Is it possible to check how many convicted thieves, rapists and/or murderers still hold their degrees? You know, just for fun, to see where their priorities are...
I'd say check the nazis too but theyre more of the education by "faith" types than education by actual education.
In all seriousness though, has a US university ever stripped a nazi or holocaust denyer of their degree? Surely that ideology is just as, if not more harmful?
I think there are some cases, not these 22 students of course, but some cases that do warrant revoking a degree over moral implications. I'm rarely one to agree with blanket statements.
Imo such cases would be when someone can prove that you didn’t earn your degree honestly, or when you have amassed a history of academic dishonesty after the fact. But personally I don’t think crimes (even murder) should result in you losing your degree.
Depends how they were protesting, if they were doing it peacefully this should be called out, but if they were causing property damage its understandable that they don't want to associate with the students. The students should get compensation though.
Why does it depend on how they were protesting? Why is violence relevant to a university degree in the first place?
A degree should only be revoked in the case of cheating or other cases of gross scientific missconduct relating to said degree, no?
For example, I think the unabomber was a terrible human being, but his crimes should be handled by the police. Not by the uneversites he worked for or got his degree from.
This very much resembles some sort of social credit system.
You know what, you're right. The university should only withhold or cancel their academic studies if the student was first found guilty through trial of violent protesting (or otherwise illegal forms of protesting). Otherwise the university shouldn't have the authority to withhold it from them.
This is exactly how I think it should be, unless they have substantial evidence to show they were violently protesting, there should be no repercussions for doing so.