I mean, ADHD doesn't just disappear on weekends, so that's fair.
Seriously though, everyone just expects me to perform well at uni and work, but what about my hobbies? My personal projects? It's affecting me there, too
If you take enough at once, you'll start to feel really giddy & sociable for about 5 hours, and that works well for parties. It's kinda like mollies but without the synesthesia. It's an awesome feeling. In fact, it's too awesome: there's a serious risk of getting addicted to a dose that's well above what's considered therapeutically safe & useful.
Furthermore, the comedown is a 48-hour nightmare of perpetual executive dysfunction, followed by a week or two of increased tolerance, which might make you wonder why you ever decided to do something so fucking stupid in the first place with meds that you actually need in order to properly function.
I fully understand taking it for recreational use, but I don't recommend it.
Jokes aside, I'd be a depressive in a cardboard box under a freeway because that's what we do to depressives without means in America. We throw them away, and get angry about still having to look at them and their continued existence selfishly decreasing property values.
I take adderall off label with my Doctor's consent, and have for 15+ years, not for adhd, but for major depressive disorder. Serotonin and dopamine -ris just made me irritable and confused, adderall keeps me functional, if only in the ways the capitalists value.
With adderall I get to go make some rich douchebags richer in exchange for most of my waking hours doing completely meaningless bullshit, and in exchange I get to be depressed in a bed at night instead of a cardboard box like I'm some fancy person. Win/win!