I would like ANYONE to stick a camera into the face of these Arab and Muslim leaders who told their followers to help get trump elected because they didn't think Joe Biden was acting fast enough or giving them the attention they wanted and ask them if their feelings are still hurt with news like this.
I'm sure the people of Gaza are so pleased with them and their stupidity
Reducing support for one candidate lowers the threshold for the other to win, so staying home absolutely supports Trump, same with voting third party thanks to our wonderful system here
Both Trump and Biden/Harris are terrible choices for Palestine. Having said that, count the number of Palestinian casualties under Biden and the number of Palestinian casualties under Trump. I’ll wait.
Also count the number of weeks of ceasefire brokered by Trump vs Biden.
America chose bald faced fascism and genocide, over the chance to end genocide and not-fascism.
There was no chance under biden or harris that the genocide would end without running to completion. None. They're both centrists, and genocide is the only policy I've never seen a centrist abandon.
Voted harris but refuse to carry water for genocide supporters.
Sorry your blue team proto-fascists couldn't contain their disgusting bloodthirst enough to win the election from the red team fascists. Think outside of this bullshit electoralist thinking for just a second.
Nothing was going to save Gaza. That didn't mean we needed to continue being complicit. But at least centrists didn't have to consider abandoning netanyahu.
Unsupporting the red and blue party is the correct thing to do and what will ultimately lead to a positive change. The duopoly party narrative is holding on a really thin line because everyone is unsatisfied on both sides, in europe third parties win plenty of times.
If you throw your trash out of the window that isn't going to change world pollution but you don't do that because we live in a society and everyone is supposed to do his part.
Biden’s help killed more at this time, but Trump should catch up by late summer or early autumn this year. Then we can say Trump killed more than Biden.
But Trumps crimes elsewhere will eclipse this grim milestone , and I doubt most commentators here will remark on that when it happens
What a strawman of an argument you’ve created. That was never an argument being made, it was that genocide wouldn’t be any worse because genocide is genocide.
And how is this at all different from any of the strikes Biden agreed on that resulted in mass deaths?
Oh and the cake you’re laughing about? Those are children’s lives. Get some perspective and stop reveling in misery.
Bullshit. It was absolutely an argument being made. "We kNoW BiDeN sUpPoRtS gEnOcIde; MaYbE tRuMp WiLl Be BeTtEr" (paraphrased) is very much the sort of dumbass rhetoric that was being tossed around and don't you dare try to gaslight me otherwise!