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BluePower BluePower

I make generators on and do a bunch of other cool things.


Posts 70
Comments 230
[Community Event] Ai Image Challenge for July
  • A huge heat powered datacenter that can hold huge amounts of data (probably up to 60 terabytes). A kind of treasure I just found today while going on the adventure.

  • What model does the AI Chat use? It's amazing
  • The AI Chat is powered by the AI Text Plugin which uses Llama-based AI model, though I'm unsure what version it is, since it is recently being "upgraded" by the Dev I think. However, you can't actually run or save the generator locally. It is possible to save or download it, but the AI chat functionality won't work in the offline downloaded version, since the AI stuff can only be run on the website (see this reference as to why).

    • If you'd like to play around with running AI text generation models on your own machine ("locally"), then r/LocalLLama is a good community to join.

    β€”Notes of ai-text-plugin

  • Did you notice something in the Generator Manager Preview page?

    Yes, the generator hub page view counter at the top is now merged from the stable Generator Manager release! I didn't know that happened while busy doing implementing some hot patch fixes to the preview page (which includes re-ordering all the wires for all the generator stats, including on the generator cards^[Yes I now refer those as "generator cards", not "generator items" anymore], to work) so it'll be much more cooked to be ready to just efficiently ship all the components into the stable + implementing some additional features.

    [Bug] URL Params Plugin doesn't work on some of my generators
  • Yeah thanks for pointing out the issue, I definitely missed that one. I've corrected it on the second generator and it worked now.

    The former should probably be throwing an informative error though...

    It is interpreted as a valid, unevaluated string value so that's probably why it didn't throw any error. Maybe instead should create a warning for this import mistake so newbies can easily point it out (especially if they noticed something wrong with it) πŸ™‚

  • [Bug] URL Params Plugin doesn't work on some of my generators
  • Update: After some more testing, the URL params in A Venture Poem Generator now works using the plugin import but not with the view counter experiment one (that link has ?performanceMode=true inserted for testing). It still greets with the default input Hello, user without mentioning the inputted name in the URL. It still works in url-params-plugin-example though.

    @[email protected] would be nice to take a look at this issue. Is that caused of something with the generators or something else?

  • List of All Generator Submissions from Perchance Hub Generator Jams (Event names included!)
  • Note to the latest post update: Instead of manually copy and pasting the generator titles and links and stuff from the Events page, I've decided to make my own mini program that does that much efficiently, and I don't have to waste much effort to do that manually again πŸ˜„

  • Fun fact: There's a very, very slim chance that a user tag in the comments display exactly as ABCD.

    This would happen only in two ways, either the user ID is unique enough that when converted without being caught as a "bad" word in the process it turns into the ABCD visual tag, or after converted, the visual tag deemed to have bad words (or look exactly like a bad word), even after checking it more than one time, resulting in the tag falling back to the ABCD format.

    I just deep dived into the comments plugin's user ID into visual ID converting algorithm behind the scenes, that's why I'm making a post related on this topic. Also, have you ever seen actual occurrences of tags like this happening on comments of generators? Share if you have one!

    [dev] If you've used `evaluateItem` on *strings* (rather than lists or list items), then please read this. This is likely only relevant if you're doing fancy JavaScript stuff in your generator.
  • Another great use of evaluateItem (from my experience) is that it helps evaluate strings containing arbitrary code into proper output behind-the-scenes before modifying them with other properties or functions. For example, running ["[conjugate(verb).gerund] [adjective.pluralForm]"] outputs as expected, a phrase consisting of a gerund verb and a pluralized adjective word. The Perchance engine evaluates the unevaluated string right away after any modifications (for example, through titleCase) were made. And so, running ["[conjugate(verb).gerund] [adjective.pluralForm]".titleCase] will result in a mixed undefined or (syntax error) output (e.g. intending undefined) because it converted the unevaluated string (which is the Perchance code) into title case before it was evaluated, and results in an unwanted output.

    But prepending evaluateItem right before any modification would do the opposite - it evaluates the string before any modifications was made. Using that, running ["[conjugate(verb).gerund] [adjective.pluralForm]".evaluateItem.titleCase] would output a properly title cased phrase in that same format because the Perchance code inside the string is evaluated before the final output was eventually made title cased.

