sure what unit of time it would be though. Quite confused.

    Could be that it's the max, before it removes private generators? Which would kind of make it not be the "maximum" anything really. Not a very useful parameter as it would be if it would actually give X number of generators--for paging, etc.

    (Speaking of which is there a way of specifying "start from X generator number and later" for paging to work well?)

    I don't know what the default "max" or whatever is for this api. Seems to fluctuate how many are returned, and it's not always a round number.


    $meta.image of another generator

    Does anyone know how to get the image url from the $meta object of another generator? I think there's an /api/ fetch I can do for it, but that stuff isn't documented anywhere, I don't think.


    Web coding primer on perchance Learn Web Programming ― Perchance Generator

    A primer on how to code for the web. Learn as much as possible as quickly as possible.

    Learn Web Programming ― Perchance Generator

    Just finished a web coding primer, for the perchance community. I'm hoping it helps people get started with the non-perchance side of perchance quicker and easier. 👍

    (It's not intended as full documentation, just a taster of common features, and a glimpse of more complex concepts so people know they can search for them elsewhere.)
