horribly, we turn OFF daylight savings in november, at a time when there's LESS daylight! why are we saving daylight in the summer when there's plenty?
Idk, I just don't like the darkness. Like, every season can have it's good vibes (as Stardew Valley demonstrates), but I still feel more upbeat the when sky is bright and blue.
Judging by everything I seen in pop culture I'm the weird one, but I've never had my emotions affected by whether it's dark or light outside in the evening, or the sky is overcast or clear. I don't really get when people say the sun recharges their energy or whatever. I'm pretty happy either way really.
I feel like I'm always the odd one out. I prefer the cloudy, rainy days. I also like when it gets dark early. It makes it feel like it's later than it is. I get excited when I see that I still have a few more hours before I have to head to bed.