  • [Community Event] Ai Image Challenge for June (Ended)
  • Just a reminder: You can set the description completely empty by setting it to [""] or {|} (which evaluates to a completely blank string).

  • A bit of story before the flag generator hit the big 20.0k views milestone (and some heavy-sized planned features)
  • Also in addition, there'll going to be upvotes and downvotes too, similar to what we have in the text-to-image-plugin gallery. I'll be constantly updating this post once concepts for the new features for this generator starts to come more into my mind.

  • [Bug] URL Params Plugin doesn't work on some of my generators

    While updating an in-event generator for the ongoing Generator Manager Event, A Venture Poem Generator, I have tried to add the url-params-plugin to add a feature so users could disable glows on the poem for performance reasons. But when testing out the generator after saving, it doesn't work at all. Even when I test if that URL parameter exists at all, it still won't show the expected output. Whatever parameter I put into the URL, when I run [url.anyurlname], it outputs undefined instead.

    I've done the same with my view counter experiment generator, and had the same issue. (Try visiting, the greeting text above the tabs thing should output Hello, Example!)

    This is more likely a bug with the plugin that for some reason fails to cache those URL parameters into the generator. When I try setting the url value to [Object.fromEntries([ URL(window.location.href).searchParams.entries()])] in place of importing the plugin in that generator, that worked. And since I use two different browsers, both didn't work with the plugin imported.

    Variables, addition and or statements
  • You can replace the square brackets inside with parentheses, otherwise it'll just be interpreted as an array:

    [r.roleBrawn + (s.subBrawnMod || 0)]

  • Hosting my first ever Generator Manager Event to spark up the moment before shipping the big update to release πŸš€
  • While the event is starting, I want to mention some more thoughts I've been keeping earlier after hosting the event midnight, about some planned updates for the Events page in the future (and probably going to implement them in the next Preview updates right away):

    • Some of the big events (like image contests and big moment updates like "A Venture for the Big Update") will be integrated into the Hub for greater visibility (so the event will also be shown as a Hub event in the Events tab), but some smaller events (like break times or Silent Days) will only be exclusively shown on the Generator Manager Events page
    • The description will also use Markdown since I feel that wasn't well-polished enough and would sometimes break out when writing down for the first event
    • Probably also planning for an entire UI overhaul/rearrangement for the event page as well
    • Also planning to implement an events flyout somewhere in the sidebar or the Home page (similar to the Events flyout in the Hub)
    • etc, etc...

    (Will write down more once they start to pour in)

  • Hosting my first ever Generator Manager Event to spark up the moment before shipping the big update to release πŸš€

    cross-posted from:

    > Hello and welcome to the first Generator Manager Event ever hosted! > > This is going to be a casual event that will be ongoing mostly during the times of my preparation for the huge update, created in favor to increase the "spirit" and uprising interest in those kind of stuff to a point where I could finally be energetic enough to release the update, unlike the past few weeks where I planned the update much earlier and ended up getting delayed a lot due to massive business stuff struck around in real life. The big update turned out to be even more massive than I think would be because that's when I was aware that I wasn't going to release the update as planned and I'm going to have to set up lots and lots of things and re-wirings prior to the actual release of the update. > > As the name implies, it's about an adventure, so go make some adventure/space themed generators to be submitted into this event! > > Starts: 30 June 2024, 12:00:00 UTC > > Ends: 14 July 2024, 12:00:00 UTC > > ## Generator Rules: > - Make any adventure/space themed generators, as long as it's not explicit or adult content > - It's recommended to add some color in your generator! Maybe simply make the background colored, add some decorations or whatever you like to further glow up the generator. > - You can submit your generators to this community as well. Make sure to submit after the event started and before it ended. > > To add some spark into the preparation event, I want to mention a bit of thought I have left for the changelog of the big update: We'll be back regularly releasing some improvement updates to the generator hub page a few times every single month, and that'll happen right after we release this very exciting update! These follow-up updates will often star some massive improvements and rollouts of features planned to be in the update that wasn't in the update afterwards, including the long-awaited dark mode and the re-aligned Home page, in the follow-up Generator Manager updates after that! So, don't miss the mark out if you're waiting for those really cool updates! (And the Event page will get a kind of an overhaul, too, for an even richer experience.) > > Happy creating and stay together for the event! πŸš€ > > --- > > See the Generator Manager Events here


    [Generator Manager Event] A Venture for the Big Update

    Hello and welcome to the first Generator Manager Event ever hosted!

