[suggestion] "Bigger" shouldn't be an uncommentable word
I typed a 3 paragraph comment to someone tonight and it would not post cuz "bad word detected". I scanned it and it had no bad words. In order to say my comment I had to split it and try smaller chunks of words until one didn't go thru. Eventually I found the offensive word was "Bigger" and was able to delete it and send the rest of my comment thru.
thing 1: it is lame after having typed a long thing to have it not send for no discernible reason and have to do the above to decipher why and salvage it.
thing 2: "Bigger" is a pretty innocent word that, even tho it's one letter from a race word, is not really an alternate way to say that racial word (as far as i kno)
Anyway, I have commented alot yet this is the first time (that i remember) that i have run in to this. That Bigger should be censored was sooo much of a stretch that I basically couldn't comprehend it and it was problematic; which, to me, means it shouldn't be.
that is all. happy halloween! (or whatever holiday it is)
Could also have the "bad word detected" say what word needs to be removed