The older Tribes titles if you're into classic arena shooters. Tribes 2 had some maps and modes that were more Battlefield-esque too. The old Age of series were excellent LAN games as well (empires/mythology). These are PC titles and I'm not sure of your target platform.
I think Diablo 2 even came with an extra disc specifically so you could give it to your friend to play via LAN. Then these fuckers removed the option in Resurrected even though they promised they wouldn't.
StarCraft and the old Warcraft games work via LAN as well.
Oh, I'll add on to this one that Rainbow Six 1 and 3 have been some of the best co-op games I've ever played, and both have LAN. The second game isn't readily available for sale anymore. Even that first game involved editing a lot of level config files in order to circumvent bugs, but it was a great time.
This list is the way to go.
My last Lan party was about 17 years back but there is one golden rule, which is still more important than anything else: pick a game no one has played or one that everybody is familiar with! The biggest fun killers are unbalanced teams and matches.
Despite that, we liked the first flat out game which now should be wreckfest and strangely enough a soccer mod for CS:S back then.
Planetary Annihilation, Warcraft 3 (at least pre-reforged if you can get a hold of an old copy), Unreal Tournament, Killing Floor, Battle for Middle Earth (1 & 2), OpenTTD, Simutrans, Settlers: Heritage of Kings, some of the older Wolfenstien games, Battle for Wesnoth, Warzone 2100, Teeworlds, Widelands
Anything with a server software you can host can be played on LAN (okay probably not some things because they're being weird but in general this is true).
That means counter strike, Minecraft, supertuxkart, xonotic, enshrouded, pal world, etc
Factorio doesn't give a fuck and will let you play with up to 254 other people on the same server. Most survival crafting games have LAN, as a matter of fact. Somehow this is the only genre that will hold developers accountable on a regular basis and make them hurt for not having LAN and player-controlled servers. Not all of them will, but most will offer LAN.
All of Larian's recent RPG efforts have LAN and direct IP connections: Divinity: Original Sin 1 and 2, and Baldur's Gate 3.
Titan Quest, Grim Dawn, and the entire Borderlands series (outside of the GOTY edition of Borderlands 1) support LAN, surprisingly, if you want to get your loot game on.
Is Recharge RC the same as the upcoming Unreal engine racing game Recharge? If they don't have the same lineage, they've at least got similar inspirations.
Warside is an upcoming turn-based strategy game inspired by (or ripping off wholesale?) Advance Wars, and it's got LAN in its features list.
Streets of Rogue is an all-timer in the co-op roguelike department, and it too supports LAN.
A game that I download and install on a regular basis in the freeware realm is Armagetron. It's the light cycles from Tron but in an open source LAN game. It doesn't exactly have a ton of depth, but it's good fun for about an hour every couple of years.
I didn't see a way to set it up on Java without running a local server. Is there? I prefer Java, but it seemed like a lot of hours of work to get a server set up.