    This is going to be a casual event that will be ongoing mostly during the times of my preparation for the huge update, created in favor to increase the "spirit" and uprising interest in those kind of stuff to a point where I could finally be energetic enough to release the update, unlike the past few weeks where I planned the update much earlier and ended up getting delayed a lot due to massive business stuff struck around in real life. The big update turned out to be even more massive than I think would be because that's when I was aware that I wasn't going to release the update as planned and I'm going to have to set up lots and lots of things and re-wirings prior to the actual release of the update.

    As the name implies, it's about an adventure, so go make some adventure/space themed generators to be submitted into this event!

    Starts: 30 June 2024, 12:00:00 UTC

    Ends: 14 July 2024, 12:00:00 UTC

    Generator Rules:

    • Make any adventure/space themed generators, as long as it's not explicit or adult content
    • It's recommended to add some color in your generator! Maybe simply make the background colored, add some decorations or whatever you like to further glow up the generator.
    • You can submit your generators to this community as well. Make sure to submit after the event started and before it ended.

    To add some spark into the preparation event, I want to mention a bit of thought I have left for the changelog of the big update: We'll be back regularly releasing some improvement updates to the generator hub page a few times every single month, and that'll happen right after we release this very exciting update! These follow-up updates will often star some massive improvements and rollouts of features planned to be in the update that wasn't in the update afterwards, including the long-awaited dark mode and the re-aligned Home page, in the follow-up Generator Manager updates after that! So, don't miss the mark out if you're waiting for those really cool updates! (And the Event page will get a kind of an overhaul, too, for an even richer experience.)

    Happy creating and stay together for the event! πŸš€


    See the Generator Manager Events here


    A bit of story before the flag generator hit the big 20.0k views milestone (and some heavy-sized planned features)

    Ever since the Power Flag Generator (aka Random Custom Flag) surpassed the Power Name Generator a while ago and ended up reaching 10.0k views first, I feel like this generator was probably gaining more attention than the name generator because of how "niche" the concept is, despite having a simpler (and a bit more basic) interface than the name generator itself. It even gained more than 1.0k views per week, which none of my other generators has ever done that, let alone the Generator Manager itself.

    Then, I immediately thought of something: what if I just plan more for the updates to the flag generator so more people could basically enjoy those new features on the way? And that's exactly what I did. I started rolling out a few updates to the flag generator earlier this month, and even started updating it regularly often, sometimes adding a tiny hot patch to the generator a few times a day. When I started releasing the update with a new feature that allows user to submit flag details into the comments plugin, the comments started to blow up with many flag submissions not long after I published the update.


    I then thought of what I have planned for many, many days but haven't been able to come it to reality: the new interface. Yup, with my new regulations on updating and managing generators nowadays, I decided to roll out the new UI gradually (that means you'll may see some inconsistencies out of hood) and that will be perfect once the time has come. I also planned to roll out some more updates to the flag generator that will incorporate some of these UI changes. Or should I say, a whole new UI refresh, which will look nothing like the current interface, but it'll look like the one used in the Power Name Generator and the Generator Manager, with a nice blur effect like the latter. And largely redesigned layouts.

    I mentioned that update a few times in my big milestone announcements, including the 10.0k views milestone announcement:

    > - A big, rejuvenating update that’ll come to the Power Flag Generator as well! 🚩️ We’ve promised that update ever since the big 5.0k views milestone on that generator, but with this, that will also be way closer to the real thing, and might even come next month, with a revamp of the interface that’ll hopefully look familiar to that of the current one, with some bits of changes. > - And there’s also other great updates there, too! Specifically, the Flag Viewer (which allows you to view generated flags right from the URL you can put in the comments), flag descriptions, and even more variations of flag layouts and emblems!

