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notsure notsure

rediit refugee seeking a fabled utopia

Posts 3
Comments 88
  • some people died but i got rich. sue me.

  • Alright, you've had enough fun today buddy.
  • Look Kids! Parliament, Big Ben!! -Clark Griswold

  • Whee! How a year passes…
  • I wrote to the mod and requested the 2 additional be removed. Something wrong on my commit end or something technical....

  • App development
  • Ever read Dr. Seuss?

  • App development
  • all people are beautiful, some can give birth, others invade and penetrate....take your meaning....

  • App development
  • there are those with stars, and those without stars...

  • rule
  • Cold...Calculated...Data...

  • Anon dislikes reddit
  • worldwide skill issue...the devil has a silver tongue

  • Anon visits gamestop
  • do the dream live?

  • App development
  • Wow, an hour and i seem to be controversial....hehehehehhehehe

  • This is nothing short of a miracle.
  • satire isn't dead, it's just gasping in the corner pointing at sarcasm....

  • Friendlier email
  • an emoji couldn't hurt....hahhahahahhahahhahahahhahah

  • App development
  • don't real men have a chart of the holistic 29 day cycle in order to offer a bath and pleasant smells in lieu of the "gift" of giving birth?
    good fucking "god" peoples is peoples. some have the burden of procreation. treat them nice.

  • Like the morning dew
  • have you seen the sarah anderson comic with the toys for dogs? ooh, it for cats..."Come my child, let us do drugs"....bag of catnip....and we still have these converstaions...../s

  • Internet wizard rule
  • you vile evil narcissistic......oooops that's the browser history.../s

  • Fedia Discussions notsure

    Whee! How a year passes…

    It has been a year since I ditched the big “/r”. I feel this is community, better by far. While concentrated far more specifically, The heart is centered upon all silly, if i cannot laugh at me, what good am i to humanity

    just happy to have seen these several communities emerge no fabled utopia, but better than threads /s

    Murphy (20ish) doesn't know he's geriatric.
  • do not go quietly into that dark night!

    • murphy
  • Let's all have some vegan pizza
  • Someone died HAPPY for this...ftfy

  • Free contraception helps Finland reduce teenage abortions by 66%
  • Colorado put a program similar into effect that was cut from the budget. The data showed first a drop in teen pregnancies and higher secondary graduation. Then when the program was cut, abortions were increased and high-school graduation dropped. It's almost like you can stop it one way or the other, and one seems more preferrable. What if every sperm was not as sacred as they want us to believe? not sure, but /s just in case...

  • Did you hear about the guy who lost his left arm and left leg in a tragic accident?
  • Is that the same guy with the wooden leg named Smithe?

  • If a chihuahua and great dane, through much effort, can create an offspring, why are human beings so offended by differing externals which are a product of circumstance not choice?

    If a chihuahua and great dane, through much effort, can create an offspring, why are human beings so offended by differing externals which are a product of circumstance not choice?
