The glove joke is that only Steamboat Willie is in the public domain. Wearing the gloves makes him Mickey Mouse, which is why he should absolutely not wear them as his copyright hasn’t expired.
The other doors look like Donald Duck, Superman, and I guess James Bond? I assume their copyright expirations are coming soon—in that order.
Similar to Micky not wearing gloves, Superman wouldn't be able to fly, be vulnerable to kryptonite, wouldn't have heat vision, freeze breath, or the fortress of solitude. Pretty much all the iconic villains would be off limits too.
I don't really either. Mickey mouse is now PD, and I assume the other guy (no idea who he is) is too? And daffy duck, someone else and James bond will also become PD soon. Mickey with gloves is still copyrighted, so he can't wear the gloves.
I wonder if other hand based clothing items are ok. White gloves clearly aren't but what about different colored gloves? What about gauntlets? Inquiring minds want to know how far we can push this before legally we're in the wrong.
Da Ub Iwerks, zweiter Regisseur und Urheber von „Steamboat Willie“, am 7. Juli 1971 verstarb, erlischt das Urheberrecht für dieses Werk in Deutschland erst am 1. Januar 2042.
Bitte entfernen Sie diesen Beitrag somit umgehend, anderweitig können rechtliche Konsequenzen folgen.
I was just at the store and walked by a display of flower seeds where I happened to notice one called "ferry-mouse" and I immediately thought of Steamboat Willie. Now I have the Baader-Meinhof cosmic algorithm showing me new content similar to what I was thinking about recently.
Except Homelander is different. You gotta make America feel like America is doing this by actually using their mascot. Also, Homelander didnt do any of those things in the comics, he was framed by Black Noir.
Could you be sued once its public domain? Maybe for the other elements if it was again copyrighted based on those. I get Invincible, but it would feel different with actual superman, and not the one where he landed in Russia.
Yeah but it hasn't been done where superman is just deporting all these people using his super speed, taking medicines from the cabinets of single African mothers using his flight. I think it would be effective in showing the effects of csncelling USAID and everything else the administration is doing. Hell, do it in golden age comic style for extra points as trump wants to return to that age but not do anything those presidents did.