    The Flag Viewer will be a different kind of concept, though. I already build a feature where users could submit flags in a text format in the comments, but I want to revamp that eventually. Instead of just sending out flag details in the comments, I wanted to make a "flag gallery" where all the submitted flags will display just like the generated flag itself that will look like this (similar concept to the text-to-image-plugin gallery):


    Some features that are worth implementing into the flag gallery:

    • Icon near the name of the flag that indicates whether the flag uses unique/advanced colors
    • A globe icon, also placed near the name, that opens country details (if the flag have them)
    • Upvotes and downvotes, similar to what we have in the text to image gallery (that's why there are "Hot" and "Top" sort options in the sketch)
    • For moderation purposes, there will be a dedicated blacklist for unwanted flags (through a list in the generator)
    • Version of the generator (in dates) at the time the flag was submitted, will be a part of the flag details

    Also, I think I'll be completely changing the way how users submit the flags. Instead of having a textbox and a button where the user can send the flag into the comments section, I'll probably add a dedicated button near each flag so when a user clicks on one near a flag, that flag will get submitted into the gallery. This way, this will prevent certain issues in case user wants to submit multiple generated flags at once.

    And, to eliminate the comment bottleneck on the comments plugin's backends, I'll build my own Glitch server specifically for that feature that could hold up an indefinite amount of flag submissions and that later the comments can be re-functioned as a usual comments section (for engaging on flags and other things) instead of using the comments plugin's built in onComment and onLoad functions, and also programmatic submissions. (Btw if you want to help just let me know! I sometimes need to allocate some time to work on other stuff, and that'll be greatly appreciated!)

    Remember that there are also some other planned features that I've just thought out of the box that I haven't mentioned yet, but I'll keep it in my personal idea space for now as I'm still partially cooking on it.

    And that's all for the post about the flag generator! It's crazy that it went even more popular than expected, and if the generator ever surpassed the Generator Manager someday, that'll be extremely astonishing in my mind honestly.


    🚩 Power Flag Generator Update 27/06/2024: New flag layouts, new emblems, multiple flag details, and more A Random Flag Generator (original)

    A comprehensive abstract flag generator which consists of many different colors and layouts, with options to select fixed layouts and emblems in the generated flag, with country details and among others. Limitless creativity, endless possibilities, create your own countries with them. Randomize, get...

    A Random Flag Generator (original)

    After talking about the special quarter-hundred-thousand views announcement for a bit, now I'm going back to the flag generator for the last time to bring a follow-up update to the last update, packing even more updates than the last one, including ones that will improve the multi-flag generation functionality a lot, so here we go!

    • There are finally some new flag layouts and emblems added into the generator to make even more variative and unique flags! The new layouts include Horizontal Quadruple, some striped layouts (which is basically Horizontal/Vertical layouts but with a lot of bars), and some new diagonal layouts!
    • You can now also choose the size of the emblem to display just like would you do with the emblems themselves!
    • The emblem can now appear on more than one generated flag instead of just the single first flag! (If you choose to generate multiple flags, of course)
    • The flag details in the Details section will now provide multiple flag details for each of the generated flags instead of one single set of flag details for those flags!
    • You can now send flag details for more than one generated flag at once! You can change how many flags the generator would create at once and the flag details will include details from all of those flags!
      • If the entire content of the flag details is too large for the comments to send on, you can choose to upload the flag details to be then sent in the comments for users to click and see through.
    • You can now also report some suspicious/inappropriate flag submissions through a separate comments section below the usual one!
    • The layout/colors section in the flag details will now say "all (color)" if by chance you got a multi-color flag but you ended up getting the same colors on that flag! (for example: Layout/Colors: Short Middle (red, red, red) now becomes Layout/Colors: Short Middle (all red))
    • You can now set the page to open the Options and Details flyouts by default by setting these URL parameters ?openOptions=true and ?openFlagDetails=true, respectively.
    • I've also added a little additional touch in the Details menu for the adopted date format selections and moved the Aspect ratio row one step down below the Layout one.
    • The "My Generators" link has been moved to the place where the view counter and last updated time belong, besides the author name.
    • Fixed a bug where the emblem sometimes disappear when picking a non-random emblem through the options.

