I always thought most cats were republicans because theyre assholes most of the time. If theres a fragile thing on the ledge, they enjoy batting it over the side so it smashes into pieces on the ground. They depend entirely on others to support them but act like theyre fiercely independant. And of course, if you died, they wouldnt let you get cold before taking a bite out of you. Hell they will even eat other cats if left completely to their own devices. Their loyalty mostly extends to whomever feeds and pets them. They like the person that leaves them alone when they want to be left alone but will meow and pester you while you sleep if they want to be fed.
My mother's ex mother in law was a cat hoarder that had about 60 cats. Unfortunately I can tell you that cats absolutely will take a bite out of you if you die.
I do wish the libertarians would get their shit together and stop running the most batshit crazy candidates they can find. Libertarian philosophies are hit and miss - like their obsession with privatizing everything and letting the "free market" basically run the country is a recipe for some dystopian hellscape shit; but I can respect things like the non-aggression principle, and they at least follow a logic in placing personal liberty as a golden standard that should only ever be infringed when absolutely necessary.
That's all in contrast to the GOP, which has no principles at all other than "if the left wants it, it's bad!" or "because putin said so!" all wrapped in star-spangled veneer with a bible on top.
I'm hoping that as the GOP continues to devolve into total unapologetic ignorance and hatred, that it'll eventually swap places with the libertarians, with the GOP becoming the fringe crazies and the libertarians becoming the Democrat's main competitor.
They may not be progressive, but they at least bring something to the table; and them getting into power would be a lot less destructive than the GOP having that same power.