    And that's all! Didn't expect this update to be this heavy, and some of these changes are really hard to make, just like the ones on the last update, so if you want to appreciate, do so in the comments! I also want to mention that this is going to be one of the last (if not the last) updates I'll make before the update ultimately goes out (yep, I've planned the update months ago and just now decided to release it sooner this month or early July)! But nonetheless, enjoy making unique flags!

    [Help] [Solved] Filtering list by initial letter results in selectOne errors
  • You can prevent the output from accidentally evaluating the selectOne of empty n arrays by just not evaluating the <span contenteditable ... part when that empty array has no length (basically you put a condition in which if n isn't empty then evaluate the span word element, which eliminates that syntax error problem):

    You can also check for n.length > 0 instead of n.length. Also pretty cool generator concept! A random letter generator button might be a good idea. Here's how would you implement this using a list and a button:

    <input id="acronymInput" oninput="acronym = this.value" placeholder="type an acronym :)" value="TPK" />
    <button onclick="ltr = letter.evaluateItem, acronymInput.value = ltr, acronym = ltr, count = -1, update()">random letter</button>
  • The Generator Manager quarter-hundred-thousand views milestone special BluePower (@[email protected])

    Attached: 1 image There are days where I get really tired or just plain busy and there are also days where I really get excited and have enough leisure to create something big... But anyways, for the quarter-hundred-thousand views milestone that just surpassed just recently, here I present to you a...

    BluePower (

    As I wrote on the News & Updates section of the Generator Manager:

    > I'm so excited that I've reached a huge portion of the ultimate achievement of reaching the super-huge 100.0k views milestone here, this late June. I've called this special milestone "the quarter-hundred-thousand views milestone", which was made in advance of embracing my spirit of reaching the ultimate milestone, the 100.0k views milestone, on the Generator Manager (only if the flag generator doesn't surpass anytime soon). It's a spark of awesomeness that we've reached this so far in just a few weeks ahead, when in the past, we didn't even come close to that.

    Probably not much to announce this time, but I simply want to say that this is a special one, besides the last 20.0k views milestone.

    And yeah, I've been using a black background for a while, just because that it's in a world where everything has had far from that background environment for so long (or in other words, far from the world where the last milestone announcement artwork was made). Also I've put a "Something big is coming" at the bottom of the artwork as a "reminder" on what's coming to the generator hub page in the upcoming days (from now). And I'll also be making a few more trailers to the big update as well. :)

    But here, feel free to let me know some of the update/feature ideas you'd like to implement on future updates of the generator hub page or maybe "recall" some of the left, buried ones that I might've already planned in the past!

    [New Plugin] Power Rain Plugin 🌧️
  • Bonus feature: If you type "rain", "Go rain mode", "Let it rain", or "Just rain" in the comments of the plugin page, it'll activate the rain effect right on the page. Otherwise, if you comment "stop", "Please stop the rain", or "This plugin is so cool, I'd wish to stop the rain", it'll stop the rain effect.

  • [Help] Transferring comments admin login and notification settings data into a different browser

    So I just decided to move to Firefox for the updating and managing generators stuff personally (although I might still use Edge for testing stuff) to further minimize the connection-stalling problem from happening ever again, and so I've been wondering if it's possible to move the admin login data (basically a list of generators that I just logged into admin on) and the notifications data (a list of generators and keywords I've listened to comment notifications from) into a different browser, just like importing browser data, in some ways? I want to keep things synced between two browsers and thinking of this for a while now.

    I do have tried a few things such as transferring the localStorage of the (the central domain of Perchance comments plugin), and even also tried to transfer some of the cookies, and both didn't work well.

    Background Images from The Generative Background Template
  • Got some space images while waiting for the forever-stalling loading/saving problem (I just started moving to Firefox for Perchance stuff btw because of that)

  • [New Plugin] Power Rain Plugin 🌧️ Power Rain Plugin

    A rain plugin that adds cool rain effects (or ANY other effect you like) into your generator.

    Power Rain Plugin

    Just made a decorative plugin that adds a cool rainy effect (or ANY kind of rain effect) into a generator. Released after the 20.0k views special announcement, and soon before the staggering Generator Manager update ultimately goes out...

    There are all kinds of rains you can make from this plugin, such as:

    • Lava rain
    • Acid rain
    • Copper rain
    • Metal rain
    • Ocean rain
    • Golden rain

    ... and the list goes on. Just be creative with it.

    Let it rain! πŸŒ§οΈβ˜”

    [Community Event] Importables (Ended)

    Just made a decorative plugin that adds a rainy effect into your generator. You can also make snowy effects with this, and also any kind of rain effects as well. 🌧️

  • This phrase has a "bad word" for the comments plugin... πŸ€”

    Once I update my phrase generator and wanted to announce an update in the comments, I wrote this phrase and about to send it, but it says a bad word has been detected on the sentence. Btw, I use a banned words list bw-list inside that comment section, and in fact I've used it on most if not all comment sections across my generators.

    What kind of word or something do you think triggers this bad word stuff? I deleted a word in there and it sent successfully without using the banned words bypassing tool that I have.

    New user trying to do a unique function for rpg generator
  • My solution is quite simple here. You just create a list of races (in this example, list of fruits) that has a sublist of race types (in this example, fruit types),

        Green Apple
        Red Apple
        Blue Apple
        Red Grape
        Green Grape

    and then reference them in the output like this:

      Fruit: [fr = fruit.selectOne, fr.getName]
      Fruit type: [fr]

    You can then change the references of fruits to races and modify them as you like.

        High Elf
        Wood Elf
        Dark Elf
  • 🎲 Power Phrase Generator Update 20/06/2024: New mixed words, new interface, blur effects, and more

    Another unplanned update for the month (that I've just been preparing yesterday), and also a pretty big update for this generator! Some of the updates here incorporate some new changes that could be ported into the Power Stacks Template itself, and here's a short list it, added to the generator:

    • The generator has finally adapted the new interface just like the following generators with a redesigned interface and smoother animations! The Info section below the title and the comments can now collapse into separate "Info" and "Comments" sections just like in the Character Counter Lab, and I've moved the view counter and last edited time info to the top just like that generator.
    • The icons in the generator have now been upgraded to use the Font Awesome v6 Icon Plugin library! (I've also planning to update the original Power Stacks Template for this too)
    • I also kind of thought putting this background into the generator and found a fitting generator for this before starting to make the update. As a result, I've done it, and it's now officially one of my generators to use a custom background by default! It's semi-transparent so it'll look less cluttered, but you can set the background transparency too, to make it invisible or fully visible, if you want!
    • Just like the Generator Manager, the generator now has a blur effect that adapts within the new background! You can also disable it too, just like in the generator hub page.
    • Don't forget a bunch of new mixed words too! That includes the Mixed Chained Word, Mixed Long Word, Mixed Country Name, Mixed First Name, Mixed Last Name, and Mixed Fantasy Name stacks, all of which put together into the Mixed Words section! All those mixed names were made with the help of the awesome Markov Name Generator Plugin.
    • A "distinguisher" guide has been added to the left side of the sub-stacks that appear when you expand a stack group, so it'll be even more distinguishable from the normal stacks! I find this feature would be better to replace the "separator" feature introduced 6 months ago for the Power Stacks Template.

    That's all the updates and have fun getting some new words from the generator!

    Having trouble tying outputs to variables in a dropdown list
  • Did you put the Death_Chance and Illness_type variables into a parent list like this?

      Death_Chance = Moral Blow
      Illness type = Whitecough

    If so, you'd need to change the aListName part of the syntax to reference the name of the sublist:

    <br>Death Chance: <select oninput="someListName.Death_Chance = this.value">
      <option value="Moral Blow">Moral Blow</option>
    <br>Illness type: <select oninput="someListName.Illness_type = this.value">
      <option value="Whitecough">Whitecough</option>

    [someListName.Death_Chance == "Moral Blow"]

  • [Bug] Upon running the `update()` function, the comments plugin's programmatic interaction features stopped working
  • I've had the exact same thing, the com object was undefined'd while testing out. But I think this was a bug on the behalf of the com object handling, that it should retain the object without refreshing the comments section altogether.

  • I made something in the Advanced Comments Plugin Demo...

    I was having too much fun while in a cycle of boredom and distress, and so I played with the DevTools Console in my advanced comments plugin demo once again and had some stock of text to create this kind of stuff.

    It's in the stories channel of the plugin demo, if you want to check it out.

    Having trouble tying outputs to variables in a dropdown list
  • <br>Death Chance: <select oninput="aListName.Death_Chance = this.value">
      <option value="Moral Blow">Moral Blow</option>
      <option value="Tragedy">Tragedy</option>
      <option value="Destruction">Destruction</option>
      <option value="Devastation">Devastation</option>
      <option value="Calamaty">Calamaty</option>
      <option value="Plague">Plague</option>
      <option value="Eradication">Eradiction</option>
      <option value="Extinction">Extinction (WARNING: DON'T) </option>
    <p id="out1">[warningList]</p>
    <button onclick="update(out1)">Show</button>
    <br>Illness type: <select oninput="aListName.Illness_type = this.value">
      <option value="Whitecough">Whitecough</option>
      <option value="Carrionplace Disease">Carrionplace Disease</option>
      <option value="Tainted prey">Tainted prey</option>

    Here is a modified code for the dropdown menus so that they assign the values to the variables properly (since Death_Chance and Illness_type are apparently stored into some sort of parent list, so you can rename aListName to the name of that list). Also, if the dropdown menu doesn't work, try changing oninput to onchange.

    You'll also need to associate the variables written in dynamic odd notations in lists to reference the parent list as well (e.g., [Death_Chance == "Moral Blow"] to [aListName.Death_Chance == "Moral Blow"]).

  • 🚩 Power Flag Generator Update Spotlight 18/06/2024: You can now send out flag details within a single button click, revamped country names, and more
  • Updated with a date because yes, there will be another update coming out this month. And I'll also be rolling out the gradual UI revamps teased before within even more updates coming in July! πŸš€πŸš©

  • how to fix syntax error?
  • Okay, so first you add the quotes between these curly brackets wrapped syntaxes (and remove the quotes around the none part) so they'll be evaluated properly:

    And then change the rarity picking mechanism (evaluateItem first, create a matchable version, and then display the evaluated version instead of just selectOne and then display) so it'll be matched properly when picking a gimmick and an ability, to this:

    [ra1 = rarity.evaluateItem, ra = ra1.match(/[A-Z]+/g)[0], ra1]

  • 🚩 Power Flag Generator Update Spotlight 18/06/2024: You can now send out flag details within a single button click, revamped country names, and more A Random Flag Generator (original)

    A comprehensive abstract flag generator which consists of many different colors and layouts, with options to select fixed layouts and emblems in the generated flag, with country details and among others. Limitless creativity, endless possibilities, create your own countries with them. Randomize, get...

    A Random Flag Generator (original)

    I finally came back to update the generator (also probably have been so long since I didn't do that) to do some neat changes and improvements to the generator after it skyrocketed so fast nowadays. Here are some updates that were introduced:

    • In response to some pretty decent stream of comments going into the generator, with users sometimes sharing some basic specs or names of the flags they've generated, I've made one feature for this: You can now send out the flag details, the colors, the emblem and even the country details into the comments within a single button click so you can further express and share on what the flag looks like to other users! The UI is still basic bones for now, but I've planned to roll out the gradual UI revamps earlier into this generator due to how popular this have becoming now (17.4k views as of this changelog was published).
      • Please note that it will only take notes of the bottom-most flag if you configure the generator to generate multiple flags at once.
    • The number of populations in the country details should now have a chance to be fixed to single decimals (e.g. 259K would now become 259.8K)!
    • I also found that the country names kind of suck, so I'm going to change all it up to sound like a few different unique names - either a fantasy name, a weird combination of nouns, verbs and adjectives, or country names mixed together (so it's no longer Va, Land, or other few-letter names)!
    • The description banner at the top will no longer show the 10.0k views milestone appreciation thing, and the Celebration Sprinkles effect should also be disabled by default from now on!
    • Added some flag emojis next to the title for some decoration! 🚩🚩

    Asides from these delightful updates, this update took a lot of debugging and reloading because of the "flag details" feature ensuring to work with every single layout and everything, but if you would want to appreciate that, please do so in the comments of the generator.


    [Bug] Upon running the update() function, the comments plugin's programmatic interaction features stopped working

    This is yet another super weird bug I've discovered recently when creating a generator update. Tried on the generator first (while working on the update), but when I try on the Programmatic Get/Set/Submit Example, running the update() function into the testing panel seems to trigger this bug. I also got an error too, which writes as follows:

    text DOMException: Failed to execute 'removeChild' on 'Node': The node to be removed is not a child of this node. at ___updateTemplatedNodes ( at update ( at eval (eval at <anonymous> (, <anonymous>:1:12) at Proxy.<anonymous> ( at __evaluateSquareBlock ( at __evaluateText ( at

    And that "nullifies" the com object which of course renders the comments section's programmatic submission ability to stop working:


    So, if you've tried to implement the programmatic interaction features inside of the minimal template (or any generator that has a practical "randomize" button that executes the update() function), chances are you've probably already stumbled upon this bug.


    The 20.0k views milestone special announcement is finally here... πŸš€ ✨ Power Generator Manager (original)

    πŸ”₯🎩 β€’β€’ 20.0k views!!! β€’β€’ 🎩πŸ”₯ A generator hub page, a home for all my generators and everything.

    ✨ Power Generator Manager (original)

    Yeah, the special announcement has finally been released, this time I decided to put it into the Announcements section of the Generator Manager instead of creating a whole new generator page unlike the previous two big announcements. Asides from the usual generator updates, the announcement will also be filled with some "internal" updates for adjustments with my current workflow to make my daily job on updating and managing generators even easier to manage and more flexible in the future (hopefully).

    Go check out to see what's to be expected! And to not forget, there'll still be some new projects and stuff (such as new generators and plugins) as usual.


    Last piece of teaser before the special announcement 🌟

    Just a post about a bit of recap of how my generator manager has progressed through a very long waiting gap since the second big milestone... though the announcement WILL (hopefully) be up before June 15 or the upcoming days (if I have time, of course).


    NB: the announcement will be all about "internal" changes; how I will make my daily job of exploring and managing generators here even more flexible, relaxed, and overall, a bit better of course. And also, there are a few exciting generator updates too, as usual, including the long-awaited update.


    [Help/Suggestion] Advanced Comments Plugin frame loading problem, while adding an option to disable loading comments upon generator load

    Just recently, I've tried to add an option that disables loading all comments upon reload of the page (with the disableCommentsLoad option) but hasn't been quite possible yet ever since. Been stuck on this entire frame loading problem in my "under-construction" advanced comments plugin demo and it's been really hard to resolve as of right now. I also added a ?disableCommentsLoad=true URL parameter into the generator page so that it disables reloading all comments directly after page load.

    It would also be great if that feature would actually be implemented into the comments plugin itself. Could be very handy to avoid situations like the "connection stalling" problem (see this post and the comment), and just to overall reduce unnecessary background connections, especially if you're on a browser that doesn't have a "memory saver" feature (essentially to "sleep" tabs like that to stop all the connections in the background).

    But yeah, this time I wanted to make a post instead of troubleshooting the problem myself to see what solutions from other people could be (and especially for the known issues on the project). πŸ™‚

    Here's a demonstration from the thumbnail (with the disableCommentsLoad option enabled).


    The AI Text to Image Generator has hit 10 million views, this time for real

    When I open my view counter experiment page to check around, I noticed a pretty surprising hit on one of the biggest official generators on all of Perchance. The ai-text-to-image-generator generator has passed 10 million views! Yup, millions, not thousands. That's far off from other official generators which have gotten around one to four million views.

    And that's just a few moments ago, now it has already gotten over 50.0k additional views as of this post was created.


    Screenshot in the thumbnail from The View Counter Experiment


    What is this URL request?

    I've been seeing more of this bizarre type of request whenever I look at the DevTools Network, with a strange request URL from But whenever it stalls or not, it sometimes still lets me save the generator properly, and in some cases, it halts the saving and loading process almost indefinitely. But any good explanation is appreciated!

    That is the details of the "pending" rum request:

